Default solution folder, feel free to edit or delete it.
Siteimprove Basics
Overview on how to improve school website quality and accessibility. Siteimprove Dashboard Overview (Take a Tour HERE) Overview The Menu on the left is also the main navigation area allowing you to move between modules, to view data and fix errors. The Dashboard gives you an overview of the current state of your website. The Help Center dropdown, in the upper right, gives access guides and FAQs. Under your name, also in the upper right, you can change your personal user settings like language or time zone. The Settings in the image above are only available to the District Admin. What is the Digital Certainty Index™ (DCI™)? The Digital Certainty Index™ (DCI™) is a measure of the quality and potential impact of a site's digital presence. The DCI Score is calculated based on a website's performance across three categories: Quality Assurance, SEO, and Accessibility. Each module makes up one third (33.33%) of the Overall DCI Score. Quality Assurance Score: This score reflects a website’s credibility and trustworthiness regarding its user-facing characteristics. SEO Score: This score is a measure of how well the user-facing and technical aspects of a site contribute to search engine optimization, and ultimately, higher rankings and organic traffic. Accessibility Score: This score is a measure of how well a website tests against web accessibility standards set out in WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) 2.0.
Login to Discovery Education
Discovery Education SSO uses sign in with Google. Discovery Education lets you sign in with your Google Account. The Discovery Education Single Sign-On (SSO) link is https://google.discoveryeducation.com/. The first time you go to that link Google will ask you to allow Discovery Education SSO to access your Google Account. You should see the following: After you allow access, you will be logged in to Discovery Education or prompted to login to your Google Account at which point you will see the following:
Galeria - Vista Higher Learning
Use Clever to access Galeria from Vista Higher Learning. Currently, we share three courses with Vista Higher Learning through Clever for the Galeria curriculum: SPANISH FOR HERITAGE SPEAKERS 1 SPANISH FOR HERITAGE SPEAKERS 2 SPANISH FOR HERITAGE SPEAKERS 3 To set up and use Galeria, Login to Clever and click on the Vista Higher Learning app. Create your courses and sections according to the following video: Create a Course and Section - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3y7TpuidKs Once those courses/sections are created, simply click “manage student enrollments” on each section to bring in district data. Students also login through Clever.
Printing Labels in Microsoft Word for Windows Using Data Exported From Synergy
How to take report data exported to Excel from Synergy and print labels using Microsoft Word for Windows. Exporting Data From Synergy 1. Open the report you want to pull data from, STU201 (student profile) for example. 2. Make the desired selections on the "Options" tab and then click on the "Sort/Output" tab 3. Change the output from PDF to Excel 4. Click the "Print" button. Checking Excel When you open the document in Excel, you will see that each cell in the first row contains "header" information that describes the content of that column, "Addressee," "AddressLine1" etc. Setting up Labels in Microsoft Word Start: Open Word, Select 'Mailings' Tab. Select 'Start Mail Merge' Button and 'Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard'. The wizard will embed a blue column on the right side of the screen. Step 1: Select document type: Choose labels: At the bottom of the screen are the forward and back controls as seen below. Use them to continue forward and backward through the wizard as needed in the steps. Click this link to continue on when told to move to the next step. Click it now to move on to step 2. Step 2: Select starting document: The default choice is 'change document layout' (arrow #1). Keep it. Next click 'Label Options' (arrow #2) to pick your label maker and type. Using the following screen, pick your label maker(#1) and product number(#2). These can usually be found on the label box or package. This will cause your document layout to change to reflect your label choice. You may not see the change visibly yet. Click the OK button at the bottom and then the "next" link in the "Mail Merge" window to go to step 3. Step 3. Select recipients: Choose 'Use an existing list' and then click browse as shown below: You will be presented with a standard file-browsing dialog box. Navigate to your excel file from the top step and then click OK. The average Excel spreadsheet defaults to having 3 sheets even though most of the time only the first is used. You may see the following screen after selecting your file. Choose the 1st sheet unless you have your data on another sheet. Click OK to continue with the wizard. You will now be presented with a list of the records found in your excel file and asked to choose which records you wish to have participate in the merge. By default all the records are selected. This is the most common choice. Only deselect records if you have a need. You should not need the additional options available in this window. Click OK to continue the wizard. You will come back out to the main wizard. Click next to proceed to step 4. Step 4. Arrange your labels: This is where you will setup the fields and layout for your labels. You will see 4 choices in the wizard. Choose "More items...." This will take you to a new screen with a list of your fields from your excel file. Arrow #1 shows the default setting for the Insert area. Leave it there. Arrow #2 shows an example of picking a field. Clicking Insert (highlighted button below) will result in arrow #3...the field is inserted into your upper left, master label. Don't worry if you don't see the borders of your labels. It will become clear soon. In this example, I insert first and last name with a space on the first line. Close the 'Insert Merge Field' window (close button, lower right) then add the space between the fields. Lay it out like you'd want to read it. Afterwards, I re-open the 'more items...' link from above and then insert address, city, state and zip. I put address on line 2 and city, state and ZIP on line 3 as seen below. Note the arrows showing where the spaces and commas are. When finished, be sure to click the 'Update all labels' button in the wizard. This is arrow #2, 2 pictures up. You should see your page fill with labels similar to below: Notice the arrows. They indicate a special field that is added to each label. Do NOT delete it. Don't worry about it pushing your spacing around. It has no effect on the spacing.This field called 'Next Record' tells Word to grab the next row in your excel file and paste it in that label. You may make any edits to your upper left, master label and continue pressing 'Update all labels' to push those changes to the rest of the labels. Be sure you always update after changes. When done click to go to step 6 Step 6: Complete the merge: Here, Word will grab all your data from the excel file and fill out label pages until there is no more data. You have two choices as seen below: If you click print, your merge will complete and be sent directly to your printer of choice. I recommend choosing 'Edit individual labels'. This will run the merge and display the full, finished, merged document as a new word document. You can then review for any mistakes and print when ready. I also recommend running page 1 as a test sheet on regular paper and holding it up to a blank label sheet and make sure your labels line up. It will save you many wasted label sheets. When you are really ready, run the print job with your label sheets loaded in the printer. Conclusion: You may save the document where you started the merge as a template if you run the same type of data on labels over and over. All you have to do is load the template and then step backwards to where you chose your excel file, choose a new excel file, step forward, preview, run the merge, review and print. Saves a lot of time! You may also save the final merge document as a record of what labels you printed on this run.
How to take a Screenshot
This article will help you to take a screenshot on your mac or windows computer for sending to tech-support, use in presentations or anything else you might desire. Mac Mac users can press Cmd+Shift+3 to take a screenshot of their entire screen. It will be automatically saved as a .png (image) file on your desktop. Cmd+Shift+4 will let you drag a box around only part of your screen and save it, again, on the desktop. Filenames will be saved using the formula: "Screen Shot at .png". You can use Cmd+Shift+5 to enter the Mac screenshot utility with more advanced features See this Apple article for the full capabilities of screenshots on the mac. Windows Best Option: Press Win+Shift+S to open the quick-screenshot interface. It allows for various ways to take screenshots and saves them to the clipboard for use in other apps. There is an older screenshot tool for Windows users called "Snipping Tool" that is still available in Windows 10. You can click your start button and search for it by typing: snipping This tool will provide for all your screenshot needs, including saving, emailing and some simple annotating of your screen shots. Alternatively, you can press PrtScn on the keyboard, open your favorite image editor (MS Paint, Photoshop, even Powerpoint) and paste the image there to save. This method will grab the full screen and relies on the image editor for cropping and other editing.
YouTube Live Stream: what is YouTube Live Stream?
YouTube Live is a Google tool that can live stream an event to a large audience like district-wide or school-wide keynote, board meetings, PTO meetings, etc. NOTE: Technology staff is still working on this document. Please check back later for the complete version. Create the Event 1. Go to https://studio.youtube.com/ 2. Click the Go Live button 3. Verify your account if you have not done so
Computer Backup Instructions - Replacing Google Backup & Sync with Google Drive for Desktop Setup
How to back up your Mac or PC using Google's Drive for Desktop software. Set up Google Drive for Desktop App The Google Drive for Desktop is a replacement for Google Backup & Sync app. Starting July 2021, TTSD staff will switch over to this new application to sync their selected data to Google for backup purposes. Important: Google Drive for Desktop is a syncing solution. It will try to keep your selected computer folders in sync with Google Drive. If you delete a file on your computer, it will be deleted from the backup immediately as well. The installation is a 3-Parts process. Part 0: Remove Google Back Up & Sync (our previous back up application) Open your Application folder and move/drag "Back Up & Sync" application to your trash. (You might get an error message saying that it can’t be deleted if the applications is open - check Finder Toolbar for the cloud symbol and close the application there.) Open "Computers" in Google Drive in Chrome Delete previous backups (right click -> Remove). Part 1: Install and login to the Google Drive for Desktop app Launch the Self Service app Search and Run the "Google Drive for Desktop" to install Once installed, click Sign in with browser (TTSD email and password) Part 2: Giving Permission If you see the "Can't load..." window, please select "Not now" You will have multiple windows pop-ups, please proceed through them in the order like the screenshots below When prompted for a restart, click "Restart" Part 3: Selecting Files for Backup Open the Google Drive for Desktop app (either from the tool bar @ the top of your screen OR in the Applications folder) Click the Setting gear icon and select Preferences. Select No thanks when the Get started with Drive for Desktop. Click Add folder button to start adding folders to be backed up Backup the following folders (1) Documents, (2) Desktop and (3) Downloads You'll repeat this step THREE times Click each folder and click OPEN to add the folder After you add all the folders to be backed up, click Save IMPORTANT: You MUST complete ALL THREE Parts above to actually backup your data! If you prefer a picture step by step, please see this Google Slideshow for a visual companion to the written instructions. NOTES: *Browser Bookmarks & Settings Google Drive for Desktop does NOT backup your Firefox & Google Chrome browser bookmarks. Firefox and Chrome both offer the ability to sync your bookmarks and other settings if you are signed in to the browser. This effectively serves as a backup of this information, so there is no need to back this information up via Google Backup and Sync. Signing in to Firefox or Chrome on a different computer will automatically restore your bookmarks and other settings. Visit each browsers' preference/settings screen to turn on syncing if you would like to preserve this information. Check in with your building tech if you need help with this process. Applications Make note of your "must-have" applications. Mac users can look at the Applications folder. PC users can click on the "Start" button to see a list. You can jot them down manually or take a screenshot. Backing up applications using Google Drive for Desktop is not practical as the support files needed by an application can be scattered across multiple locations on your computer. Up-to-date versions of district-wide apps will either be pre-installed or available through Self Service on your new computer. You will need to reinstall the current version of other apps manually.
Installing An Application From Self Service
How to use Self Service to install an application on your Mac.
Lightspeed troubleshooting
macOS - "Your connection is not private" error Open the Keychain Access app -> look for the Lightspeed Filter Agent certificate that will expire this school year under System > Certificates. Please notify your technician about the issue. macOS - "This item is no longer available" message in Self Service after running the Lightspeed installation. This is normal behavior. We set this action to become unavailable upon running it. This does not mean the Lightspeed filter installation fails. After the restart, please check several websites that you frequently access daily. macOS - cannot access some websites Does the website display a message about the website being blocked? If you believe it should or should not, please inform your school technician who will check several aspects of the Lightspeed filter on your computer. iOS - You cannot browse this page at “http://…..” because it is restricted Refresh the page, especially if the page was opened Can you access that site on your ipad/computer? Staff has a different access than student but this will eliminate the fact that the website maybe offline at that moment. Can other students access the same site? Notify your school technician who will check various aspects iOS - White page with the error message “The server cannot be found,...” Contact your school technician. A component of Lightspeed didn't install correctly on the iPad. iOS - The user can still get to a blocked website (reddit.com, etc) NOTE: social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram are NOT accessible for students on the Lightspeed system. Please ask the student to show you how they get to the restricted site Notify your school technician iOS - The user get asked to log in when accessing Youtube.com and Google.com (or search for anything in Safari) Restart the iPad Check the iOS version. It must be 13.6 and above. Reset All Settings Reset All Contents and Settings (this will wipe everything) iOS - Embedded YouTube videos This is a known issue that Lightspeed is working on. Instead of embedded YouTube, we recommend that users post the direct link to the YouTube videos.
Restoring Files From Your Drive Backup to a New Computer
Also applies to your current computer if the hard drive was wiped/replaced. 1. Open Google Drive on the new computer. 2. Locate the backup on the left side of the screen, control-click on it, and rename to "OLD Computer" for easy identification. Before After 3. Click on your newly renamed "Old Computer" 4. Please download each individual folder within your "Old Computer" back up (desktop, documents, etc) > On the right side of the screen control-click on the folder you want to download, and select "download" from the menu that appears. 5. Google will create a zip file of the folder and download it to your computer (Download Folder). 6. Click on the arrow next to the zip file name and tap "Show in Finder". 7. Drag the zip file to the desired location on your hard drive and double click to open it. (move desktop folder contents to your Desktop, move your Documents content to the documents folder on your computer etc). 8. Set up Google Drive for desktop on your new computer