Getting Started
Default solution folder, feel free to edit or delete it.
TTSD Google Workspace - Two Factor Authentication (2FA)
Instructions for Setup and Usage The TTSD is implementing an extra layer of security to make sure that people trying to gain access to the Tigard/Tualatin google workspace who they say they are. First, a user will enter their username and a password just like normal. Then, instead of immediately gaining access, they will be required to provide another piece of information. This is called Two Factor Authentication, or 2fa - and this document will guide you through setting up 2fa with your TTSD account in the manner that works best for you. Having trouble getting a 2 factor code on your device for any reason? (lack of cell service, wireless coverage, etc) Step 1 - Log in to your google workspace. The easiest way to do this is to log on to your email - Mission Accomplished. :) Step 2 - Locate your "settings". This can be done multiple ways, but I usually click on the 9 dots, and then select "Account" Step 3 - Within settings, select the "Security" tab - and scroll down to "Signing in to Google". Step 4 - Locate "2-Step Verification", and then press on the > - to edit the 2-Step Verification settings. Note: Google's term for two factor authentication is "2-Step Verification" - these names can be used interchangeably. Step 5 - Click on "Get Started" - to .... get started. Step 6 - Authenticate using your usual password Step 7 - Select a phone number to receive your "2nd authentication code on". This could be your district cell phone if you have one, or your personal cell phone. If you choose not to use your personal cell phone for this purpose, this could also be your district desk phone. You must also select whether you want to receive a text or a phone call. With a cell phone you can choose either one, however your desk phone will not receive text messages. Step 8 - The system will confirm the number and the method that you chose by sending your first "verification code" to that number. Retrieve the number by answering the phone call or checking your text messages, and then enter the code that was transmitted to you. Step 9 - Once the correct code has been entered, you are "double authenticated" for the first time - and can now officially "turn on" 2-Step verification! Select "TURN ON" Step 10 - You're done! From this point forward you will need to go through this process each time your log in to your google workspace account in the morning. OPTIONAL - Step 11 - Other Options to make things easier. You may peruse the "Other Options" for backup codes, getting notifications directly on your cell phone, using an app on your mobile device, etc. Feel free to investigate and use any of these other methods if you so desire. For a backup option - If you are using a personal cell phone I would strongly suggest downloading and installing the "Google Authenticator" app - Seen as the 3rd option below. This is my favorite "backup" method because once installed and configured, the app does not require any internet or mobile data connection. It can be used any time you have any difficulty getting the prompt, or text. I regularly use it even if the prompt is just taking a fraction of a second too long. ;) You can Download Google Authenticator from either the Apple App Store or the Android Google Play store, and it's free. There are many other options listed below as well: KB Article "How To Set Up Google Authenticator App for Google 2 Factor on your Staff iPad"
Getting Started on Staff New Mac Computer
You must use the following instructions to complete the setup for your new Mac computer, starting April 2022. These instructions MUST be completed on the TTSD wifi (and not off site). If you prefer a picture step-by-step, please see the Google Slides below for a visual companion to the written instructions. NOTE: We strongly advise that staff do NOT put on the plastic peel-and-stick camera cover because this can cause screen breakage when closing the laptop's screen (Teachers: Print this Check List and bring it with you to your technician when you get your new computer) Sync Your Login Click on the circle with your name and enter test123 for the password to log in to your computer. If your account doesn't show up, click Other. The "macOS request that you sign into TTSD.TTSD.K12.OR.US" window will appear soon after login. Enter your TTSD issued username and password and click Sign in. Click Yes when asked if you want to automatically sign in from now on. Enter your TTSD issued password for "Enter your Active Directory password" and test123 for the "Enter your Mac password" field and click Verify. AdminByRequest With the new computer, all staff must use the AdminByRequest app to request admin privilege when needed. Whenever an action requires an administrative username and password, click the AdminByRequest green checkmark icon on the dock to submit your request. The admin privilege will go away after 10 minutes. Google Chrome Launch Google Chrome and click Sign In Enter your full email address and password to log in Click Yes, I'm in Click Set as default to set the Google Chrome browser as your default browser Go to and start a meeting by selecting the Start an instant meeting Click Allow and OK when the alert windows pop-up asking to approve the microphone and camera access Allow Google Chrome to access Screen Recording by sharing your screen using the Present Now option in a google meeting Google Drive for Desktop (restart may be required) Follow this instruction to restore the data from Google Follow the instruction here to set up Google Drive for Desktop on your new computer Printers Open System Preferences Select Printers & Scanners Click the + to add a new printer (repeat these steps below to add one printer at a time) Select the World Globe "IP" middle icon Enter the IP address of the printer you most frequently use (Staff Printer List Link) Change the Protocol to Internet Printing Protocol - IPP Add a name and location for the Name and Location field Click Add to add the printer TouchID (OPTIONAL) Open System Preferences Select TouchID Click Add Fingerprint and follow the direction to add your fingerprint - the fingerprint button is on the top right hand of your keyboard - it's also the powerbutton NOTE: Repeat step 3 and 4 to add additional fingerprints (maximum 3 fingerprints) (link to Google Slide - (link to this KB Article -
Print Services Online System Getting Started Guide
Print Services Online System Getting Started Guide Beginning May 23, 2022, all TTSD print jobs will be submitted to the print shop using the new Print Services website ( A link will be provided on the TTSD Staff Portal. Please use the following guide to submit your print job(s). System Highlights: Print jobs can be submitted from any location - easy access! Use your Google login credentials - streamlined! Check your print job status and communicate with the printshop - transparent! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let’s Get Started: Open your web browser to: Sign in with your TTSD Google account and password Select the “”service” that meets your needs: Letter (8.5 x 11) 11 x 17 Legal (8.5 x 14) Memo Pads Business Cards Envelopes Multi-part Forms Complete the form to customize your job Upload your file(s) for the job. Enter additional/specific instructions in the Additional Information field (optional). DONE! NOTE: If you want to submit additional print orders: Click the menu in the upper left corner Select “Service Catalog” > “Print Shop” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to View Your Print Orders: Click the , Select Tickets Narrow your search by Filtering to just "Open or Pending" Tickets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Tips for Successful Print Jobs: Start with an electronic document, when possible Check your scanned document prior to uploading your file check for mis-aligned scans, poor quality, etc. if the scanned PDF document is not how you want it to look when printed, re-scan (check scanner settings) Plan ahead, when possible Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s): I made a mistake, how do I cancel my order? - OR - How can I view the status of my print order? Visit and review your orders at the bottom of the page. You can do any of the following: Cancel your order Send a note on your order See the status of your order
Set Up a Scanner on Your Device
Setting up a scanner on your device To connect your scanner, you’ll need to download and install the scanner’s driver and software. To download and install the scanner’s driver and software on TTSD devices, you’ll need to request permission from the IT Department. Go to the desktop taskbar. Click on the search icon. Type, “Administrator”. The icon looks like this → From the results displayed, click on Administrator Access. If your email and phone number don't auto-fill, enter your information. Next, enter the reason why you’re requesting Administrator Access. Go to the manufacturer's website. Examples: EPSON WEBSITE , CANON WEBSITE Choose your scanner model from the list or search by the product name. Navigate to the Downloads tab. From the dropdown list, select your Operating System. Note: Your operating system may not be auto-detected. It’s recommended manually select your OS in the Operating System drop-down menu below to ensure you're viewing only compatible files. Click on Download on the recommended package installer. Note, that not all installers come in combo packages. Confirm you've downloaded the driver first, and then the software utilities. Do NOT plug in your scanner yet until prompted! After the driver installation, it will prompt you to plug in the scanner. Power on the scanner and plug the USB into the computer. Note: It may present you with more software updates. Open the software application in your Applications folder to scan a document. Pro Tip: If you downloaded the driver and can't find the application on your device, you are missing the software. Refer to the manufacturer's website or user guides for setup instructions.
Employee Access
Employee Access is a secure, self-service online resource designed for TTSD staff to view and access personal information on file with the district. Types of information staff can expect to see include their pay and tax information and HR or Payroll related documents. Periodically, staff will need to sign in to complete tasks or submit forms assigned by the District office. This article provides staff with login instructions and includes a brief description of sections within Employee Access and its available features. First Time Logging In TTSD staff will be prompted to confirm their identity the first time accessing the site. Verify identity by submitting the following: last four digits of their SSN, date of birth, and the zip code on file with the district. If the zip code does not match, attempts will receive an error. Contact Human Resources to confirm the zip code on file. Log In Steps 1. Visit the TTSD Staff Portal 2. Find Quick Links - Click on Employee Access . 3. Username: Enter TTSD email 4. Click Next 5. Choose the TTSD Gmail account Employee Access Features My Dashboard Provides at-a-glance information, district announcements, and quick links. The Resources dropdown on the Home page contains a link to iVisions Web Portal. MyInformation Consists of 4 tabs; My Info, Emergency Contacts, Dependents, and Achievements My Info & Emergency Contacts: Displays what’s currently on file with the district. Staff can update their addresses, phone numbers, demographics, and emergency contacts. Dependents: Sorry, please ignore this tab. It is not used by TTSD, nor can we remove it. Achievements: Displays employee Certificates, Endorsements, and Education if they’re on file with HR and made available for viewing in Employee Access. Click "View" to display the endorsements or coursework. How to Update My Information To update the information displayed, click on the pencil to edit or click + to add. Changes are submitted to HR/PR for approval and posted once they are approved. Speak to HR directly if staff have any concerns. My Tasks My Tasks will appear in the main menu when it contains documents and forms made available by HR. Employees will also come here to view and complete tasks, such as approving their Salary Information Sheet (in the "Documents" tab), which is done once a year. My Time Time off history shows all the employee's past leaves for the year. Use the toggle to show an accrual breakdown. It will display the employee’s leave balances earned, taken, and available today on the transaction screen. Balances are updated after the most current payroll is processed. The Available Today balance displayed may not be correct. Please check with Payroll or AESOP for a more accurate balance. My Pay The Pay & Tax Information section provides a visual representation of employee pay with an at-a-glance chart and breakdown. Click "View" for the print window to print any document available. Recent Paychecks: Displays most current paycheck. Use the Paycheck dropdown to select a different payday. Print a copy of a direct deposit receipt or a paycheck stub. The Simulate Paycheck tool creates “What if” scenarios to see how changes could impact taxes, deductions/benefits, or the overall paycheck totals. Tax documents display 3years of W2s. Click the Year dropdown to view, print, or save. Employees can also view their current direct deposit setup, W4, Job Information, or view calendar YTD pay information and Compensation Statements if made available by the district. If you have questions or concerns with the information displayed on Employee Access, please contact Human Resources or Payroll.
TimeClock Plus (TCP) Manager Guidance
Managers: Please review the videos below to learn the steps to approve your employees' time in TCP: MANAGER LINK: TTSD TCP MANAGER LOGIN MANAGER ACCOUNT = TTSD username and password KB ARTICLE VIDEO CONTENT: TCP Manager Training - Dashboard TCP Managing Training - Approving Hours TCP Manager Training - Add, Delete and Edit Hours <span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span> <span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span> <span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span> TimeCard Plus Resources for Employees TCP Employee FAQ TimeCard Plus (TCP) Employee Training TTSD TimeCard Plus TIMELINE: Summer 2023 - Hibbard 12 month employees Fall 2023 - Staggered implementation for all Classified Staff January 2024 - Implementation Complete
Options for Connecting to Your Classroom Display
TTSD Classroom standard includes a mounted display in "standard" classrooms. OPTIONS: Mirror from you ipad or TTSD laptop: See AppleTV KB article Connecting a Document Camera (see below) Connecting a Document Camera (or other external devices) Ensure you have a document camera that has an HDMI port Connect your document camera, using the HDMI cable, to the HDMI 2 port on the back, right side of TV Turn on document camera Using Samsung TV (black) remote, click the "Source" button to change input to HDMI 2. TIP: Use the arrows on the remote to move the selection. Press center button (between arrows) to select option.
Top 7 Knowledge Base Articles for New Hire
Here are the top 7 Knowledge Base Articles to keep in your back pocket when you are first starting at TTSD: Employee Access Employee Access is a secure, self-service online resource designed for TTSD staff to view and access personal information on file with the district. This includes your pay records, address on file, W-2. W-4 and more. Password Change Please read through the whole article before changing password. Admin by Request Users will need to request admin permission through the AdminByRequest application that you will find on the Dock (Mac) or the toolbar (PC). Requesting the admin permission will elevate your account to a temporary member of the local administrator's group for a limited period of time under full audit. This is needed if you want to download something to your Macbook or delete a program to your Macbook (this includes adding printers). New iPad Set up Adding Printer to Macbook Two Factor Google Authentication It's now required to two factor authenticate every morning for your TTSD Google account. PaperCut Troubleshooting
How to Set Up Google Authenticator App for Google 2 Factor on your Staff iPad
Why the Google Authenticator App? With the Google Authenticator app on your iPad you will not have to use your personal device to log-in to you TTSD Google account. Here are the instructions for the initial and one-time set up: 1. Open your Self Service App on your iPad 2. Search for Google Authenticator App 3. Open Google Authentical App > tap Get Started > Tap on TTSD Google Account is shown or tap on "Add Another Account" 4. When you get to this screen stop and move over to your Computer and go to 5. Tap On Authenticator to add this option in under your Google 2 Factor 6. Tap on "Set up authenticator" 7. This screen will pop up > pick up your iPad > tap "add a code" > tap "Scan a QR code" > use your iPad to scan the QR code on your Computer screen . 8. Once you have scanned the QR code with your iPad tap on the "Next" in the bottom right hand corner on your computer screen 9. It will ask you to type in the verification code that popped up in your Google Authenticator app on your iPad > tap verify 10. You are all set up! You will now see Authenticator option in your Security Settings If Google Authenticator doesn't appear as the first option when you attempt to use Google Two-Factor Authentication, simply tap on "Try Another Way." Authenticator will then become available as an option.
How to Manage your Google Drive Substitute Folder
Each school office will set up a Google Shared Drive for substitute lessons and information. Each teacher will have a folder in the Google Shared Drive to place a generic substitute plan and other supporting documents. Teacher Substitute Folder Table of Contents: Daily Schedule Class List Map of School (with copy code) < Office will provide Lessons: All lessons should be in Google Slide format (for ease of use by the substitute to access and present) Any other instructions can be left in a Google Doc (with dated notes, links, etc.) Directions to emergency binder How to save files into your teacher substitute folder: Open your web browser (Chrome) to Google Shared Drive: Find & open your School's Substitute Folder. Find & open your folder. Begin adding files: You can create files here by clicking the "New" button You can drag and drop items from your computer desktop/documents folder into this window You can also MOVE an existing file into this folder Locate the Google file Click File > Move Click "All Locations" Select Shared Drives Select School's Substitute Folder Select your folder Click "Move" button