Voice Mail Messages in email
To play voice messages on Mac or Windows For both Windows and Macintosh, use Quicktime to play the voice messages saved as .wav files and stored in your email. PC users can also use Windows Media Player. Mac Open your email and find a voicemail << Please use the Chrome browser, if possible. Click on Attachment If you are using Chrome, your message will play. If you are using Firefox/Safari, please continue... Choose to Download the file. Click "Open with" and click "Choose..." Find the Quicktime Player application in the Applications folder Click "Open" MAKE SURE TO CHECK THE BOX NEXT TO "Do this automatically for files like this from now on." Click OK. Windows To Make QuickTime the Default .WAV File Player on Windows: Launch QuickTime Player. Select Edit menu > Preferences > QuickTime Preferences. Click the File Types tab. To make QuickTime your default player for all media, check all media File Types. To make it the default player for WAVE files only, first check Audio, next click the + to expand the Audio menu, and then check only WAVE. Click Apply. Click OK. Alternate way... To Make QuickTime the Default .WAV File Player on Macintosh: Control-click a .wav file. A list of choices displays. Select Get Info. The Info window displays. About halfway down the Info window, click the Open with: arrow (if necessary) to display a dropdown menu. From the menu, select QuickTime Click Change All. When prompted to change all similar documents (WAVE audio files), click Continue. Close the Info window.
Email: How to Set Gmail as Your Browser's Default Email Client for Mailto Links
Directions on how to set up your computer's browser to use Gmail as the default email client. Updated March 18, 2024 for Chrome 122.x and Firefox 115.x Many staff members use an email client so that when you run across an email link (on a website, in our email, etc.) your regular email pops-up ready to send the message. Please click the link below for directions on how to set your default email client to be Gmail in Google Chrome and Firefox. For Chrome 1. Load this URL in Chrome's address bar. chrome://settings/handlers 2. Click the "Sites can ask to handle protocols" button as pictured above. 3. Quit and re-open Chrome. 4. Open Gmail and click the Protocol Handler icon. 5. Select "Allow" and click "Done" 6. Load this URL again in Chrome's address bar. chrome://settings/handlers 7. Click the three dots, then select, "Set as default." 8. Now email links will open in gmail. For Firefox 1. Open Firefox settings 2. Find or search for "mailto" in the search bar. Under the "Applications" settings of Firefox, you might see a list of previously used applications depending on how you've used Firefox. Look for the "mailto" application in the lefthand column (if you don't see it listed, search for it in the "Applications" search bar above the list). 4. Next to "mailto," open the dropdown menu and select "Use Gmail." In the righthand column of the applications list, click on the "mailto" row and select "Use Gmail." This will set Gmail as your default email client for all mailto links that come from Firefox. No need to save your settings -- Firefox does this automatically.
Email Spam and Phishing
How to deal with email spam or Phishing attempts to acquire information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details... This article is intended to to help you become more aware of potential phishing emails. From Wikipedia: Email spam, also known as junk email or unsolicited bulk email (UBE), is a subset of electronic spam involving nearly identical messages sent to numerous recipients by email. Clicking on links in spam email may send users to phishing web sites or sites that are hosting malware. Phishing is the act of attempting to acquire information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details... What should you do? If you receive a suspicious email and know it is spam, follow these instructions to identify it as spam. Otherwise, check this article to see if it has been added to the examples. If it has not been added, please forward it to Do not click on any links in a suspicious email. This includes unsubscribe links. If you do, do not fill out any forms that ask for your personal information. See the examples below. If you ever have a question, don't hesitate to ask the Technology Department through a tech request, a call to the help desk (x4051) or by forwarding the suspicious email to What happens if I fail to recognize a Phishing email? If you fail to recognize a message as fake (see the examples below), then you may decide to reply to the message or follow the given directions. Phishing emails try to get personal information from you. One thing in particular is your email account and password. When you give them this information, a common use is to login to that account and send spam from it. When spam is sent from your account, it is not just one or two messages. It is usually thousands of messages. This clogs our mail servers and slows delivery and receipt of potentially important and/or time sensitive messages. It can also cause major email providers, such as Comcast, Yahoo and Hotmail, to temporarily stop receiving email from us. Some companies will take a few days before they decide to accept mail from us again. Of course, this also applies to others we email regularly, like the City of Tigard. A quick way to determine if the message is fake is if they want any account information that includes a password. The messages below are good examples. Example Emails The examples below are emails we have received in our district. A screenshot of the website that the link in the email will take you to is included. Notice that the sites in these examples do not look like our district website.Some of these emails were successfully used to get the username and password from members of our staff. When that happens, the spammer uses that login information to access the staff member's mailbox and sends more spam. System Helpdesk Thursday, December 18, 2014 2:35 PM Your Mailbox Has Exceeded It Storage Limit Click Here To Upgrade your account, we are conducting an upgrade in all account. Thank you, IT Helpdesk Helpdesk Tuesday, September 30, 2014 10:18 AM Attn: Web email User, The Information Technology Services (ITS) are currently updating our new website Accounts. Click the link below and follow the instruction to upgrade your email account Click here The new minimum quota level for e-mail accounts will be set to 2 G. © Copyright 2014 | WEBMASTER EMAIL HELP DESK * * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ADMIN MAILBOX RE-VALIDATE Wednesday, April 16, 2014 7:38 AM Your account safety is our top priority. This Message is From Helpdesk. Due to our latest IP Security upgrades we have reason to believe that your webmail account was accessed by a third party. Protecting the security of your webmail account is our primary concern, we have limited access to sensitive webmail account features. Failure to revalidate, your e-mail will be blocked in 24 hours. CLICK HERE: RE-VALIDATE Do not ignore this message to avoid termination of your webmail account. Our apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused, but your account safety and privacy is very important to us. *Important: In general, domestic data usage will be reflected within 24 hours. ITS help desk ADMIN TEAM ©Copyright 2014 Microsoft All Right Reserved. Web Advisor - Mail Box Authentication Notice !!! Tuesday, April 08, 2014 2:48 PM This message is from Outlook user care messaging center, to all Outlook account owners. We are currently upgrading our data base servers, and e-mail account center. We are deleting all unused Outlook accounts to create more space for new accounts. You will have to Authenticate your Outlook Account to show you are human and to prevent a permanent closure of this email address. Authentication should be done using the authenticate button below. Successfully authenticated addresses will be automatically notified via inbox. To authenticate Click Here Warning!!! Account owners who do not authenticate their account after receiving this update will have his or her account terminated . We are committed to protecting your privacy. Your sensitive details will not be shared with any third party. MICROSOFT CARE CENTER HELP DESK Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. eFax message from 14032159010 - 1 page(s), Caller-ID: 403-215-9010 Monday, February 24, 2014 9:46 AM Fax Message [Caller-ID: 403-215-9010] You have received a 1 page fax at 2014-02-24 05:30:20 CDT. * The reference number for this fax is min1_did13-1329191075-4032159010-49. View this fax online, on our website : Please visit if you have any questions regarding this message or your service. Thank you for using the eFax service NOTE: This email is not specifically phishing. It may, in fact, be a virus or malware of some sort. I don't know, but I want you to learn the trick they used. The Trick An HTML link is simply some text that you click on which takes you to a web page. The web page is associated with a URL. Often you see something like the words "Click Here", but the text can be anything, even the URL itself. In this case the text is the URL, i.e. http://... However, they spammer was tricky. I've highlighted the tricky part. It looks like an eFax link, but when you click on it, it does not go to eFax. Just to make the point, if you click on it, you will go to our district website. Try it. However, the spammer chose something different. A good way to check is to put your mouse over the link and see what pops up. It should show you the URL that you expect, in this case, eFax. I have set that to show the evil URL that the spammer added. Try it. Alert Wed 2/5/2014 5:07 AM Your mailbox has exceeded the storage limit set by your administrator,you may not be able to send or receive new mail until you Re-validate your mailbox.To Re-validate your mailbox please Click Here: System Administrator. Your password will expire soon Sunday, February 02, 2014 12:15 PM Please click here to Validate your email account Thanks System Administrator Alert Mon 2/3/2014 4:58 AM Your mailbox has exceeded the storage limit set by your administrator,you may not be able to send or receive new mail until you Re-validate your mailbox.To Re-validate your mailbox please Click Here: System Administrator. IT- HELP DESK NOTICE Monday, January 27, 2014 10:36 AM Dear Account User: Information Technology to Upgrade Spam Filtering System. To block Phishing mail. Fill out the details correctly for immediate upgrade. Click Upgrade below. CLICK HERE ===> UPGRADE Note : No user action is required. Your will get a response as soon as the upgrade is completed. IT(S) HELP DESK, System Administrator® ADMIN Helpdesk Mon 1/27/2014 6:37 AM Helpdesk Service Center requires your immediate re-activation of your Email account. This is to upgrade email account to Microsoft Outlook 2014. Inability to complete this procedure will render your account inactivate. Activate by completing the survey procedure. CLICK HERE to activate. IT-Helpdesk Service. Notification January 27, 2014, 3:45:21 AM PST Mail Server Upgrade. You have reached the quota limit of your email account in our database.You will not be able to send or receive message from 30th,Jan,2014 until your mailbox size in increased and updated.CLICK HERE to update your account. Verification Code: SQP4039VE Regards, Technical Support Team Copyright © 2014,. All Rights Reserved System Administrator® Mail quota verification Tue 1/21/2014 3:34 AM DEAR USER, WARNING™ Your mailbox is almost full. 465MB 500MB Please increase your mailbox quota size automatically by clicking on VERIFICATION and fill-out the necessary requirements to automatically increase your mailbox quota size. IMPORTANT NOTE: You won't be able to send and receive mail messages at 480MB . ITS help desk ADMIN TEAM ©Copyright 2014 Microsoft System Administrator® Security Alert Tue 1/21/2014 1:23 AM WEBMAIL TEAM SECURITY !!! Dear Account User: We noticed a login to your webmail account from an unrecognized device on Sun, Jan 19, 2014 8:19 PM GMT from United Kingdom. We suspect this to am attempt to Hi-jack your account. Was this you? If so, please disregard the rest of this email. If this wasn't you, please below the links below to keep your account safe. REVALIDATE Fill the information correctly. This will help verify your account to keep it safe. IT(S) HELP DESK, System Administrator® Security Alert Mon 1/20/2014 5:22 AM WEBMAIL - ISP SECURITY Dear Account User: Your account has been violated by a third party. Unauthorised attempts and access of your account from a different location and device you haven't used before. You are to verify your account with 24hour. TO VERIFY YOUR ACCOUNT CLICK THE BELOW LINK OR COPY AND PASTE THE LINK hxxp:// Note: Failure to verify your account within this period, your account will be deactivated and suspended. Thanks for your co-operation SERVICE DESK - IT HELP DESK ©COPYRIGHT 2013 WEB-TEAM. ALL RIGHT RESERVED.
Google Apps Name Changes
Update your Google Apps account after a name change. After you change your name with Human Resources, the new name is automatically updated in your email and Google Apps account. It turns out that Google Apps uses your Google+ profile for your name, so it may look like your name did not change in Google Docs and other Google Apps. You can edit your Google+ profile to change your name. Once completed, you will see your new name used throughout Google Apps.
Automatically forward incoming emails to another account
You can have your emails automatically forwarded to another address. Open your Gmail account. At the top right, click the gear Select Settings. Select the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab. Click Add a forwarding address in the "Forwarding" section. Enter the email address you want to forward to. For your security, we'll send a verification email to that address. Open your other email account and find the confirmation message from the Gmail team. If you’re having trouble finding it, check your Spam folder. Click the verification link in that email. Back in your Gmail account, reload the page in your web browser - look for the reload icon . On the same Forwarding and POP/IMAP page in Settings, check that Forward a copy of incoming mail is selected and your email address is in the drop-down menu. In the second drop-down menu, choose what you want Gmail to do with your messages after they’re forwarded, such as keep Gmail’s copy in the Inbox (recommended) or archive Gmail’s copy. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.
Inspect Message in Gmail to Identify Sender
Identify the sender of an email and determine if the message is legitimate or a phishing attempt. We occasionally receive email from people trying to get information or money from us. They masquerade as someone we know. This is called phishing. How can we identify a message as phishing? Because emails are patterned after postal mail, I can send an email with a different return address than my own. For example, I can send an email that looks like it's from a principal. Gmail offers an easy way to look at some of the email information to help us identify legitimate messages. Gmail Using a recent wellness email, look for the down arrow under the senders email address. It shows a lot of useful information. The first thing to notice is the "from" address. Ideally, this should match who you think sent the email. There can also a "reply-to" email address. Some mailing lists will use this, but most people don't use this unless they want you to see "from:", but they want replies to go to "". The second thing to notice is "mailed-by" and "signed-by" If both of those are, then this should be a legitimate email. Finally, if you think that you found spam or a phishing email, please use the "Report spam" button at the top of Gmail. Gmail App on Android The following is a video showing the same information on the Gmail App on Android. The same information should apply on an iPhone.
How to Forward All your Emails to another Email
Steps to set a forward on your email account to another email account, example student domain to TTSD domain. Instructions Login to you student email account. example Click on the Settings Gear. Click on See All Settings. Click on Forwarding and POP/IMAP. Click on Add a Forwarding Address. < Enter in the email address you want all your emails to go to example Click Next. Forwarding mail to Click Proceed An email will be sent to the email address for you to confirm emails.
Create a Contact Group
How to create a contact group to send to multiple email addresses. Table of Contents Creating a contact group Emailing a contact group Creating a Contact Group 1. Sign in to your TTSD Google account by going to and clicking the blue "Sign in" button in the top right corner. Enter your full TTSD email address and then your password. 2. After signing in, click the app switcher grid of 9 squares and select "Contacts" 3. On the left side of the screen, click on "New group..." and then give your group a name. 4. Click on the silhouette character to add people to your group. You can search for existing contacts or enter new email addresses separated by a comma. Searching existing contacts. There are two search results for Maria. The top result is the proper one to use... Manually adding new email addresses. These new addresses will also be added to your address book ("My contacts") 5. When done adding recipients, click the "Add" link below the search area. You are done creating your group, but can always return to add & delete group members. Emailing a Contact Group 1. Click the the app switcher grid of 9 squares and select Mail 2. When composing a new message, type your contact group name into the to: cc: or bcc: field. All of the email addresses from the contact group will be filled in for you. For large groups it is best to use the bcc: field so the recipients do not see a list of recipients. 3. Compose and send your message as normal. Google Groups While contact groups represents a simple way to organize your contacts, "Google Groups" is a feature rich system for creating mailing lists, Q & A discussions and more. Intended for power users, the setup is also more involved. Click here for additional information.
Setting up Labels and Filters
How to set up labels (like folders, but better) and then automatically apply those labels to email messages About Labels With Google email, you can set up labels for your messages. On the surface, labels look a lot like folders, but they are more flexible. You can, for example, apply several labels to a single email message and have that email message show up under each of the applied labels. If you receive an email from a student asking about a grade they received you could apply a "Student" label and a "Grading Questions" label to the message so you could find it under either label. About Filters Filters are simply a set of rules that you apply to your email messages coupled with some action. Using filters, we can: automatically apply a label, forward the message, delete the message or any of several other actions. In this article we will create a label and then a filter to apply that label. Creating a Label 1. Open your email by going to Sign in to your TTSD Google account if needed. 2. On the left, click the "Create new label" link. You may need to click "More" to see this. 3. Name your label and click Create. 4. You will now see your label on the left. Click on the down triangle to change the label color and for other label options. Creating a Filter 1. Open your email by going to, signing in to your TTSD Google account if needed. 2. In the search area, click on the grey down triangle. 3. Enter your filter criteria. In the example below, I am searching through all of my mail for messages from the CTA support system. Click, "Create filter with this search" 4. Set the action(s) associated with this filter. In this case, I am applying the CTA Tickets label I created above, removing the email from the Inbox list and also making sure those messages never get flagged as spam. Click "Create filter" when done. "Skip the Inbox" will remove matching emails from the Inbox list. "Also apply filter to matching conversations" will apply the filter to email messages you have already received. 5. Clicking on "CTA Tickets" now shows me all of the messages that have been flagged with that label by the filter I just set up. The (67) after the label name indicates I have 67 unread messages with that label. 6. When viewing an individual email, you can manually apply labels as well, using the label pulldown menu directly above the message. Label pulldown menu An email message that has been flagged with two labels, "CTA Tickets" and "Synergy Keep"
Setting up a Vacation Responder
How to set up an automatic reply to incoming emails. Sign in to your email account, entering your full TTSD email address and your password if needed. 2. Click on the gear button and select "See all settings" 3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Select "Vacation responder on" Enter a start and end date Enter your message Click "Save Changes" 4. Your responder is now set.