Grade Book
Applies to both the elementary and secondary grade books.
Transferring Student Assignment Scores
How to transfer scores when a student moves to a different section taught by the same teacher. IMPORTANT: Middle and High School teachers should not use Synergy's "Student Score Transfer" screen. Use the Canvas to Synergy Grade Passback process to handle this properly. Simply run the "Remaster Grade Passback" process in Canvas (Grade Sync → Utilities tab) to move students' scores to the new section in Synergy.
Printing your Grade Book
How to print a copy of your grade book with assignments and scores for your records. Printing your Grade Book This article covers how to print a copy of your grade book for your records. If you manually overrode a student's grade before posting grades, the calculated grade will show in parenthesis after the posted grade. 1. Open your grade book and click on the "Grade Book Reports" button button. 2. In the window that opens, select the "Print Grade Book" report from the pulldown list, check the "Run report for selected classes" button and then select the classes you need using the checkboxes below. Click the "Run Report" button. Your grade book report will be generated as a PDF. 3. Portion of a sample report below. In this example, the teacher overrode the grade book calculated C and gave the student a B.
Printing an Elementary Progress Report by Report Card Area
How to print students' current calculated report card marks. This is useful for parent/teacher conferences. Generating a Progress Report 1. From the grade book menu, select "Progress Report." 2. On the progress report screen, change the "summary method" pulldown menu to "report card standards." 3. The first time you use the progress report screen, you won't see any report info for your students. After generating reports for your class (covered below) you will see a preview of the report as well as when the report was last generated. Before generating reports After generating reports 4. Before generating your reports, select the options you want to have show up on the report. We recommend the two selected options shown below, but you can try the others to see if they meet your needs. Options that are not available for this report will have a greyed out checkbox, "show points" for example. 5. Optional: Enter & save notes that you want to show up on the report. 6. Click the "generate all" button in the lower left corner. This will pull data from your grade book and build the report. You will see a warning that any customizations (removing assignment/standards or overriding previously generated marks) will be lost. Any comments you entered will be preserved. Click the blue OK button. 7. After the report data is generated, click the "Print/Email" button. Note: On the screen that loads next, you will see the option to email the report to parents/students. Please do not do this as we do not send student grade information via email. 8. From this screen you can print the report for individual students, selected students, or your entire class. Remember, do not use the email option. 9. Sample report output below.
Loading Course Aligned Standards
How to quickly load all course aligned standards for each of your sections. IMPORTANT: Do not import your course aligned standards until the status message below indicates they are ready to import. "Not ready to import" indicates the standards have not been updated for the new school year yet. Fall 2024 Status: Not ready to import. You can load all of the report card standards associated with your current section with just one click. Important to remember: Only course aligned standards will print on the report card. Standards mode must be on for standards to print on the report card. Review grade book setup instructions if necessary. You will need to go through the process below for all of your sections, even if it is the same course. It is best to do this at the start of each school year so you don't need to think about it again. 1. From the Grade Book menu, select the "Set Up Class Standards" menu item. 2. On the screen that loads, you will see any existing standards that you have brought into the class already. In the first picture below, no standards have been brought in yet. Click on the "Load Standards from Course Alignment" link to load the standards associated with the current course. Before loading standards After loading standards. The "show codes" box has been checked in the "options" pulldown menu. 3. Now, when you create a new assignment or edit an existing one, all of your course aligned standards will be available for selection without having to search for them first. The red bullseye icons indicate that the standards will feed a report card mark if scored. New assignment/edit assignment screen showing course aligned standards
Copy Assignments From a Previous Year
How to transfer elementary grade book assignments from the previous school year into the current school year. The example below copies assignments from the 2018-2019 school year to the 2019-2020 school year. Adjust your dates to reflect your current school year. Secondary teachers, this article does not apply to you. See the "Canvas & Synergy Start of Year Setup - Secondary" knowledgebase article for instructions. 1. From the grade book menu, select "copy assignments" 2. On the copy from screen, select the previous school year. Select the class and period you want to pull assignments from. Select individual assignments or use the "all" checkbox. 3. At the bottom of the page, click the "next" button. 4. On the "Copy To" screen the current school year should be selected. Make a grading period choice. Copy Using Individual Dates - Avoid this one. It seems to generate errors when selected. Copy Using Matching Grading Periods - Will use the assignment due date or, for assignments with no due date, the assignment date to assign the correct grading period for the assignment. Copy to Specific Grading Periods - Lets you specify the grading period(s) you want. This is handy if you do cumulative grading. 5. Select your target class(es). You can select multiple classes in the first row and use the green down arrow to push that selection down to all assignments below. Use the small grey x in the top left corner to remove classes. 6. Change the assignment date and, for assignments that use them, the assignment due date to the current year and the date you want. You can make any other adjustments you want, but changing the date is essential. 6. Click the "finish" button. The assignments will show up in your grade book.
Recommendations for Family Partnership Days (formerly Conferences)
Recommendations for setting up Calendar time slots and leveraging Synergy for Family Partnership Days Table of contents Calendar Setup School Setup Missing Assignments Elementary Teachers Secondary Teachers Calendar Setup Please follow this link to see how to set up Google Calendar events with appointment slots School Setup Conferences are a perfect time to remind parents about using ParentVUE as a resource and to iron out any access issues they may may have. We recommend having a station where staff can print activation letters for new ParentVUE accounts or troubleshoot access issues on existing accounts. This article covers how to resolve most of the common ParentVUE issues that parents may encounter. URLs for ParentVUE (note: use https, not plain http) ParentVUE on the web ParentVUE on iOS or Android Missing Assignments Useful for both elementary & secondary teachers, the Student Missing Assignments Report will print a list of assignments in your grade book that have been flagged as missing with the "mi" comment. 1. From the main grade book screen, click on the "Reports" button. 2. In the window that opens, select the "Detailed Progress Report" option from the pulldown menu. 3. Click the "Run Report" button in the lower right corner. Report will load as a PDF. Click image to enlarge. Note: the "Subject" column will only display at the elementary level. Elementary Teachers - Progress Report by Report Card Area Elementary teachers can generate a progress report like the one pictured below. Both the marks and the student name in this example are made up. The article below will open in a new window/tab and walk you through the process. Grade Book: Printing an Elementary Progress Report by Report Card Area Sample elementary progress report for a fictitious student. Click image to view full size in a new window. Secondary Teachers - Grade Book Progress Reports 1. From the main grade book screen, click on the "Reports" button. 2. In the window that opens, select the "Detailed Progress Report" option from the pulldown menu. 3. Click the "Run Report" button in the lower right corner. Report will load as a PDF.
Setting Up an Interpretation Scale
How to use an interpretation scale to reduce the impact of a low scoring assignment on students' overall class grades. What is an Interpretation Scale? An interpretation scale reduces the impact of a low scoring assignment on a student's overall class grade. As an example, you could set up the grade book to count an assignment score of 0 as earning 50% of the points possible for the assignment. 50% still constitutes a failing grade, but will not have as much of a negative impact as the student receiving none of the assignment points. Example Without Interpretation Since there is no interpretation of scores going on, the student receives 10 of the 20 points possible, or 50%. This gives the student a class grade of NG With Interpretation With interpretation in place, the score of 0 on the "Assignment 2" assignment is interpreted as earning 50% of the possible points, or 5 of the 10 possible for the assignment. The student now receives 15 of the 20 points possible or 75%. This gives the student a class grade of C. Note: with an interpretation scale active, the score column (which shows the class %) does not display. I enabled "Class Points" display in the "Options" area for additional context. Setting up an Interpretation Scale 1. Go to Grade Book --> Grade Book Setup and click on the "Report Card Score Types" button. 2. Find the GenesisGrading score type and click "Duplicate." Confirm this choice. The page will reload. 3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the GenesisGrading (copy) link. 4. Change the name from GenesisGrading (copy) to whatever you want. Check the "Available as Interpretation Scale" checkbox. Click "Save" 5. On the right, click the X next to all scores except F. This will flag them for deletion. Click "Save" at the top of the screen and confirm your choice. 6. Click the pencil icon to edit the F score, and enter the values you want to use. The SEQ value doesn't matter in this context. In the example pictured below, students receiving anything from 0% (low score) to 50% (high score) of the possible assignment points will be given 50% (value) of the points possible for the assignment. You should adjust the low, high and value fields to reflect your grading practice. Note: The "Value" field should not be higher than the "High Score" value for an F in your class. The district default high score value is 59.99. 7. Save your changes. Using Your Interpretation Scale 1. Return to the main grade book setup screen and click on the "Grade Book Settings" tab. 2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and from the "Report Card Score Type Used for Interpretation Scale" pulldown menu, select the score type you created above. 3. You will get a warning about this changing grade book marks for the current school year. Confirm this choice. 4. Your interpretation scale is now active. Important note: It may take some time for your grade book to reflect the newly calculated class grades. 5. You can always turn off your interpretation scale from this pulldown menu if desired. What Students/Parents See StudentVUE and ParentVUE will show the actual assignment score as well as the points earned.
Working With A Standards Based Grade Book
How to attach and score standards in your Synergy grade book at the elementary level. How to view students' overall scores for those standards. Updated April 11, 2024 to reflect interface changes coming in fall 2024. Contents Attaching Standards Scoring Standards Viewing Overall Standards Scores Entering assignment Scores (optional) Video based instructions at the Bottom! Report card marks are calculated from standards scores not assignment scores in the grade book. In addition to entering standards scores, you may want to enter assignment scores so you can track this information, but assignment scores are optional. Elementary Grade Book Articles Start of Year Setup Working With A Standards Based Grade Book (you are here) Transferring Grade Book Marks to the Elementary Report Card Attaching 1. Select "New Assignment from the grade book menu and fill out the basic assignment information: If you choose to enter assignment scores, select the score type you want to use. Score type cannot be changed after you have entered scores. The "points" field is used at the secondary level to give some assignments more weight than others. Enter "1" here. 2. Select the "Standards Correlations" tab. Here, you will see all of the class standards you brought in to your class when you set up standards mode. 3. Click once on a standard to attach it to your assignment. If you made a mistake, a second click will de-select the standard. ELD teachers: Remember, you will have access to ELD standards for all elementary grade levels. Be sure you are selecting the correct standard for the grade. The grade level appears right after "ELP" in the code. Example: ELP.4.S10 for 4th grade or ELP.K.S3 for Kindergarten. The red "bullseye" icons next to each standard indicates that they feed into the report card. If you see a standard without this icon, it will not feed the report card. 4. Optional: Assignments that take place in Quarter 1 will be included in the Quarter 2 report card by default. To change this, click on the "Grading Periods" tab and select the grading period(s) you want.. As pictured above, this assignment is associated with both quarter 1 and quarter 2 and will be included in the calculation for the quarter 2 report card. 5. Save your assignment. Scoring 1. On your main grade book screen, click the button to the right of the "filters" button. The button name will reflect your current view selection. From the Standards tab, select "View by Assignment." 2. Your grade book will now display the assignment names ("unit 2 test" and "super storms" in this example) and the standards that have been attached to those assignments. 3. Elementary standards are scored on a 1-4 rubric. Enter the individual standards scores for each assignment. You have the option of entering an overall assignment score in the first column, but it is not necessary. Only standards scores will feed into the calculated marks for the report card. 4 = Exceeding Standard 3 = Meeting Standard 2 = Approaching Standard 1 = Below Standard With "grade detail" toggled off, you will have a simple score entry interface. This toggle is above the grade book grid. With grade detail toggled on, you get a popup window to enter the standard score along with access to select comment codes, and view historical trend information. 4. Save your scores in the top right corner. Note: You can enable auto-saving of scores by ctrl-clicking on the icon in the top right... Viewing Overall Standards Scores 1. Switch your view to "View by Standard." Your grade book will now be grouped by standard and will display the assignments that have those standards attached. 2. You will now see individual scores for each standard across assignments (1 below) as well as the overall calculated mark (2 below) that will flow to the report card. The overall standard score reflects the score that a student received most often (aka the mode) for that standard. If a mode is not available for a standard (the student above with an overall 2 for MA.2.NBT.B.7.**) the standard score from the most recent assignment will be used instead. You can manually enter a summary score to override the calculated mark. Manually entered summary scores have a small icon next to the score. You can delete the score to revert to a calculated mark. Video Based Instructions <span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span> Watch on YouTube to view fullscreen...
Setting Up Proficiency Grading
Shows how teachers can set their own grade-scale to allow the grade book to auto calculate a letter grade, based on assignments that use the teacher’s proficiency scale. Teachers can always manually override each student’s grade when posting to the report card. This article assumes you are creating & scoring assignments in Canvas and using grade passback to send this information to the Synergy grade book. Canvas Assignment Setup 1. When creating new assignments, set the points to 4 and "Display Grade as" to "Points" 2. Score the assignments using 1-4 values. Example: You have five Canvas assignments, each set to 4 points, so 20 points possible. A student receives the following scores: 2, 3, 4, 4, 4. This is 17 of the possible 20 or 85%. On the traditional grading scale, 85% would result in a class grade of B, but you want 85% to result in an A. You can set up your Canvas course and Synergy grade book to achieve this. What Are Your Grading Practices? Things to think about before moving away from the traditional grading scale.... If a student generally receives 3 out of 4 on their assignments, this would give them a class total around 75%. What class grade should this result in? On the traditional grading scale, 3 out of 4 (75%) would result in a class grade of C. If you set up a new grading scale, where 75% results in a B or an A, do students and parents understand that 3/4 on an assignment isn't necessarily a "bad score"? Canvas Course Setup 1. In your Canvas course settings, click the "Manage All Grading Schemes" link. This will open a floating window. 2. Click the "New Grading Scheme" button near the top of this window and enter a name for your scheme. 3. Use the trash can icon to remove the grades we don't use (A-, B+, B-, etc), and change the "F" to NG. 4. Set the lowest % that qualifies for each grade. The high value for the next grade down will automatically update. In the example below, I simply lowered the traditional scale by 5%. This is just by way of example, not a recommendation of "best practices." 5. Save your grading scheme and close the manage grading schemes window. 6. Back on the course settings screen, use the Grading Scheme pulldown menu to select your new scheme. 7. Click the "Update Course Details" button at the bottom of the course settings screen. 8. View your grade book to make sure class grades are calculating the way you expect. Synergy Grade Book Setup 1. Go to Grade Book → Grade Book setup → Report Card Score Type button. 2. Duplicate the "GenesisGrading" score type, rename, and save it. Don't check either of the checkboxes. (It's VERY important that you duplicate the GenesisGrading score type and no others when copying.) 3. Edit the ranges for each letter grade to reflect the Canvas setup you did above. Note that in Synergy you need to enter both the lowest and the highest values. The "high score" value also needs to be defined to 2 decimal places and be within a hundredth of the next grade up's "low score." 4. Save your changes. 5. Go to Grade Book → Final Grade Config for each term by selecting the Report Card Score Type (step 3, above) for “Set all students to score type 6. Switch to the Final Grade Defaults tab and set all grading periods to the scale you just created. Click the "Save Defaults" and "Apply to All Students" buttons. 7. Check your grade book and make sure class grades are calculating the way you expect.
Synergy "New Grade Book" Overview
2024 Spring Pilot Separate menu option... Fall 2024 New grade book is on for all! As of Fall 2024, "new grade book is now on for all staff! Where necessary, our existing grade book articles have all been updated to reflect the the new grade book interface, but the screenshots below are a good overview. Feel free to explore and customize the interface to meet your needs! Spring 2024 Pilot Teachers who participated in a 2024 spring pilot had a separate "New Grade Book" pulldown menu option to access the new interface. "Grade Book Main" menu item took them to the classic grade book interface. Fall 2024 Starting Fall 2024, the new grade book interface became the default view for all staff when accessing the usual "Grade Book Main" screen. Key to Elementary and Secondary Grade Book Screenshots Below Prefer a video overview? Scroll to the bottom! Create filters to narrow your view by assignment type ("category"), and for elementary by subject and standard. Arrange your grade book view Elementary: Group your grade book by standard or by assignment. Secondary: Group your grade book assignments by category ("assignment type"), by week, or by date. Grade Detail Grade detail OFF looks more like the classic grade book when you click a grid cell to enter a grade. Grade detail ON gives you more options: score entry, public/private notes, access to comment codes, and score history. Elementary teachers can score standards and view analysis for each attached standard. Options: This is where you can truly customize your grade book to meet your needs. Too much clutter in the header area (6)? Turn off the items you don't want to see, show or hide student pictures, change column widths, turn on analysis bands (7), show dropped students, etc, etc... Secondary teachers (and elementary specialists) can apply these settings to all their sections with one click. Student name column can display a thumbnail of the students' pictures. Clicking on a student name will open the same "Student Profile" screen you can access from your seating chart. This header area is fully customizable from the "Options" area (4) mentioned above. Add items you would like to see, toggle off the things you don't... Elementary Grade Book - Standards Based Secondary Grade Book - Assignment Based & Synched From Canvas How to set up syncing from Canvas Overview Video