Seating charts, running reports, communicating with students & families, etc.
Reports for SAT Work
Reports in TeacherVUE that will be useful for doing SAT work. The"Admin" menu in TeacherVUE contains custom written reports that are helpful when working in SAT groups. This article will show you how to run the reports and manipulate the results. 1. Open "Custom Reports" from the new Admin menu. 2. The list of available reports will be specific to your role and will grow over time as new reports are developed to meet specific needs. Click on the report you want to run. 3. Once your report loads, you can drag column headers horizontally to reorder them or up to the "Drag a column here..." area to group data by that column. You can enter text or use the pulldown menus to filter your results. 4. In the screenshot below from the TAG report, the first and last name columns have been dragged to the far left and the data has been grouped by the program description. Clicking on the + will expand that area. 5. Use the "Back to Reports List" link in the upper left corner to return to your list of available reports.
TeacherVUE Access for Substitute Teachers
How subs can log in to TeacherVUE, retrieve sub plans if present and take attendance. This functionality allows short-term (less than 20 days) substitute teachers the ability to log into TeacherVUE and take attendance so that paper lists do not need to be printed and so that office staff does not have to enter the attendance for the substitute. Not all schools use Synergy's sub login feature. Contents Logging in Reading sub notes Taking attendance Logging In When checking in with the front office, you will receive a loaner computer for the day. You will log in to the computer using the "Substitute" account which doesn't require a password. Note: if the laptop prompts you for a password after waking from sleep mode, hit the enter/return key. The Google Chrome browser should launch and take you to the Synergy login page. There is a "Substitute Teacher Login" link on this page. Some sub laptops may be set up to load the sub login page directly. You will receive a "substitute teacher slip" when you check in with the school's front office. This slip will show your teacher assignment as well as your login password. OR From there, you will select the school, the teacher you are subbing for (only absent teachers for that day will appear) and enter the daily password you received. Reading TeacherVUE Sub Notes Teachers may or may not choose to leave sub notes for you through TeacherVUE/Synergy. If they do, you will see a small floating window on the right side of your screen that slowly pulses yellow. When you click on that box, the box gets bigger and moves to the middle of the screen. Taking Attendance Once logged in, you will see the “Attendance” button is highlighted in yellow, indicating that attendance has not been taken for this class yet. Secondary substitutes can take attendance by seating chart or by list Elementary substitutes need to note both AM and PM attendance in the morning and should use the “attendance by list” option Attendance by Seating Chart 1. Mouse over the "Attendance" button and select "Chart." 2. Click once on a student picture to mark that student absent. Click a second time to mark them tardy. A third click will clear your marks. 3. Click the green "Save" button when done. Attendance by List 1. Mouse over the "Attendance" button and select "List." Cells filled with N/A indicate a non-attendance day. This could be a holiday or a reflection of an A/B schedule at the secondary level. Elementary Teachers: click the "Both" radio button so you can take both AM & PM attendance at the same time. Tip: Mark PM attendance first so the green down arrow doesn't get in the way. 2. Click inside the cell to mark attendance. Click once in the cell to mark that student absent. Click a second time to mark them tardy. A third click will clear your marks. As you mark attendance, student names will appear on the right side of your screen in the "Reason Types" area. After submitting attendance this will change to a summary. Elementary teachers, remember to mark both AM and PM attendance information. 4. Clicking the green "Save" button will save your attendance and keep you on the attendance screen. Clicking the green "Save & Return" button will save your attendance and return you to your seating chart.
Student Name Pronunciation in Synergy
A Synergy feature where you can hear how student names are pronounced. This is available in TeacherVUE as well as the SIS side. Name Pronunciation The ParentVUE app lets students or their parents record how the student's name is pronounced. This function is only available through the app and not through the ParentVUE web interface. If a recording is available for a student, teachers will see a small speaker icon below the student picture in the seating chart. SIS users will see the speaker icon next to the student name. Clicking on the speaker icon will play the recording. TeacherVUE SIS Side
TeacherVUE: Generating a List of Student Email Addresses
How to generate a list of student email addresses for your current section/class. This can be useful when setting up a Google Meet via a calendar invite. 1. In the TeacherVUE Reports menu, change the report output from PDF to TXT. 2. Near the bottom of the report list, select the "Student Email List (select TXT output)" report. 3. The report will open a new browser window/tab with a list of student emails that you can copy & paste. 4. Note: If you are using the email addresses to invite students to a Google Meet, you will need to set up the meet through a calendar event as described in this knowledgebase article. Impromptu meets have a limit of 10 invitees. Google Meets set up through a calendar event do not have this limit.
TTVA - Using Class Check-In
This article is only for Tigard-Tualatin Virtual Academy teachers. 1. Switch to your Daily Check-in Section 2. From the "Home" menu, select the "Class Check In" menu item (at the very bottom) to get to the screen pictured in step 3. 3. Status pulldown menu. If the student's status is blank and the student hasn't checked in with you, leave the status blank. This indicates they have not checked in. If the student has already been checked in by another teacher, don't change their status, even if the student hasn't checked in with you. 4. When done, click "Save & Return"