Google's video conferencing tool.
Google Meet: New Controls for Teachers
How to access Google Meet controls that let you prevent students from sharing their screens or using chat. 1. With your Meet running, click on the new blue shield icon in the lower left. 2. Toggle the bottom two toggles to the off position. Note: Students already have to "ask to join" so leave the "Quick access" toggle in the on position.
Schedule a Video Conference Using Google Meet
Instruction on how to schedule a video conference meeting using Google Meet for a small group meeting. 1. Access your TTSD calendar using any web browser. 2. Click the Create button in the top left corner. 3. Fill in the event details. Add students in the "add guests" area and click the "Add Google Meet video conferencing" button. Note: To run a report to get your student emails, log into Synergy/TeacherVUE and run "U-GOO101: Google Permission" report to TXT. Copy/paste your students into the "Add Guests" field in your Calendar. 4. Save
Join a Google Meet Without an Invite
Members can join a Google Meet remote meeting without an invitation. This can be useful if you don't have all the members' email addresses. For the host 1. Locate the Meeting ID and Phone Numbers under the Add conferencing in your event calendar 2. Publish this information to your audience For members who join the meeting 1. Go to Google Meet website 2. Click Join or start a meeting 3. Type in the 10 characters meeting ID and click Continue
Co-Hosting a Google Meet
Recently Google Meet added the ability to Co-Host a virtual meeting. Per Google's site: For a meeting participant to become a co-host, they must be in the meeting. Co-hosts can turn Host Management off. Only the main host can re-enable Host Management for all other hosts. Participants can't be appointed or removed as co-hosts from Breakout Rooms. Add or remove a co-host In a meeting, tap the screen. At the top left, tap the meeting name. From the “People” tab, find or search the participant’s name. Next to their name, tap Menu Add as co-host . Add Multiple co-hosts for a Repeating Event: Before sending the Meet link, follow steps 1-4 for EACH staff member who will be able to co-host the Meet. When leaving the Meet each day/time period, click "Just Leave the Call" and keep Quick Access on. Now, when any of the co-hosts are in the meeting, they can admit students, create breakout rooms and will have access to the Host Controls.
Setup Screen-sharing permissions for Google Meets
This article will show you how to set security preferences on a mac When you first try to share your screen on a google meet, you will get an error message saying that you need to enable it in System Preferences. Below are the steps to do this: * Click System Preferences then Security and Privacy You will next get the Security & Privacy screen. 1st, click The Privacy tab, then scroll down to find Screen Recording on the left. Click Google Chrome in the list on the right. Once all that is done, you will get a message that chrome will have to be quit in order to allow screen-sharing. This will kick you out of any active google meets. Select Quit Now and then rejoin any meet, reload any browser pages needed.