Transfer Your Content ("Takeout")
Go to Select the data options you wish to download and/or backup and click Next. For some of the products, you can customize the format(s) into which your data will be archived. NO student or staff personal identification data may be exported to personal accounts. Click Here for more information Choose the file format you wish to download the archive as - this defaults to a zip file. Choose “Send Download link via email” as the delivery option and click on “Create Archive” You will receive an email and the archive will be available for 5 days once it is created. *This service is meant for backups or transfers and not for storage, so it is only held temporarily. Once your archive is created, you can download the zip file to your computer at home, a thumb drive, or to another google account (***Be Aware: This folder will count against your Google Drive storage limits if you choose to save to your personal Google account) For additional information and directions, please see Google Support site.
How to verify that Google Drive for Desktop is working (Macbook & PC)
First thing to check is the color of the Google Drive for Desktop icon on the top of your screen (for Macbook). It should always look like this - dark: and not like this - light/gray: If it's light, it's not actively backing up your Macbook. If it's light/gray click on the Google Drive icon, then the gear, and tap on quit. Then find the app (Google Drive) in your Application folder and launch it again. On PCs, click on ^ found on the taskbar and then tap on the Google Drive icon. Next, let's check if it's backing up the correct folders. For both Macbook & PC: Tap on the Google Drive for Desktop icon > gear symbol > Preferences > You should see two folders being backed up - Desktop and Documents If no folders are listed that means your Macbook/PC is not currently being backed up! Please refer back to our KB article Set up Google Drive for Desktop App and go to part 2 to complete the setup process.