CANVAS: "Most Successful" Assignments
Included in this KB article are suggestions for 2020-21 school year using Canvas with students on both Chromebooks & iPads. Class Setup: Minimize your Navigation to "Home", "Modules", "Grades" -- only turn on additional features as you use them (ie Announcements, Discussions) to help students/families. People navigation menu should ALWAYS be hidden. Establish a course Home Page that includes your Google Meet link and basics for your class (links to schedule, contact info, syllabus, about you, etc.) Pictures are helpful for navigation but the larger the picture or the quantity of pictures can slow down the loading of your page for students. Leverage the many great resources from our instructional coaches. Elementary K-2 (Students = iPads) Assignment Type Canvas Steps - Teacher (on laptop) Canvas Steps - Student (iPad) Write on a PDF & Submit Download PDF to your computer. Add a Canvas "assignment" Give it a Title and some (video?) directions for students to make it easy for non-readers Click Files tab >> "+Upload a new file" Set Submission Type to "Online". Click "File Uploads" Set a Due Date. Click "Save & Publish" Tap Assignment Listen to video/read instructions. Tap link to PDF PDF opens in Canvas editor. Tap Pencil to turn on toolbar. Use "T" for text and pen to write on page. Tap "Sharrow" (square with arrow) Tap Canvas "Student" Tap SUBMIT. Audio / Video Recording Add assignment Give it a Title and some (video?) directions for students to make it easy for non-readers. Set Submission Type to "Online" Click "Text Entry" Set Due Date. Tap Assignment Listen to video/read instructions. Tap "submit assignment" button Tap in the Text Box to get the toolbar to appear at the bottom. Tap the camera icon. Tap video. Tap red button to record. Tap “Use Video” Tap "SUBMIT" Elementary 3-5 (Students = iPads) Any of the above, plus... Assignment Type Canvas Steps - Teacher on laptop Canvas Steps - Students on iPad Submit a copy of a Google Doc provided by Teacher Add assignment Give it a Title and provide some (text & video?) directions for students to differentiate Set Submission Type to "External Tool" Click "Find" Search for "Google Drive Cloud Assignment" When prompted, select Google doc from your G. drive to use as a template. Click "Select" Set Due date. Tap Assignment Listen to video/read instructions Tap "Launch External Tool" (new window opens) Edit document in split screen window OR Tap BLUE linked copy of document to open in NEW window. Complete assignment. (If opened in new window in Step #5, tap " .
Opening RTF files on Chromebooks in Canvas
This article will walk students through how to save an RTF file and then open it in Google Drive. Saving & Editing RTF Files from Canvas Example above the Biology Notebook file "01.01 Exploring Life Biology Notebook" is an RTF file) Step by Step 1. Click the RTF file link to download. (TTSD student Chromebooks save directly to the student's Google Drive) 2. Click "Google Drive" in the Canvas course navigation menu. 3. Authorize Google Drive, if necessary (otherwise skip to step 4) Click "Authorize" Log in with TTSD Student Google account Click "Allow" 4. The RTF file will be listed at the top (most recent file). Click Open. 5. Click "Open in Google Drive" (from the top of the window) 6. The file will now be opened & saved with the same name in Google Drive. You now have a personal and editable copy of the RTF file in your Google Drive.
No Canvas "Student" App on your iPad? Try this....
For students who are not seeing Canvas Student on their TTSD iPads Connect to home wifi Click "TTSD Web Filter" app and log in using the student account (ie "") see main office for assistance with account or call 503-431-4051 for Family Technology Help Line. Search for "Student" app on the ipad To search, tap and drag down from the center of the iPad screen. No "Student" in the search results? Find "Self Service" app on the student's iPad Locate the Canvas "Student" app. Install. To Sign in: Open "Student" app Click Find School Type "TTSD" Find "Tigard-Tualatin School District - Student" Log in using Google - student account (ie "") Call school main office for assistance with account.
How to log into Canvas for Students (Chromebook)
The following is a short video on how to log into TTSD Canvas platform for High School students using Chromebooks. Disponible en español Logging into Canvas on a Chromebook for students (English):
Building A Course in Canvas From Scratch
Canvas Guides / Guías en Español
Please see links below to your Canvas guide needs. Guías en Español Students Estudiante Parents / Family Familia / Observador Canvas Student Guide Guía del Estudiante de Canvas Canvas Observer Guide Guía del Observador de Canvas Canvas Parent iOS Guide Canvas Parent Android Guide
Subscribe to your Canvas Calendar feed using Google Calendar
You can import your Canvas calendar to Google Calendar. The calendar feed will contain events and assignments from all of your Canvas calendars. The steps in this lesson are also relevant for those using Gmail via Google Apps for Education. Google Apps for Education provides an Institution Email Account to those institutions participating in the program. Guide on Subscribing to Canvas Calendar using Google Calendar Once you have subscribed to the calendar feed, you can remove or unsubscribe from the calendar feed at any time. Notes: Future events up to 366 days in the future, and past events within 30 days, are included when exporting a Canvas calendar to Google Calendar. The calendar feed includes up to 1,000 items. Google Calendar periodically updates but may take up to 24 hours to sync with the Canvas Calendar. Canvas update may not be immediately visible in Google Calendar. To Do items are not included in the Calendar iCal feed.
CANVAS: Basic Troubleshooting for Teachers
Disponible en español TIP: Press the Command + F keys together to search for keywords on this page Why aren’t my students seeing the [discussion, assignment, etc...]? Have you clicked “Publish”? Have you clicked “Save”? Why aren’t my students seeing the Module? - I published all assignments & discussions. The Module itself has not been published *Even if all assignments [discussions, pages...] are published, nothing will show until the Module itself is published as well. Why isn’t the Discussion [Assignment, Page, Quiz] showing up in the Module? It was created in “Discussion” - not in “Module It has not been published Why are my students seeing things in the sidebar that I don’t want them to? You need to disable them. Go to Class Settings > Navigation > Locate item you want to hide > 3 dots > Disable Why can’t my students see their assignments on their Calendar? Did you assign a due date? Why is my front page different than the one I wanted? Did you choose a Home Page? After you create a page, publish it. Then click the 3 dots. Click set as Front Page. Then return to home and select Choose Home Page and select your Front Page from the list. My Canvas Inbox messages are not showing up in my email. Check the Canvas Settings under “Account > Notifications > Conversations” Green check for “email right away”
How to log into Canvas for Students (iPad)
Disponible en español Instructions for students on how to log in How to Log in to the Canvas iPad App for Students - Video Instructions How to Log in to the Canvas iPad App for Students - Print Instructions If you don't have the canvas application, go to self service and install it from there. Tap on the Canvas for students app Tap on Find my school and select Tigard Tualatin - Students Enter your school email address and password You will land on your Dashboard as your first stop The next option is your Calendar, here you will see any upcoming assignments or quizzes. The next option To Do , is like a gentle reminder of tasks that you have to do in the day of class or any upcoming ones. Under Notifications, you will see any alerts, could be messages from your teacher, or an alert about your assignment being graded etc. On Inbox you will see the messages that your teacher will send you as well as communication between your peers.
Disabling/Enabling notifications on Canvas Parent App
Disponible en español 1. Open the app Canvas for Parents 2. Select the symbol on the top left corner that has three dashes, then select manage students. 3. Select either student whose notifications you don't want to receive 4. You will see options that have the switch on green, turn the ones you don't want to receive off.