Grade Book
Grade Passback - Spotting & Resolving Canvas/Synergy Grade Discrepancies
Possible reasons for grade (class percentage) differences between what teachers see in Canvas and what they see in Synergy and how to resolve them. Make Sure All Assignments Are Syncing In Canvas go to the "Assignments" screen and look at the sync column. icon means the assignment is not set to sync. If you want it to sync, click the icon to turn it green. icon means the assignment is set to sync. Run Remaster Grade Passback This will force all assignments/scores to sync and will help spot any hidden issues. Running "Remaster Grade Passback" Go to Grade Sync → Utilities in your Canvas course. (if you have hidden this in course settings → navigation, unhide it. Student's won't see it) Hit the "remaster grade passback" button. Make sure all assignments are selected and then hit "remaster grades." This process can take up to an hour depending on the number of assignments & scores in your course. Return to the "history" tab and when the sync has completed, check the status. indicates a successful sync. indicates there was an issue. If you see an issue, copy your Canvas course name into a tech request and we'll help you sort it out. If you are more of the DIY type, head over to our Grade Passback - Fixing Common Sync Issues article which has solutions for the issues that occur most frequently. "Remaster Grade Passback" Video Instructions Spotting Discrepancies Note: This step should only be done after getting a successful remaster grade passback in step 2. In Canvas, make sure the "Total" Column in your grade book is next to the list of student names. (click and select "move to front" from the menu that appears) In Canvas, filter to a section. Set the "Grading Periods" filter to "All Grading Periods." (Canvas default is to only show the current grading period) Open the Synergy grade book to the same section. Compare the percentages in the Canvas "Total" column to those in the "Grade" column in Synergy, looking for differences. Resolving Discrepancies Problem Source How To Fix It You deleted an assignment score in Canvas, but the score still exists in the Synergy grade book. Solution: If you deleted an assignment score in Canvas, the "regular" sync won't delete it. The remaster grade passback process from step 2 above should have deleted it from Synergy. If not, you can break the sync for the assignment temporarily in Synergy (instructions). Note: to delete an entire assignment from Synergy you will need to manually delete it by "breaking the sync" (instructions). Your Canvas "Assignment Group" weighting setup doesn't match your Synergy "Assignment Type" weighting. Solution: Review "Getting Set Up for Grade Passback" in our grade passback setup article to ensure that the Canvas and Synergy setups match. You set a "drop score" preference in Canvas and Synergy. Both systems let you drop a student's lowest score for a given "Assignment Group" (Canvas) or "Assignment Type" (Synergy) Canvas & Synergy handle this drop score setting differently. Synergy simply looks at the lowest score as a percentage of possible points for that assignment type and drops it from the calculation. Canvas looks at the score that has the greatest negative impact within that assignment group and drops that from the calculation, even if it isn't the lowest percentage. You can read additional information here... Example: You have 2 assignments, one worth 4 points and another worth 100 points. A student scores 1/4 (25%) and 50/100 (50%). Synergy will drop the 1/4 score, but Canvas will drop the 50/100 score since it has a greater negative impact. Solution: For the "drop score" setting, you'll need to decide which system you prefer. If you want to use Synergy's calculation you are all set. If you want to use Canvas's system: You will want to communicate this to students & families so they understand that the overall class grades they see in ParentVUE/StudentVUE may differ from what ends up on the report card. You will likely need to manually adjust some students' calculated letter grades when posting to the report card.
Grade Passback - Deleting an Unwanted Canvas Assignment From Synergy
This article will show you how to delete Canvas synced assignments from the Synergy grade book. There are a couple of reasons why you might want to do this: There was an issue with the sync process and one or more duplicate assignments were created. You deleted the original assignment in Canvas and don't want the corresponding assignment in Synergy any more. Deleting An Assignment 1. In Synergy, click the 3 dots next to the assignment name and select "Edit Assignment" from the menu that appears. 2. Next to the green save button you'll notice a "Third-party Readonly" toggle. Toggle this off. 3. Hit the "Save Assignment" button. This will return you to the main grade book screen. To delete the assignment Click the three dots again and select the "Delete Assignment" menu item. Confirm your choice.
How Canvas Due Dates Feed Synergy Grading Periods
Due Dates Matter (a lot...) Canvas uses the assignment due date to determine what grading period an assignment is associated with in Synergy. The due date should fall on a day students are in school (ie, not on a weekend). You can always use the "available until" date to give students extended access. Elementary School: If an assignment is due during Quarter 1, it will be associated with both Q1 and Q2 in Synergy. Assignments due in Q2, Q3 or Q4 will only be associated with those individual quarters in Synergy. Middle School: If an assignment is due during Quarter 1, it will only be associated with Q1 in Synergy. If it is due in Quarter 2, it will only be associated with Q2. This means that students will get a "fresh start" for Quarter 2. For High School: With no action needed on the teacher's part, all semester classes are automatically set up for cumulative grading. If an assignment is due during Quarter 1, it will be associated with Quarter 1 and Semester 1 (aka cumulative grading) in Synergy. If it is due in Quarter 2, it will be associated with Quarter 2 and Semester 1. Switching Grading Periods In Canvas By default, Canvas will show assignments in the current grading period. In your grade book, click the "Apply Filters" button. Select "Grading Periods" and then the period you want to view. Students and parents/guardians can select the grading period they want to view in the mobile app or web interface. (instructions)
Canvas - Getting a "Fresh Start" at the Start of a New Quarter (ES & MS)
This article is for middle school teachers and those few elementary school teachers that are using the Canvas grade book. The goal is to help you "declutter" your Canvas course at the start of a new quarter, hiding content student no longer need to see. The goal is to help you and your students focus on current information. Transitions to "Declutter" For Semester 1 courses, the transition from Q1 to Q2 For Semester 2 courses, the transition from Q3 to Q4 For Year long courses, the transition to each new quarter. Note: For semester long courses, teachers and students will get new course cards at the start of semester 2. Unpublish Modules In November, students probably don't need to see that "Unit 1" module from the first week of school! Unpublishing completed modules is a quick way to help students dial in on current content. Go to the Modules screen and click the "collapse all" button. Click the icon to unpublish modules that student no longer need access to. This will hide it from students. Use Dates to Help Students Due Dates The grade passback sync process uses the assignment due date to determine what grading period the assignment is associated with in Synergy. If you have assignments due at the very end of a quarter, make sure they are due on a day students are in school (ie, not the weekend after the end of the quarter). Availability Dates This one, in combination with un-publishing modules, is key in limiting what students can access so can focus on current work. Available From - Fill this in so students can't access the assignment before they should. Until - Fill in the last date students can access & submit an assignment. Unlike the "due date" you can set this date past the end of the quarter to give students an extra day or two to finish an assignment. If you leave this field blank, students will have access to the assignment until the end of the course. Students will see an ever expanding (and potentially overwhelming) "to-do" list. Edit Dates in Bulk You can add/edit assignment dates for all of your assignments from the Assignments screen. On the Assignments screen, click the three dots next to the + Assignment button Select "Edit Assignment Dates" from the pulldown menu. On the screen that appears, you will see all of the assignments and their due date, available from date, and available until date. Fill in the blanks and save.
Grade Pass Back: How Canvas "Display Grades As" Selections Transfer to Synergy Scores
How the different "Display Grades As" selections on the Canvas new/edit assignment screen transfer to Synergy via grade pass back. Examples Examples of the commonly used options below are based on a 20 point assignment in Canvas. Percentage 100% in Canvas = 20 points in Synergy 50% in Canvas = 10 points in Synergy, etc. Complete/Incomplete "Complete" in Canvas = 20 points in Synergy. "Incomplete" in Canvas = 0 in Synergy. "Excused" in Canvas will "exclude" that assignment for the student in Synergy. Points 20 points in Canvas = 20 points in synergy 15 points in Canvas = 15 points in synergy, etc. Letter Grade This depends on the grading scheme you select from the "View Grading Scheme" link you see when selecting this option. Entering a B will apply the highest qualifying percentage for that range. Example: In the "TTSD Standard Grade Scale 2.0" scheme, 89% is the highest qualifying % for a B so in Synergy, the student will get 17.8 points (20 points x .89 = 17.8 points). Pro-Tip In your Canvas grade book, click the three dots for that assignment, select "Enter Grades as," and then "Points" to view the score that will transfer to the Synergy grade book
Grade Passback: Creating "Extended" Credit Assignments
Canvas assignments woth 0 points will not sync to Synergy. Synergy will only accept scores up to double the points possible. We can leverage this information to provide "Extended" credit assignments for students. Extended credit is not exactly the same as "extra credit," mathematically speaking, but is pretty close. See "What's the Difference?" examples at the bottom of this article. Extended Credit Assignment Example Let's say you want to provide students with the opportunity to earn 5 additional points in your class. Create the assignment in Canvas as usual, making sure the "Sync to SIS" box is checked. In the "Points" field, enter 5. Save & Publish your assignment. When scoring the assignment, any score above 5 will serve as extended credit. 6=1 extended credit point, 7=2 extended credit points, etc.... In this example. you can enter up to 10 points (5 extended credit points), as this is double the points possible. Important: If you are adjusting an existing Canvas assignment that was formerly set to 0 points, be sure to update student scores on this assignment! What's The Difference? In short, "Extra Credit" assignments, as we are used to them in Synergy, are not included in the total "points possible" calculation. In the Canvas "Extended Credit" scenario described above, the assignment is included in the points possible calculation and we are simply giving more points than possible to "extend" the credit for that assignment. REMEMBER: Assignments without a score never count against a student in Canvas or Synergy. Example Student - Before Earning Extended (or "Extra") Credit Example Student - After Earning 5 "Extended Credit" Points Note: the 5 points from the extended credit assignment are included in the total possible.... For comparison, a 5 point "Extra Credit" assignment in Synergy would not be included in the total points possible, so the 5 point student above would have earned 93 of a possible 120 points or 77.5% overall
Grade Book End of Term Checklist (Canvas & Synergy)
This end of term checklist is for middle & high school teachers and will help ensure all calculated class grades are up to date and accurate in both systems. Following these steps periodically throughout the term is a good idea, but be sure to do them prior to grading. In Each Canvas Course After you have completed score entry in the Canvas grade book.... 1. Run Remaster Grade Passback - This is different from the regular sync process. Click on "Grade Sync" in course navigation. (if you don't see it, go to Settings → Navigation to enable it) Go to the Utilities tab, and click the "Remaster Grade Passback" button. 2. Wait until you see "Completed" on the history tab.(Click the "Refresh" button to update the status) Note: This will take a lot longer than a normal sync, up to an hour depending on the number of students & assignments. Give it time! If you see a red exclamation mark instead of the green check pictured below, please submit a tech request so we can help you. 3. Repeat for each Canvas course. In Each Synergy Section Make sure Remaster GPB process above completed at least 5 minutes ago, and then.... 1. Run the "Update" process. Go to the Synergy Grade Book Setup screen Hit the green "Update" button. 3. Repeat for each Synergy section. If you notice any grade differences between Canvas & Synergy, please review our "resolving discrepancies" KB article. If you still can't resolve the discrepancies, please submit a tech request so we can help.
Grade Passback & the Missing ("Mi") Comment in Synergy
Syncing "Mi" When There is a Score in Canvas If the Canvas assignment has a score and a "missing" status, you may need to change a Synergy grade book setting for the "Mi" comment to be applied. In Synergy, go to Grade Book → Grade Book Setup Go to Grade Book Comments. Verify that "Remove When Scored" is set to "No" for the "Missing" comment. If it isn't, continue to step 3. If it is, you are all set! Click the icon to edit the "Missing" comment. Set the "Remove When Scored" toggle to "No" and save your changes. In Canvas, run the "Remaster Grade Passback" process for any assignments you want to reflect this change. Grade passback can send the "Mi" comment to Synergy even if there is a score. See sidebar for setup information. Canvas can send missing assignment information to Synergy via grade passback. Assignments that have the "missing" status in Canvas and no score will automatically get the "Mi" comment in Synergy. If you have Canvas assignments with the Missing status and a score (eg a penalty for missing work, or a default score applied to all students) see the sidebar to verify your Synergy grade book is set up properly to handle this. Remaster Grade Passback In Canvas, go to Grade Sync → Utilities tab, and hit the "Remaster Grade Passback" button. This will force Canvas to re-send all assignment/score/status information to Synergy. This will pick up any setup changes you have made. Config Notes for IT Reference: BOOL_ONEROSTERDISTRICTOVERRIDECOMMENTS = "false" to allow teacher created or edited "missing" comment to be used. STR_ONEROSTER_COMMENTCODE_NOTSUBMITTED = blank (an old solution that is no longer used and may cause conflicts)
New "Must Resubmit" Assignment Status
January 26, 2024 We have added a new "Must Resubmit" status to the Canvas grade book. Setting this status will help you as teachers differentiate between submitted assignments that need to be graded and those that were incorrectly submitted by students. It will also help students and parents easily identify which assignments need to be resubmitted. It is important to note that this new status is for display purposes only and doesn't have any additional functionality tied to it. Canvas Grade Book View Setting the status. Click in your grade book grid to access. Main grade book view What Students & Parents See What students and parents/guardians see on the Grades screen (web interface).
Grade Passback - Fixing Common Sync Issues
This article has a series of videos that walk you through resolving some of the common issues that pop up with the Canvas → Synergy grade passback sync. Run "Remaster Grade Passback" Regular syncs don't attempt to send assignments/scores that have failed in the past. Remaster Grade Passback will help you spot all existing sync issues, including ones buried in the past. Check "Warnings & Errors" If you see a green check congratulations, your syncs are issue free! If you see a red exclamation mark, click the word completed next to it to open the details. Select the "Warnings & Errors" tab and review the text. Some warning messages are more helpful than others. Note: You are always welcome to submit a tech request with your course name and ask us to help sort out the issue! Find The Matching Error Message & Solution Below "Grading category ____ not found in Synergy for assignment _____" "Grading category "Imported Assignments" not found in Synergy for assignment ________." "Not a valid Score (____). Must be 0 to double Max Score (0.0000)" Issue: Teachers often set up 0 point assignments in Canvas as a way of giving extra credit, but Canvas will not sync zero point assignments. Solution: This knowledgebase article covers how to set up "extended credit" assignment in canvas. Extended credit assignments are not exactly the same as extra credit (mathematically) but will sync to Synergy. The KB article explains the difference, "No Grading Period Found" Issue: The assignment due date is used to determine the grading period. The due date on the problematic assignment doesn't fall within the date range for any grading period. There are two possible reasons for this. The assignment was imported from a course from a pervious school year (or semester) and the previous due date wasn't updated. The due date falls after one grading period ends, but before the next one starts. A classic example is setting the due date the weekend after a grading period ends. Solution: Leave the "warnings & Errors" tab and go to the "Assignments Sync" tab. Click the name of an assignment that failed for this reason to open it. Edit the assignment and update the due date to fall within a grading period.