Adding a new printer on a Mac computer
NOTE: You must run Admin By Request first to allow access to install a local printer. How to setup a new printer on your Mac computer using an IP address. September 2023: Updated for macOS 13 (Ventura) 1. Click on the Apple symbol at top of menu 2. Select System Settings 3. Select Printers & Scanners - bottom of page 4. Click the "Add Printer, Scanner, or Fax" button (bottom of page) to add a new printer and then select the globe symbol under the words "Add Printer" 5. In the Protocol pulldown menu, select Line Printer Daemon - LPD 6. In the Address: field, add the IP address number posted on the front of each printer (for example: 7. Name: The IP address will automatically fill in. Please leave this in place, but you can put whatever you want in front of it. Example: Library ( 8. The bottom "Use:" pulldown menu should list the printer model. If you see "Generic PostScript Printer" instead: First verify the printer is turned on. If the printer is on, switch the protocol to HP Jetdirect - Socket, delete the last set of numbers eg 123) from the IP address and then add them back. This will force a re-scan and hopefully recognize the printer. 8. Click Add All done!
Printing to Kyocera Copiers
Beginning August 2017, the TTSD copier contract was awarded to CTX. CTX began installing Kyocera copiers (models 4002i, 6002i and 8002i during the summer of 2017). Please find directions below regarding how to setup your TTSD laptop or desktop to print to these new copiers. See your school "Key Operator" for additional information regarding copier use (like your access code). Adding printer to a Mac: Open Self Service app in your Applications folder Select Printers category on the left-hand side Click Install on Kyocera driver. Wait for this action to complete before proceeding to the next step. Once installed successfully, go to your Apple Menu >> System Preferences >> Printers & Scanners Click the "+" to add a new printer. Click IP, Enter IP (look up IP for your school HERE). Select Line Printer Daemon - LPD and Click Add. Set Paper Feeders: "Cassettes 3, 4" (Your option can be Cassettes 5,6,7 depending on the copier) Set Document Finisher: "1000-sheet finisher" (Your option can be 4000-sheet finisher depending on the copier) Select "Punch Unit" Keep Optional Disk at "Hard disk". Click OK. To Enter your access code when printing: From Word application or other application, select "Print" as usual. To set access code: From Copies & Pages menu, select "Print Panel >> Settings" Click Job Select the small checkbox next to Account ID icon Type in your copy/printing code Click OK To Save your Account ID code for future printing: Click Default Settings drop down Select Save Current Settings as Preset... Enter Kyocera Settings for the Preset Name Printing from a Mac: Press Apple + P If printing from a browser select more settings, then select print dialog box On the new popup window select Kyocera printer, make sure that under preset you have selected Kyocera Settings (this has to be set up prior to print for the first time, refer to adding printer to a Mac). Then select Print Printing from Windows: From your Windows computer, click the Start Button >> Run Enter \\Printserver Find your school copier by name. Double-click to begin installation When Prompted "Do you trust this computer?" Click "Install Driver" Click Yes to allow changes to be made to your computer (to install the driver) Open your printers folder Right click the Kyocera copier you just installed and select "Printing Properties" Click Device Settings Tab. Click Administrator button. Enable Job Accounting and enter your access code. See video for details. Click OK. Click OK.
Fixing errors when users printing to HP networked printers
When users print to networked HP printers, users receive various errors related to the HP driver framework. This happens around Oct 23, 2020. This affects NETWORKED HP printers only. This process has two steps: Run Remove All HP Printers in Self Service and Add a specific printer back. NOTE: you must be in the building or have a VPN connection to re-install the printers. 1. Launch Self Service and search for Remove All HP Printers. Click Run. This process will take at least 10 minutes. Do NOT proceed to the next step until you see the Run Again option appears. 2. Find a particular printer at your school that you want to re-install using this spreadsheet. Instructions on installing a printer
Adding Hibbard Printers on Windows
Click on the start button. In the search bar at the bottom of the start menu, type in "\\printserver". Click on the item that comes up or press the enter key. A list of printers on the print server will appear. Find the printer you want and double click on it. It should start installing. It may take a few minutes. Once it is done, the window will close and a new window will appear. At this point your printer will be ready to go, butif you are adding one of the copiers, there are a few more steps to follow. This is only necessary if you are adding one of the large copiers, like the ones in the upstairs workroom or downstairs. On the copier, find the Printing Preferences option. Switch to the Basic tab, and click on Authentication/Account Track. In the window that appears, enter your department's code in the Password field. This is a four digit code and it is the same one you enter at the copier itself when you make copies. If you don't know this, try asking someone else in your department. Click Verify once you have entered the code to make sure you didn't make any typos. Once it verifies, click OK to close that window, then on the next window click Apply and then OK. At this point you should be setup and ready to print.
Printing to Sharp copier
Please find directions below regarding how to set up your TTSD laptop or desktop to print to these new copiers. See your school's "Key Operator" for additional information regarding copier use (like your access code). Adding print to a macOS computer Open Self Service On the left-hand side, search for Sharp Click Install for the copier that you need Enter building code when printing From any application, select Print as usual so the macOS printing dialog box opens Confirm that you are printing to a Sharp copier Change the Layout to Billing Code Check the Main Code check box and enter your specific code Click Print Or your new version of Word will look like this Click the Main Code checkbox and enter your code
Scan to email on the Sharp copiers
Starting Aug 2022, we switch the Kyocera copiers out for Sharp copiers. NOTE: the keyboard pulls out from under the LCD screen 1. Press the Home button and Scan to enter the scan mode 2. Select the Global Address Search 3. Search for a user by either entering the FULL username (the first portion of the email) and pressing Search Start (or the Enter key on the keyboard) OR enter the * as the substitute character to widen the search. For example, *kramer or *kram* will widen the search
Adding PaperCut to Non Managed, External, and Shared Devices. PaperCut Mobility Client
As of 12/26/2023 SecureCopier has been changed to SecurePrint. Devices not connected to the TTSD domain, External, or Shared Devices will not be able to install SecurePrint from \\ttsd-papercut server. They will need to install the PaperCut Mobility Client Example Devices: NWRESD Laptops, Titan POS (Kitchen), iOS devices purchased with PEF) 1) On the device that will be using the Mobility Client, click on this link 2) Select the OS the device is on and go through the setup process (NWRESD will need admin credentials from their IT department to continue) 3) During install, make sure TTSD-SecurePrint-PaperCut is checked. 4) At the login section, put in the TTSD credentials for the main person using the device. This will link their account to the device they are using, and the same login will be needed for the copier to release the job. MacBooks On your first print job, you may receive a "Hold for Authentication". Click the Refresh symbol Another window will popup asking for credentials. Enter the TTSD credentials from Step 4. Done!
PaperCut Printing Features - 3 Hole Punch, Staple, Color
With the new update of SecurePrint, 3 hole punch, stapling, and printing in color is now available on supported Copiers/Printers. By default, color is automatically selected and will print in color to printers that are capable. 3 Hole Punch and Stapling Select "print" on the document as you normally would, then select "More Setttings" and "Print using system dialogue" " Select the i next to Printer Features Set the finishing options to this layout for both 3 hole punch and stapling. Make sure Output: is set to Finisher Tray Select "OK" and print your job. It will print with the features that you set.