TTSD Guest Wireless
Best practices, tips, and troubleshooting for connecting to the TTSD Guest WiFi Network At TTSD, we offer a guest wireless network for staff and guests to use with their personal devices. To connect to the TTSD Guest Wifi, on your device, find TTSD-Guest in the list of available wireless networks There is an acceptance screen (hotel page) on which you will need to the click the ACCEPT button before your device will work. It typically pops up automatically, but you may need to open a browser (Safari, Chrome, etc) and navigate to a website to get the page to appear. Note: You will have to click on this Accept button the first time you access the guest wireless network each day, but you should not have to again until the next morning. Tap on Accept Tips and Tricks 1. Problems getting to the acceptance screen? Try closing your browser completely, or rebooting your computer. Still having problems? Open a web browser and type in "" or "" in the address bar. If on a cell phone you may need to turn off your "mobile data" for this to work. 2. On newer Apple iPhones, we've experienced better connectivity if you set TTSD-Guest to "Auto-Join" . To do this, in Settings > Wifi > Tap the blue "i" next to TTSD-Guest Slide "Auto-join" to the "ON" position. This will reconnect your phone to TTSD-Guest after your phone has fallen asleep. You will still need to Accept the hotel page occasionally 3. Another setting on the iPhone, we find helpful is to change your Auto Lock setting to 5 to 10 minutes. Settings > Display & Brightness> Adjust the Auto-Lock setting to somewhere between 5 & 10 minutes. 4. Lastly, turn on Wifi Calling. To do this on an iPhone, Open Settings > Cellular > Wi-Fi Calling > Slide to "on" position Technical Information - Timeouts Guest Wireless Filter: The guest wireless network is filtered at the Elementary Student level. System Timeout Values: Sleeping Client Time-out - set at 12 hours - Clients with guest access that have had successful web authentication are allowed to sleep and wake up without having to go through another authentication process through the login page. Session Timeout - set at 8 hours - The session timeout is the maximum time for a client session to remain active before requiring reauthorization
How to Delete TTSD-Guest Wireless
1. Click on the Apple 2. Click on System Preferences 3. Click on Network 4. Depending on your OS, you might need to click on the little lock in the lower left corner and enter your computer login password. 5. Select the Wi-Fi option and click the “Advanced” button and remove the Guest network from the list by highlighting it and clicking the “-” button right under the list 6. Click and drag the TTSD network to the top 7. Click OK and then Apply 8. Turn your Wi-Fi off and back on again
Setup Cisco Anywhere Connect VPN
This document is for setting up the connection only. 1. Launch the Cisco Anywhere Connect VPN 2. Replace (where is shows, that works too however it is MUCH harder to spell) 3. Select VPN_Users as your group 4. Click on the wheel Settings button 5. Uncheck the "Block connections to untrusted servers" and check the "Disable Captive Portal Detection". Your setting should look like the screen below.
Troubleshoot Dropped Wireless Network on Mac Computers
Best Practices Please verify that it is indeed a wireless drop - how does the wireless icon behave? (no signal / exclamation point). Often time people will say "wireless drop" when they've just lost connection to a service but not the wireless network itself. Record the date & time and location when the wireless drop occurs. Is anyone else in the near area experiencing issues? (Students / close staff)? Has any change occurred recently with the device having the problem (system update? back from repair, etc)? Reboot your computer Verify that the closest Access Point (AP) in the classroom or area is powered on with a solid blue light. If it's not a solid blue light there is a problem with the closest Access Point. The access point should either be located on the ceiling near the center of the classroom, or up high on the wall or ceiling near a network port. If the AP is off or blinking or not blue, please enter a ticket so that the issue can be investigated. Remove all peripherals connecting to the laptop, especially ones that connect to the mini-display port Move closer to your home wireless AP to force your computer to connect to the wireless AP in your classroom Remove and reconnect to the TTSD network Make sure the TTSD network is the WiFi top choice Reset all network connections ( - This step must be done by a technician Use a different user account (like the Test account) Run the hardware diagnostic test ( Update the computer to the latest available operating system It is possible it is the wireless card, we will send your computer in for repair if we reach this step
Getting the MAC Address for Cell Phones and Tablets so that they can be Added to the TTSD Wireless Network
Note: There are only certain circumstances in which non district owned devices are added to the TTSD wireless network including: Administrator devices that are stipended, and added via TTSD Ticket System Partner organization device that is authorized by Master Services Agreement (MSA) - I.e. TTAD, Head Start, Freshworks, etc. TTSD Network Access Request Form for Student Device (Health Reasons) - Filled out by the school nurse and submitted to IT. Authorized "Special Permission" devices requested via the TTSD Ticket System If the device in question falls in to one of these categories, in order to add it to the TTSD Wireless Network, the IT Department needs the devices "Wireless MAC Address". How to find your Wireless MAC Address on an: Apple iPhone/iPad How to Disable "Private Wi-Fi Address" on iPhone/iPad Android Device How to Disable "Private Wi-Fi Address" on Android device To get the MAC address of an Apple iPhone/iPad: 1) Click on the Settings gear icon. 2) Select General. 3) Select About. 4) Scroll down and note the Wi-Fi Address. 5) The Wi-Fi address is your Mac address. Please provide this 12 digit hexadecimal number (contains characters 1-9 and a-f) to Technology so your phone can be added to the security database. How to Disable "Private Wi-Fi Address" on iPhone/iPad IMPORTANT: In order to make sure your device works when you connect to the TTSD Network you may need to turn off "Private Wi-Fi Address". To do this on an iPhone/iPad: 1) Click on Settings 2) Select "Wi-Fi" 3) Look for the "TTSD" wireless network. Click on the little blue "i" icon. 4) Turn OFF the setting for "Private Wi-Fi Address". (Usually on / green by default - you must slide to off / grey as pictured below.). You should now re-try joining the TTSD network. If it does not work please contact IT as we'll have to figure out what the issue is. ******************************************************************** To get the MAC address of an Android Device: 1) Click on the Settings gear icon. 2) Scroll all the way down to "About Phone" 3) Click on "Status Information" 4) Located "Phone Wi-Fi MAC Address". 5) The Wi-Fi address is your Mac address. Please provide this 12 digit hexadecimal number (contains characters 1-9 and a-f) to Technology so your phone can be added to the security database. How to Disable "Private Wi-Fi Address" on the Android OS IMPORTANT: In order to make sure your device works when you connect to the TTSD Network you may need to turn off "Private Wi-Fi Address". To do this on an Android OS Device: 1) Click on Settings 2) Select "Connections" 3) Select "Wi-Fi" 4) Locate the network "TTSD" and hold your finger on the connection for ~1second. This pictures menu should pop up: 5) Click on "Manage network settings" in that menu. 6) Find the "MAC address type" field - it will likely say "Randomized MAC". 7) If it says "Randomized MAC", click on the MAC address type field and select "Phone MAC" as shown below. You should now re-try joining the TTSD network. If it does not work please contact IT as we'll have to figure out what the issue is.