Clearing Your Web Browser Cache
How to clear the browser cache. Safari* Clear the Cache Click Safari in the upper left hand side of your screen. In the menu that appears, select "Clear History..." In the "Clear" pulldown menu, select "all history" Click the "Clear History" button. Quit & relaunch Safari. * Remember, Safari is not a supported browser for Synergy. Please use Firefox ESR or Chrome Safari on iPad Click Settings > Safari > Clear History and Website Data Firefox Clear the Cache Mac - Press the Command, Shift and Delete keys. PC - Press the Control, Shift and Delete keys. Set the Time range to "Everything" Check the boxes for: Cookies, Cache, Active Logins & Offline Website Data Click the Clear Now button Quit & relaunch Firefox. Disable Caching Type about:config in the address bar If you get "This might void your warranty!", click the "I accept the risk!" button. Type use-cache in the Filter box Double-click on network.http.use-cache: value will be set to false. Double-clicking again will re-enable the cache. Chrome Clear the Cache Mac - Press the Command, Shift and Delete keys. PC - Press the Control, Shift and Delete keys. Make sure the "Time range" menu is set to "All time" Check the boxes for: Cookies and other site data Cached images and files Click the "Clear data" button. Internet Explorer 8 Clear the Cache In the Tools menu, select Internet Options Under the General tab in the Browsing history section, click the Delete... button Uncheck everything except Temporary Internet files Click the Delete button Disable Caching In the Tools menu, select Internet Options Under the General tab in the Browsing history section, click the Settings button In the Temporary Internet Files section, change the setting to check for new versions of stored pages to "Every time I visit the webpage" Internet Explorer 6 How and Why to Clear Your Cache Others Clear Your Browser's Cache
DocuSign: Just Enough to be Dangerous
Video showing how to set up and send a form for electronic signatures using DocuSign With DocuSign you can email documents and have them signed electronically. This video shows how to do this using an eligibility form. I have ignored everything but the essentials, to make it simpler.
Using Texthelp "Read & Write" Extension to Edit PDFs
TTSD has a District license for Read & Write Read & Write Overview: R&W as a PDF Editor: R&W Setup
Using Kami to edit PDFs
Kami extension for Chrome allows users to edit PDFs in a variety of ways and save to the user's Google Drive folder. Getting Started Welcome Using Kami and Canvas for TEACHERS Using Kami and Canvas for STUDENTS
What Apps are Approved by TTSD to be Used With Student Logins?
The TTSD Digital Resource Menu, accessed through Canvas, lists educational resources by grade, subject, and approval status. Teachers can search for a resource they would like to use to see if it is approved for use or search by grade level and subject to find new resources. Clicking on a resource will open additional information, and links to help/support for that resouce. Student Data Privacy & DPAs If a resource offers an individual student login or can potentially access student information in any way, we need to have a Data Privacy Agreement (DPA) contract with the vendor. This is both to protect student information and maintain compliance with FERPA law. Examples Where a DPA is Needed: Standard "user name" and "password" prompt. "Sign in with Google" Browser extensions or Google apps add-ons that need view access to go their thing. Grammarly* is a good example. Key to Ratings Preferred: A resource associated with TTSD adopted curriculum. Any necessary DPAs have been signed by the vendor. Approved: Instructional coach has vetted or school has approved this resource. Any necessary DPA's have been signed by the vendor. Approved Limited: Approved for limited use under special circumstances to meet a specific need. Denied:This resource should not be used! Typically, this is because the resource offers student logins or access to student information and the vendor would not sign a DPA. Interface Screenshot Don't See a Resource in the Menu? We've got you covered! *wondering if we have a data privacy agreement for Grammarly? Try searching the digital resource menu to see what it's status is! 😃
Read & Write Toolbar Restriction for Quizzes & Tests
What to do when students have figured out that they can use R&W to define terms, especially problematic on Language Arts vocabulary tests. Question: We have run into a problem with Google Form Quizzes/Tests. Students have figured out that they can use R&W to define terms, especially problematic on Language Arts vocabulary tests. Is there a way to temporarily disable the app or another workaround that you can think of? Answer: We actually have a few ways the toolbar can be restricted. First would be if the users are attached to a Google Classroom - that teacher can in order to limit that user's features for a set period of time, after which the toolbar will revert. A short overview of this process can be found here: Alternatively, you can limit students in an entire OU by pushing a configuration file through the Admin Console. Information for how you can do this can be found here:
McGraw-Hill Education Login
Middle School Social Studies, High School US History & Government Curriculum Access Student Login iPad (@ middle school): Download the Clever App through Self Service Open Clever and login with Google (use your student email account to log in Click on the McGraw-Hill Education icon to open your textbook Chromebook (@ high school): Log into your Chromebook with your student account Locate & launch "Clever" Click on the McGraw-Hill Education icon to open your textbook Teacher Login Go to Clever: Login with Google - using your TTSD email Click on the McGraw-Hill Education icon to open your textbook(s) & teacher interface
NoteFlight: Getting Started
Learn about NoteFlight, online music writing application that lets students create, view, print, and hear music notation with professional quality, right on their CTL NL61TX Chromebook. NoteFlight provides secondary educators and students with a private, secure online community. It’s perfect for group composition, repertoire sharing, and more. Noteflight is an entirely cloud-based notation software platform. You can view, edit, and comment on your students’ scores in an online environment. Create and save unlimited scores, compose directly from any MIDI device, and choose high-quality instrumental sounds. TTSD's NoteFlight site for teachers and students can be found here: Step 1 Create a Google Classroom for each class you wish to access Noteflight. Submit a Tech Request to have this Google Classroom (or Classrooms) synced with Noteflight. Once you receive confirmation the Google Classroom/s you created are syncing with Noteflight, YOU ARE READY TO GO! An Introduction Intermediate
Allowing Websites to Open Popup Windows
How to allow specific websites, like Synergy, to load popup windows so they can run properly. Some websites need to be able to open popup windows to function properly. Synergy, for example, needs to be able to open popup windows in order to run reports and load some screens. This article will show you how to allow popups on specific websites using Synergy as the example. Unblocking Popups on a Mac Firefox Instructions based on the ESR 102.8.x release Open Firefox "Settings" from the "Firefox" menu Click on the "Privacy & Security" icon in the window that opens. Check the "Block pop-up windows" box. Add a pop-up exception for the Synergy web site, click the "Exceptions..." button. In the window that opens, type in and then click the "Allow" button. Save your changes. Close the window by clicking on the red close button in the top left corner of your window. Log out and back in to Synergy. Chrome Instructions based on 110.x release Open Chrome Settings from the "Chrome" menu. (3 dots, upper right menu bar) Click the "Privacy & Security" icon on the left, then Site Settings → Pop-ups and redirects. Click the "Don't allow sites to send pop-ups or use redirects" button. To add a pop-up exception for the Synergy web site, click "Add" in the "Allowed to send pop-ups and use redirects" section. Enter and then click "Add" You may now exit Chrome Settings Unblocking Popups on a PC Firefox Instructions based on the 98.X and 102.8.x releases Open Firefox "Settings" from the "Firefox" menu Click on the "Privacy & Security" icon in the window that opens. Check the "Block pop-up windows" box. Add a pop-up exception for the Synergy web site, click the "Exceptions..." button. In the window that opens, type in and then click the "Allow" button. Save your changes. Close the window by clicking on the red close button in the top left corner of your window. Log out and back in to Synergy. Chrome Instructions based on 110.x release Open Chrome Settings from the "Chrome" menu. (3 dots, upper right menu bar) Click the "Privacy & Security" icon on the left, then Site Settings → Pop-ups and redirects. Click the "Don't allow sites to send pop-ups or use redirects" button. To add a pop-up exception for the Synergy web site, click "Add" in the "Allowed to send pop-ups and use redirects" section. Enter and then click "Add" You may now exit Chrome Settings
Microsoft Home Use Program (HUP)
Microsoft Office 365 annual subscription for at home use TTSD employees are eligible to subscribe to the MS Office suite for 50% of the annual subscription rate. To do so, you will need to use your TTSD email and your home credit card. Please follow the steps below; Visit THIS SITE from Microsoft to initiate the process Enter your email address where it says "Enter your work email address". Click Get Started. Check your TTSD email for the verification email and follow the direction for the Office 365 subscription. NOTE: this is an annual subscription so you will pay again after 12 months.