State Testing
State Testing, OSAS (formerly known as SBAC/OAKS/ELPA) Setup - Best Practices
OSAS Oregon Statewide Assessment System (formerly SBAC / OAKS / ELPA) Best Practices Status of secure browsers for OSAS Oregon Statewide Assessment System (formerly SBAC / OAKS / ELPA) testing at TTSD: ** Recommendation (for all devices): Have students complete the practice test USING THE SECURETESTBROWSER APP. Do not use web browsers like Safari, Chrome, etc. Practice Test NOTE: Only use the SecureTestBrowser app on the iPad and plug in the headphone/microphone before starting the practice test It is best practice to get the latest version of the SecureTestBrowser app by going to Self Service and click Install on the SecureTestBrowser Launch the SecureTestBrowser app Select Oregon on the drop-down option >> click OK (This step only appears once when launching for the first time ) Click Go to the Sample Test Site Toggle Guest User Off Input last name and SSID to confirm that spelling is correct with testing information Click Sign In Select a grade level Select a test option. Scroll down if you don't see your test option. (To test the headphone, please choose the ELA or ELPA options. Other tests don't use the headphone) Click Select on the Choose Settings screen. The testers can choose the different settings to accommodate their needs; however, some settings require IEP approval. Please contact the school testing coordinator if you have questions Click Begin Test Now Click Yes when the Confirm App Self-Lock dialog window appears iPad: iPads MUST be running newest iOS version 18.2 Check your iPad iOS version: click Settings -> General -> Software update. Need update? See KB Article How to Update your iOS Plan accordingly (update at least 1 week prior) SecureTestBrowser app is available in Self Service for download NOTES: Remember to test the headphone during the Practice Test as though taking the real assessment. For ELPA testing: you will need a headphone with a microphone and an audio jack. The recommendation is here. Troubleshooting Restart! Restart! Restart the iPad if you run into any issues first. Reset all settings on the ipad: Settings > General > Transfer or Reset iPad > Reset > Reset All Settings If students deny microphone access initially, you will need to restore access: Settings >> Privacy & Security >> Microphone. Toggle the slider for SecureTest to green. The SecureTest app doesn't exist under the Settings >> Privacy >> Microphone: launch the app again and choose an ELPA option. Go through the test preparation where it will ask you to test the headphone and the microphone. No sound! Please make sure Silent Mode is off. Swipe down from the top right corner of the iPad, click on the Bell icon IF IT IS RED. This does require exiting the SecureTest if it is running. Unplug and plug the headphone back in. If the headphone doesn't seem to sit securely when plugging into the iPad, please inform the school technician. The volume is low on the headphone: increase the volume using the headphone volume button if it has one. If iPad shows the message "Environment is not secure" please close out the SecureTest app, close out all other apps and do a restart of the iPad. Students sign in with LAST name (as it LEGALLY appears in Synergy) down to the space, -, ' Recommend stripping away tilde characters - they will likely cause login issue. Student name includes the ' character, turn off the Smart Punctuation by going to Settings -> General -> Keyboard. Chromebook: All TTSD Chromebooks are set to use the new SecureTestBrowser app in "Auto-Launch Kiosk app" Students should NOT log into the device - the SecureTestBrowser app is available in the lower-left corner The OSAS SecureTestBrowser is approved to run on Chrome v108, 113, and 114. All students should run the Chrome OS update (this should occur automatically, but best to check): Log in to the Chromebook. Go to the profile icon (upper right corner), and select "Settings" Click "About Chrome OS" Click "Check for Updates" Restart. Currently, Chrome OS is set to auto-update (versions 114 have been approved)
Allow Microphone for OSAS Secure Browser on Mac computers that run Apple latest macOS
On Apple's latest macOS operating system, Apple requires that users must PURPOSELY grant access permission to the microphone and camera. This article will show you how to check and enable microphone access for the Oaks Secure Browser on macOS Mojave. Is there a technical solution to fix this? No. Apple wants users to purposely enable access to the microphone or camera. What device and operating system does this affect? This issue affects ANY Mac computers that runs macOS Mojave How do we know if the microphone is enabled for the Oaks Secure Browser? Go to System Preferences --> Security & Privacy --> Privacy --> Microphone. Check the OaksSecureBrowser option, if it is AVAILABLE. I do NOT see the OaksSecureBrowser option, what to do next? The option only becomes available after the microphone access is being triggered once. Launch the OaksSecureBrowser app --> Go to the Sample Test Site --> Run Diagnostics --> Recording and Playback Check --> Click the Speaker icon to do the speaker check --> Click the Recording icon to do microphone check --> Click OK to grant permission when OaksSecureBrowser asks to access the microphone. Click on the Logout button to exit the Sample Test Site once complete the microphone check.
Preventing iTunes Helper App pop-up during SBAC testing (including ELPA 21)
The "iTunesHelper" application causes issues with SBAC/OAKS. This article explains how to remove it. There are THREE steps to prevent iTunes from popping up during SBAC testing. 1. Remove iTunes From Login Items When iTunes is used it generates an Application named iTunesHelper and it is automatically placed in the User's account Login Items. It only causes problems when trying to test with SBAC/Oaks. To remove from the Test User account follow the steps/pictures below. Go to Apple Menu > Choose System Preferences > Find and Click on Users & Groups Under Current User click on Test and then click on the Login Items Under Login Item click on iTunesHelper Application Click the minus sign to Delete the Application. 2. De-Select Check for Updates To disable iTunes Updates; Open iTunes Go the iTunes >> Preferences. Click the Advanced "gear." De-Select the "Check for new software updates automatically." Click OK. 3. Enable Fn Keys as Standard Function Keys Open System Preferences Select Keyboard Check the Use F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys NOTE: the wording and location of this option is a little different depending on the operating system versions. However, it should always be under the Keyboard tab.
Smart Punctuation - "straight apostrophes" for OSAS testing
When using an iPad and the Secure Test app, it may be necessary to turn OFF Smart Punctuation in the iPad system keyboard setting for students who have an apostrophe ( ' ) in their first names. Steps to take to turn off Smart Punctuation: * Make sure the slider is not green/is OFF. How will I know if it worked? When entering the child's first name in the OSAS Secure Browser app, the ' in their name on the ipad will be straight (and not curved towards one letter or the other)