ParentSquare Attendance Notes
Using the ParentSquare App, parents are able to enter notes to excuse or communicate to the school about a child's absence. Think of this as a phone call the parent makes to let you know why their child wasn't at school that day. Schools can set up WHO receives these notifications (likely the attendance secretary) from within ParentSquare. If a parent places a note on an absence, this/these school staff will receive both a notice in their email and can also view the message from within ParentSquare. The attendance secretary should update Synergy, as needed. Just as they do with a phone call or voicemail from the parent. To see the attendance note on a student that was made by the parent: Login to ParentSquare using Login with Google. Select "Add Ons" from the top menu Select "Attendance Notices" from the vertical menu on the left, then click on the paper icon under the Note column to view the parent's note regarding the absence.
ParentSquare: Conference Sign Ups
You can set up conferences in ParentSquare using their Appointment Sign Ups feature. This article will go over Setting up conferences in ParentSquare (video walkthrough) Priority Conferences What to do when you already know conference times for specific families due to translation services or other circumstances. See these links for more information FAQ for appointment sign ups ParentSquare training resources for appointment sign ups Appointment Sign Ups in ParentSquare From Home, click the New Post drop-down menu and select Appointment Sign Ups. Fill out the Appointment Sign Up form. Date: Select the first date. If you are having conferences on multiple days, click Add Another Day under the date box. Start and End Times: These times will be for all dates you selected, so you should select your earliest and latest times. You’ll be able to remove specific time slots on the next screen. Example: Conferences on Wednesday from 4:00-8:00 pm and Thursday from 8:00-8:00. Enter 8:00 am as the start time and 8:00 pm as the stop time. You can remove unwanted time slots on the next screen. Recess: Use this to block off a length of time where you don’t want conferences; Lunch or dinner for example. When you check this box, options will show up to enter a start and stop time, but only one set can be entered. Remember that you can delete unwanted time slots on the next screen. Appointment Duration: Set how long you want your conferences to last. Break Between Appointments: Enter the amount of time (in minutes) between appointments. Enter "0" if you do not want breaks in between. Hide names of users who sign up: Click the box to hide the names from other parents/guardians. Note: student names will always be hidden from other parents/guardians. Limit to 1 appointment per user across all time slots: If this box is checked, each individual can only sign up for one time. Require Student Information: It is recommended that this box be unchecked. Unchecked: Parents who have separate households can sign up for separate conferences. However, your sign up list will only list the parent name. When signing up, they can add a note with their child’s name. Checked: Parents will select their child from a dropdown list and the child's name will be displayed in the sign-up form. The student can only have one conference time, even if parents are requesting separate conferences. If this happens, you could remove the time from the sign-ups and then communicate with the parent.*** (See example at the bottom of this article). Click Next. You will see a list of appointment dates and times. You can now edit them as needed. Sign up slot title: (optional) edit title, e.g. Conference Time Slot. Available Spots in appointment slot: Set to 1. Changing this allows multiple families to sign up for each time slot. Remove time slots that do not fit your schedule: click the trash can to the right of the time. Click Next. Now you can complete your post to recipients. Click the To field to add your class. Edit the Subject and Description of the post or use the template already populated into the boxes. If you already have some conferences scheduled (translations etc), pause here and follow the Priority Conferences instructions listed below. Once all your information is entered, you can Post Now or schedule it to go out at a specific time. ParentSquare automatically sends out 2 reminder emails. Reminder to sign up: sent 1 day after you post the sign ups. NOTE: It is only sent to users with Instant notifications, not the Digest setting. Reminder of conference time: Sent in the morning, 1 day before the scheduled conference. Priority Conferences There are times when you want to give priority or already know the time for a particular student/parent. Follow these steps to schedule your appointment or conference in the near future so you have time to add these students prior to the post going out to all families. Follow steps 1-6 above Click the drop-down arrow next to Post Now and select Schedule. Choose a day and time in the future, then click Schedule. Your post will load with all the available times. Now you can add someone to the sign-up before post recipients see the sign-up post. At the desired time, click Add Someone. Search by parent name and click Add. Now when your post is sent out, this time slot will already be taken and another person cannot select it. How to Remove Time slots AFTER you have posted your Sign Ups From Home, find your Sign Ups post. Click on the settings button in the top right corner of the post, then click Edit. Scroll down and click the X for the time slot that needs to be deleted. Scroll up to the top of the page and click Save.
Elementary School Quarter 1 Academic Feedback Form Process
Elementary School Quarter 1 Academic Feedback Form Process "Regular" Synergy report cards will automatically be posted in ParentVUE for quarters 2, 3, and 4. With the Academic feedback form for Quarter 1 being a PDF and not the report card, the following steps should be used to (1) complete the form and (2) send it securely through ParentSquare to the student's family. Students & families will be able to access their QT1 Academic Feedback form through either parents' email as a link to the document or in ParentVUE. Timeline October 4, 2024 Fillable PDFs of the Academic Feedback Forms are available for teacher download. November 15, 2024 Forms need to be completed and sent out from ParentSquare Two Steps - See Below... Download the form to complete for each student (as in years past) Send to students through ParentSquare for each student. STEP 1: Download & Fill Out the Academic Feedback Form: (same as in years past) Video-Based Instructions DOWNLOAD 1. Open the "ES Quarter 1 Academic Forms (fillable)" Folder in Google Drive. 2. Open the folder for your school and download the PDFs for the languages you need. Control-click on the file and select "download" from the menu that appears. 3. On your desktop, make a new folder called "Q1 Report Cards" or something similar. 4. Drag your Academic Feedback Form PDF(s) from step 2 into this new folder. COMPLETE THE FORM 5. Open the PDF. It should open in the "Preview" app, but if not, close the window, control-click on the PDF and select "open with" and then "preview." 6. For now, only fill out the "Teacher Name" and "Grade" fields since they will be the same on each student's PDF. 7. Still in the Preview app, from the File menu, select "Duplicate." A new window with your copy will appear. 8. Fill out the student name and complete the form. 9. From the File menu, select "Save..." In the window that opens, enter the student name in the "Save As" field and then hit "Save." Close window. NOTE: Repeat steps 7-9 for the rest of your students. They will all be saved in your Q1 Report Cards folder. STEP 2: Share Via ParentSquare Messages Sending the feedback forms individually to each student & family. Log into your ParentSquare account and click on Messages. Click on New Message Choose which message type you would like to send. Search for and select the student's parent(s) name in the Recipients box. Type a short message to the parent(s). Click the attachment button and select the student's Academic Feedback form. Click Send.
Which Tool For Communication?
For Teachers and Coaches Task/Feature Description Audience ParentSquare Synergy Mail Translation All X - (disabled due to cost) Track Read/Unread status Teachers/Staff X X Class-wide communication (one way or two way) Parents and/or Students X ("Posts") X (Replies go to gmail) Individual or small group communication & text message ( two way) Parents and/or Students X X Send to any staff at school Building staff X X Send to Synergy Groups you’re associated with Students X (Posts/Messages) X Send to Contact Lists/Groups All X X Reply via email All X X Reply via user portal All X - Track read/unread status All X X Add attachments All X X Email formatting tools All X (only in Posts) X Templates with tokens* All X (Only in Posts) X Admin logs Admins X X (Posts) For Secretaries, Principals and District Staff Task Description Audience ParentSquare (Offers Translation) School/District Wide Office Communication (one or two way) including SMS, email, App, social media Parents/Students/Staff/Others X FPA family communication Targeted Groups X
ParentSquare - How do I resubscribe to text notifications?
FAQs for Parents & Guardians You can text the word "START" to 66458. You can also change your notifications. Go to My Account, then Notification Settings. Choose OFF to turn off notifications. Choose Instant to receive all published Posts instantly. Choose Digest to receive 1 summary notification at the end of the day.