Website for sending secure emails to people.
SecureDocs - What is SecureDocs? is a website that is built on liquidfiles. Currently has a 20 user license that expires on 2026-01-17. Securedocs is used to send emails that will expire after a timeframe or after the attachment has been downloaded an allotted amount of times. It can also be used to send a link to a file that can only be downloaded by a person who has been sent the link.
SecureDocs - How to Send a Secure Email Using SecureDocs
To Send an Email Using SecureDocs 1. Go to and sign in using your district email and password. You will get taken to a webpage that will have a welcome message pop-up. Click "got it" and it will close. 2. From there you will be in the email creation tab where you fill out your email like you would normally by putting whoever you want to receive the email in the to line, filling out the subject of the email in the subject line and writing a message in the message body. 3. Click on "Add Files" or drag & drop the file that you want to securely send in the "Drop Files Here" section. 4. Then set access restrictions and message expiration. 5. If you use the default settings the message will expire in 1 month and can be downloaded infinite times by the person it is sent to during that month. The person who receives the email will see this: and will need to click Download Files to see the attached file. When they do that they will be asked to type in their email again and will receive a token in their email that they will need to type in to access the message. Once they do that they will be able to see the email message and download the file.
SecureDocs - How to See if Someone Received Your Message and Downloaded the File
1. Go to and sign in using your email and password. 2. Select "Secure Messages" and then "Sent." 3. You will then be able to see the recipients, subject filename and amount of times the message has been downloaded. 4. You can also click the gear under action and view the message again or delete the attachment if the person has received the message and downloaded it and you don't want to wait for the message to expire.
SecureDocs - Receive a Document Securely
Ask for a File to be Sent Securely to You 1. Go to and sign in using your email and password. 2. Click on File Requests 3. Click the box that says "+ New File Request" 4. The file request will send an email requesting a file be sent to you using SecureDocs. 5. The person you email will receive a message that looks like this 6. That will take them to SecureDocs to send the file.