TTSD Help Desk


CANVAS: "Most Successful" Assignments

Modified on: Wed, Feb 1 2023 8:56 AM

Included in this KB article are suggestions for 2020-21 school year using Canvas with students on both Chromebooks & iPads.

Class Setup:

  • Minimize your Navigation to "Home", "Modules", "Grades" -- only turn on additional features as you use them (ie Announcements, Discussions) to help students/families.  People navigation menu should ALWAYS be hidden.
  • Establish a course Home Page that includes your Google Meet link and basics for your class (links to schedule, contact info, syllabus, about you, etc.)
  • Pictures are helpful for navigation but the larger the picture or the quantity of pictures can slow down the loading of your page for students.
  • Leverage the many great resources from our instructional coaches.



Elementary K-2 (Students = iPads)

Assignment Type Canvas Steps - Teacher (on laptop) Canvas Steps - Student (iPad)
Write on a PDF & Submit
  1. Download PDF to your computer.
  2. Add a Canvas "assignment"
  3. Give it a Title and some (video?) directions for students to make it easy for non-readers
  4. Click Files tab >> "+Upload a new file"
  5. Set Submission Type to "Online". Click "File Uploads"
  6. Set a Due Date.
  7. Click "Save & Publish" 
  1. Tap Assignment
  2. Listen to video/read instructions.
  3. Tap link to PDF
  4. PDF opens in Canvas editor. Tap Pencil to turn on toolbar.
  5. Use "T" for text and pen to write on page.
  6. Tap "Sharrow" (square with arrow)
  7. Tap Canvas "Student"
  8. Tap SUBMIT.
Audio / Video Recording
  1. Add assignment
  2. Give it a Title and some (video?) directions for students to make it easy for non-readers.

  3. Set Submission Type to "Online"

  4. Click "Text Entry

  5. Set Due Date.

  1. Tap Assignment
  2. Listen to video/read instructions.

  3. Tap "submit assignment" button

  4. Tap in the Text Box to get the toolbar to appear at the bottom.
  5. Tap the camera icon.
  6. Tap video. Tap red button to record.
  7. Tap “Use Video”
  8. Tap "SUBMIT"



Elementary 3-5 (Students = iPads)

Any of the above, plus...

Assignment Type Canvas Steps - Teacher on laptop Canvas Steps - Students on iPad
Submit a copy of a Google Doc provided by Teacher
  1. Add assignment
  2. Give it a Title and provide some (text & video?) directions for students to differentiate
  3. Set Submission Type to "External Tool" 
  4. Click "Find"
  5. Search for "Google Drive Cloud Assignment"
  6. When prompted, select Google doc from your G. drive to use as a template.
  7. Click "Select"
  8. Set Due date.
  1. Tap Assignment
  2. Listen to video/read instructions 
  3. Tap "Launch External Tool"
  4. (new window opens)
  5. Edit document in split screen window OR Tap BLUE linked copy of document to open in NEW window.
  6. Complete assignment.
  7. (If opened in new window in Step #5, tap "<Student" button in upper left corner to return to Canvas.
  8. Tap SUBMIT.

  9. Tap Done.




Middle School 6-8 (iPads)

Any of the above, plus...

Assignment Type Canvas Steps - Teacher on Laptop Canvas Steps - Students on iPad
Project submission using another App (Google Slides, Notability, etc.)
  1. Add assignment
  2. Give it a Title and provide some (text & video?) directions for students to differentiate
  3. Set Submission Type to "Online" > Click "File Upload" 
  1. Tap Assignment
  2. Listen to video/read instructions 
  3. Click home button.
  4. Open App to complete project.

To Submit Assignment...

  1. FROM APP (step #4, above) with project open, Tap "Sharrow" (box with arrow).
  2. Tap Canvas "Student"

  3. Tap SUBMIT.



High School 9-12 (Students = Chromebooks)


Assignment Type Canvas Steps - Teacher on Laptop Canvas Steps - Students on Chromebook
Submit a copy of a Google Doc provided by Teacher
  1. Add assignment
  2. Give it a Title and provide some (text & video?) directions for students to differentiate
  3. Set Submission Type to "External Tool" 
  4. Click "Find"
  5. Search for "Google Drive Cloud Assignment"
  6. When prompted, select Google doc from your G. drive to use as a template.
  7. Click "Select"
  8. Set Due date.
  1. Click Assignment
  2. Listen to video/read instructions 
  3. Edit document in split screen window OR Tap BLUE linked copy of document to open in NEW window.
  4. Complete assignment.
  5. (If opened in new tab in Step #5, close tab to return to Canvas.)
  6. Tap SUBMIT.
  7. Tap Done.


Short Answer




  1. Add assignment
  2. Give it a Title and provide some (text & video?) instructions for students to differentiate
  3. Set Submission Type to "Online"
  4. Click "Text Box" 
  5. Set Due Date.
  1. Click Assignment

  2. Listen to video/read instructions.

  3. Click "Submit Assignment" button

  4. Tap in the Text Box to get the toolbar to appear at the bottom.

  5. Camera icon = take picture or video

  6. Picture icon = select image from G. Drive.

  7. Complete assignment

  8. Click "SUBMIT"



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