CANVAS TRAINING - Beyond the Basics
January 13, 2021 training AGENDA & VIDEO for TTSD staff. Contents: Google Doc AGENDA Video link (bottom of KB article) Answers to Training Questions After Training Ideas AGENDA: NOTE: To use the links in the Google Doc AGENDA below, please click HERE to open this resource in a new window. Training Video Link: Here is the link to your training video. Answers to Training Questions: All questions on the Q&A Sheet have been answered. After Training Ideas to share with your faculty: Explore the Canvas Quick Start Guide to walk you through the “Top 3 Starter Skills.” On the Global Navigation Bar (on the left of your screen), Open the Help Menu and explore the Training Portal. Complete the Learning Pathway titled “K12 First Day Ready.” (There is a Certificate attached to this Learning Pathway.) Explore the Canvas Commons for examples and ideas. These specific Canvas Guides will help you get started: How do I use Commons? How do I preview resources in Commons? How do I import and view a Commons resource in Canvas? Set up a Profile and join the Instructors Group in the Canvas Community and access blog posts, search the Canvas Guides, and ask questions to experienced Canvas users around the world. CanvasLIVE - FREE virtual webinars hosted by Canvas users, Instructure employees, Canvas Partners, etc. for all teachers Training Recording Session (Link)
Combining ("Cross Listing") Course Cards
At the start of the school year/term, you will have a separate Canvas course card for each section you teach. If you teach 3 sections of biology, you will have three separate Biology course cards in Canvas. You should merge ("cross list") these separate cards into a single course card so you don't have to recreate assignments/quizzes etc across multiple grade books. Important: You should complete the cross listing process before publishing your courses. Student submissions and grades are specific to the course and will not follow the student. If you need to cross list courses after there are student submissions/grades, you should export (from the "actions" menu) your "extra course card's" grade book first so you can re-enter their grades in your primary grade book. Definitions for this Knowledgebase Article: Course ID= The unique number that identifies each course. You will see it in the web address (URL) for your course. In the screenshot below, the course ID is 23529 "Primary Course Card" = The course card you will be keeping. You will be merging your other course card INTO this one. We recommend using the lowest period number as your primary course card. Example: If you teach Math 7 periods 2, 3, and 5. Choose the period 2 course card as your primary course card. "Extra Course Card(s)" = The "extra" Canvas Card you are seeing that you want to merge into your Primary Course Card. This card will "go away." If the course is already published, any student submissions & grades will also go away. Be sure to export your grade book (Actions → Export) first so you can enter them into your primary course's grade book. Prefer Video based instructions? Scroll to the bottom of this page! Pro-Tip Looking at your dashboard and trying to remember which card is your primary course card can be challenging. Once you have identified your primary course card, go into settings and add an image to help it stand out. Before After Cross Listing Courses Important: Review the definitions above before proceeding. Navigate to your Primary Course Card and note the "Course ID" number in the web address. We recommend using the lowest period number as your primary course card. Example: If you teach Math 7 periods 2, 3, and 5. Choose the period 2 course card as your primary course card. Identify your Extra Course Card(s). If there are grades you want to keep, export your grades first (Actions → Export) Open your extra course card and click "Settings" Click Sections tab Click the section name Click Search for the Primary Course CardID (from step 2 above) you want to MERGE this section into. Press the "return" key after typing the number to pull up the course. Click "Cross List this Section" Note you have now been moved to your Primary Course Card (see top of screen/course title) section tab and the section you just "Cross Listed" landed in your Primary course card (and REMOVED it from your secondary course card. RETURN TO YOUR CANVAS DASHBOARD Repeat the steps above for each extra course card you want to MERGE to your Primary Course Card. After Cross-Listing All sections will now be under each primary course card in Settings → Sections. Biology example below. Additional Information Canvas Instructor Guide Video Based Instructions
How to Have Announcements Appear on your Homepage
There are a number of additional course detail options, that are somewhat difficult to find. This video shows how to navigate to those additional options, how to use them to have announcements show up on your homepage, and allow student comments.
When to Use Groups or Sections
Video showing how Canvas uses groups and sections. It's important to understand how Canvas uses groups and sections. This will make it easier for you to schedule meetings with different students, or provide differentiated instruction. IMPORTANT: Around the 3:00 mark in the video below it talks about creating sections and populating them students. Assignments and assignment scores for these sections will NOT sync back to Synergy via Grade Passback.
PearDeck Integration with Canvas
How to integrate PearDeck into a Canvas course. Canvas Integration for Teachers and Students: When you integrate Pear Deck into Canvas, you turn a Pear Deck Session into an Assignment. This gives your students in Canvas instant access to the Session without needing a Join Code or Link, as they do in a traditional Pear Deck presentation Session. Click on the link below to view the instructions on the PearDeck website: Click here to view the Instructions
How to use Flipgrid in an Assignment
Flipgrid makes it easy to create assignments that students can fulfill by turning in short snippets of video. This video shows how to integrate flipgrid into your canvas course, and create an assignment with it.
Recording Flipgrid videos as a Student
Video on how to control the navigation links students see in your course. Some of the navigation links in Canvas may confuse students. If they click the assignment link, they may see all the assignments for a course, which can be overwhelming. This video shows how to hide selected navigation links so students don't see them.
Boom Cards: Using them in Canvas
Video of how to use Boom Cards for ungraded Canvas assignments. Boom Cards provides an easy and engaging way to set up drill type learning activities. This video shows you how to use a Boom deck in Canvas without requiring students to log into the Boom Card site. If you need to learn Boom Card basics, watch this video.
Canvas: Duplicate Quiz to Unshuffle Answers
Video of how to make a copy of a quiz with unshuffled answers to assign to specific students. Shuffling answers may create issues for some students when they take a quiz in canvas. This video shows how to make a duplicate of the quiz, deselect the shuffle option, and assign it to specific students.
Canvas: New RCE (Rich Content Editor)
Video of how to enable the new RCE and some of the features. Canvas recently updated its rich content editor (RCE). It's much more streamlined, but it's not entirely obvious where some functions are located. This video shows you how to enable the new RCE, the autosave feature, and the location of some functions. Hopefully, this will make your experience of switching over to it more pleasant.