Year-End Checklist - Secretaries
Modified on: Wed, Jun 7 2023 12:33 PMA checklist for secretaries for end of the year data cleanup & processes.
Discipline Data Cleanup
- U-CTA-3027 - Incidents Without Dispositions
- U-CTA-3028 - Incident Violation Weapon Check
- U-DIS101 - Incidents Missing Motivation
Discipline eBinder (for users with access)
Finalize Attendance Records
Make sure you have entered all of your attendance data.
Reports - Run by District Office
- ATD601 Daily Attendance Summary
- ATP401 Period Attendance List
Grade and Report Cards
Grading & Grade Book eBinder (for users with access)
- Elementary Report Cards: Printing Report Cards
- Secondary Report Cards: Printing Report Cards
When all grades are entered, secondary schools should run:
Synergy Processes
- Update Student Course History
- Update GPA
When complete, notify the district office, who will complete the following:
Synergy Processes
- Mass assign Graduation Status and Date
- Update school year attendance records for transcripts
Reports - Schools to run
- STU204 Student Transcripts
State Reporting (All due on or before June 27, 2023 at 4:00 pm)
- Annual Cumulative ADM: ADM CheckList
- Freshman on Track: Notify Carla Parker when all grades are entered
- CTE Course and CTE Student: All data entered
- Discipline: All data verified
- Elementary sections were copied to NEXT SCHOOL YEAR, so schools only need to create sections if additional classes are added, or for staff changes. Please refer to the Creating, Linking and Changing Elementary Sections from the Synergy eBinder
- Secondary schools should complete their master schedules NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, JULY 18TH, and notify district office when complete so that district office can push final schedule into production
- Confirm non-grads and enroll returning Super Seniors into next year
- Enter Year-End Status Code for student not returning to your school (Secondary only)
Other District Responsibilities
- End date necessary Program Assignments
- Mass assign 9th grade entry year
- Change default focus year to next year (mid-July)
- Disable gradebook and schedules in PVue/SVue (mid-July)
- Staff school assignment changes (after July 1st)
- New staff Synergy set-up (August)