Synergy Attendance Screens & Reports (Secondary)
Screens and reports needed for truancy officers. PLEASE NOTE: A nightly process, Mass Change Attendance, will update the All Day Code and Absence Amount based on a percentage threshold of periods absent divided by periods scheduled for that day. The nightly process reviews the prior few weeks of attendance, and a weekly process reviews the entire year. Two resources have been identified as being useful for providing data to our truancy officers. Please follow the steps below to generate the PDF files. Daily Attendance Totals and Percentages: Open Synergy and location "Daily Attendance" (Tree >> Synergy SIS >> Attendance >> Daily Attendance Search for student. Click "Totals" tab. Click printer icon on Synergy menu (next to Save) to print page for officer. EXAMPLE: Attendance Totals by Period, Daily and Reason (ATP201) Open up "Period Student Attendance Profile" report (Tree >> Synergy SIS >> Attendance >> Reports Period >> Individual >> ATP201 - Period Student Attendance Profile) Find Student Date Range: Verify Start Date = 1st day of school year, End Date = last day of school year Absence Definition: Reason Type 1, 2, and 3 are: Unverified, Unexcused and Excused, respectively. Show Options: Click "Show All Day Reason Code Totals" Click Print button. EXAMPLE:
Chronic Absences
"Chronically absent" is defined as students missing 10% or more of their enrolled days by ODE definition. (Verified Nov 29, 2022) Definition of absent, absent rate, chronically absent, attendance rate: Students who are absent 75% or more of their scheduled day = full day absent (1.0 days) Students who are absent between 25% and 74% of their scheduled day = half day absent (0.5 days) Students who are absent 24% or less of their scheduled day = not absent (0.0 days) Absent rate is defined as the rate a student is absent and determined by the SUM of full and half day absences, as defined above, divided by total days enrolled. Chronically absent is defined as an absent rate greater than or equal to 10% Attendance rate is defined as rate a student is present (100% - "absent rate" = "attendance rate") EXAMPLES: HS. Student with 4 scheduled periods, missing 3 = 1.0 days absent HS. Student with 3 scheduled periods, missing 1 = 0.5 days absent MS. Student with 7 scheduled periods, missing 5 = 1.0 days absent MS. Student with 7 scheduled periods, missing 3 = 0.5 days absent Synergy Synergy can produce "Attendance Rate" reliably in two ways: OR >> Reports >> ATD425-Average Daily Membership Detailed Report Head Secretaries and Registrars have access to this report. You may also submit a Tech Request to request this data. User can select a date range Refer to Chronically Absent definition, above. Daily/Period Attendance >> . Field = Attendance Base Rate, for selected student All users with access to Daily/Period Attendance View/Update have access to this screen. Current, year-to-date attendance rate To export attendance rate data for a list of students: Enter Find mode and place * in "Attendance Base Rate" Output to Excel Sort and filter on Attendance Base Rate column Refer to Chronically Absent definition, above Data Warehouse Data warehouse receives the full day and half day absent amount calculated by Synergy, see above. Data Warehouse can produce "Attendance Rate" reliably in three ways: Reports *New >> District Specific >>TTSD Early Warning Systems Teachers have access to their own students / Administrators and specialists have access to all students in the school User can select a date range Results include a list of students with their attendance rate. If attendance rate is less than 90%, then it is highlighted to indicate the student is chronically absent. Summary at end reports number (and %) of students chronically absent. Reports *New >> Attendance >> Cumulative Monthly Attendance Teachers have access to their own students / Administrators and specialists have access to all students in the school Shows attendance rate for each month, cumulative from the beginning of the year through that month Results include a list of students with their cumulative attendance rate for each month If attendance rate is less than 90%, then it is highlighted to indicate the student is chronically absent. Summary at end reports number (and %) of students chronically absent. Reports *New >> Attendance >> Discrete Monthly Attendance Teachers have access to their own students / Administrators and specialists have access to all students in the school Shows distinct attendance rate for each month Results include a list of students with their attendance rate for each month If attendance rate is less than 90%, then it is highlighted to indicate the student is chronically absent. Summary at end reports number (and %) of students chronically absent.
Printing Labels in Microsoft Word for Mac Using Data Exported From Synergy
How to take report data exported to Excel from Synergy and print labels using Microsoft Word for the Mac. Exporting Data From Synergy 1. Open the report you want to pull data from, STU201 (student profile) for example. If exporting from a TeacherVUE report, select TXT as the report output and skip steps 2-4. 2. Make the desired selections on the "Options" tab and then click on the "Sort/Output" tab. 3. Change the output from PDF to CSV. Note: you can also export search results to CSV. 4. Click the "Print" button. Checking Excel When you open the document in Excel, you will see that each cell in the first row contains "header" information that describes the content of that column, "Addressee," "AddressLine1" etc. Setting up Labels in Microsoft Word (Office 2021) 1. Open a new Word document. In the "Mailings" tab, click the "Start Mail Merge" button. 2. Select "Labels..." 3. In the new window that opens, choose the label type you will be using, most likely Avery5160. Click "OK." 4. Click the "Select Recipients" button and choose "Use an Existing List..." Locate and select the CSV you exported from Synergy. 5. In the file conversion window that opens go with the recommended encoding, likely Unicode (UTF-8) and click "OK." 6. Back on the main document window, in the first (empty) label space, click the "Insert Merge Field" button and select the field you want. You can enter both regular text and merge fields in this space. 7. Use the "Update Labels" button to copy your setup from the first label space to all others. Use the "Preview Results" button to see sample output. After previewing, you may find that you need to adjust the font size (under the "Home" menu) in the first label space, to avoid line wrapping. Be sure to hit the "Update Labels" after making changes so the changes are applied to all labels. 6. If everything looks good, click "Finish & Merge." Selecting "Edit Individual Documents" will open a new Word doc with the merge data filled in so you can make changes. "Print Documents" will skip this step and take you right to the print dialog window.
Running a Report for an Ad Hoc List
How to add multiple students to run a report. Includes information on limiting your report to a filter you have set up. If you find yourself running the same report multiple times because you need the report data for several students, there is probably an easier way. Most reports in Synergy offer the ability to add multiple students to the report, rather than making a selection by grade, section etc. In the example below, I use the U-TESL101 (Elementary Testing Labels) report, but the steps would be the same regardless of the report you are running as long as the "selection" tab on your report looks the same as the one in step 3 below. 1. On the main "options" tab of the report, make whatever selections are appropriate for your report. In the example below, I am only printing the report for 5th grade. For this particular report, I would also go to the "Label Setup" tab to set my label type. 2. Leave the student name and ID fields in the "Student Info" area blank. You will be selecting students in steps 3-5 below. 3. OPTIONAL (but very cool...) To limit your report to a filter you have set, click on the funnel icon and select your filter. Filters can be created from any search result screen. In the example below, I am selecting a filter I created by searching for active ELL students. 4. Click on the "Selection" tab and in the "Object Type" pulldown menu select "Student." Click the "Select" button. A floating "chooser" window will appear. 5. In the "Chooser" window, search for students. Option 1: If you skipped step 3 above, search for students by their student ID (best option) or name. If you search by student ID, the student will automatically be moved over to the "Selected Items" area since there will only be one match for the search. If you search by name and there is more than one match, you will see a list of search results on the left. You can click once on the row and click the "Add Selected Rows" or you can double click on a row to add that student to the "Selected Items" area. Option 2: If you applied a filter in step 3, simply click on the "Find" button without filling in any name or ID info. This will return all students that match the filter you set in step 3. Click "Add All Rows," and advance to the next page of results. Repeat until you have added all students. 6. When you have your full list, click the "Select" button to add those students to the report. This will close the "Chooser" window and return you to the "Selection"tab of the main report screen. You will now see the students you selected listed. The report will only include these students. Note: Since I also limited the report to 5th grade students (in step 2), the report will be limited to students that I selected that are also in 5th grade. 7. Click the "Print" button in the top left area of your screen to run your report for the students you selected.
Printing Mailing Labels
How to format label reports for the Avery 5160 label type. Printing Student Mailing Labels On the Mac Open your report to run labels from. In this example, I used the STU802 (Student Mailing Labels) report. Path Synergy SIS → Student → Labels → STU802 - Student Mailing Labels Make the appropriate selections on the "Student Options" tab based on your needs. On the "label setup" tab, make sure you have selected the Avery 5160 label type. Click the "Print" button, locate the downloaded report on your computer, and open the report in Apple's "Preview" app. Do not use Adobe's Acrobat Reader. In Preview, go to the "File" menu and select "Print." In the print dialogue window that opens, click the "Scale" radio button and set it to 100%. If you don't see these choices, make sure you have the pulldown menu below the "orientation" icons set to "Preview" Print dialogue window (addresses blacked out for privacy) Load your Avery labels in your printer and click the blue "Print" button to print your labels. Printing Student Mailing Labels On the PC Open your report to run labels from. In this example, I used the STU802 (Student Mailing Labels) report. Path Synergy SIS ---> Student ---> Labels ---> STU802 - Student Mailing Labels Make the appropriate selections on the "Student Options" tab based on your needs. On the "label setup" tab, make sure you have selected the Avery 5160 label type. Click the "Print" button. You label report will either download to your default download location or will be displayed inline in your browser window. If your report is displayed in your browser, move your mouse to the bottom of the screen and click the printer icon in the floating menu that appears. Browser floating menu If your report downloads, double click it to open it in Adobe Reader. In Adobe Reader, click the printer icon at the top of the page. In the print window that appears, click the "Actual Size" radio button and the "Portrait" button in the "Page Size & Handling" area. Print dialogue window Load your labels in your printer and click the "Print" button when ready. Note that if the text doesn't fit inside the labels perfectly, you may want to check the margins in page setup in Synergy. The ideal top margin is 0.55 and the side one is 0.30. That will ensure that all text stays within each label boarders.
Synergy & TeacherVUE: Key to Attendance Codes
Quick reference to the two letter attendance codes you see on various attendance screens and reports in Synergy. Key to Attendance Codes On attendance screens and reports in Synergy, you will see a two letter code associated with the entry. Below is a key explaining what each code means. Code Title Type CO Court Excused DE Dental Excused DO Doctor Excused EA Excused Absence Excused EL Excused Tardy Excused Tardy FA Family Related Excused FX Flex Schedule School Activity HR Health Room School Activity HD Home Discipline Excused IE Immunization Exclusion Excused IS In School Suspension School Activity OS Out of School Suspension Excused PR Personal Excused PE Personal Appointment Excused QE Quarantine Exemption Excused SR School Related School Activity SI Sick Excused UA Unexcused Absence Unexcused UL Unexcused Tardy Unexcused
Printing Testing Labels
Printing labels for testing that includes the students' ID, SSID and additional information. We have created a "Testing Labels" report that includes the following information: Student Name Grade Level SSID Student ID Birthday Teacher School Name 1. Open the Testing Labels report screen for your level. 2. On the "Options" tab, select the individual student or the grade range of students you want to print. 3. On the "Label Setup" tab, select the "Avery 5160" mailing label type from the pulldown menu. 4. Optional: On the "Sort/Output" tab, set your sort order. In the screen shot below, I am sorting first by grade, then by teacher and finally by student name. 5. Click the "Print" button near the top of the page to run your report.
Year-End Checklist - Secretaries
A checklist for secretaries for end of the year data cleanup & processes. Discipline Data Cleanup Reports U-CTA-3027 - Incidents Without Dispositions U-CTA-3028 - Incident Violation Weapon Check U-DIS101 - Incidents Missing Motivation Discipline eBinder (for users with access) Finalize Attendance Records Make sure you have entered all of your attendance data. Reports - Run by District Office ATD601 Daily Attendance Summary ATP401 Period Attendance List Grade and Report Cards Grading & Grade Book eBinder (for users with access) Elementary Report Cards: Printing Report Cards Secondary Report Cards: Printing Report Cards Transcripts When all grades are entered, secondary schools should run: Synergy Processes Update Student Course History Update GPA When complete, notify the district office, who will complete the following: Synergy Processes Mass assign Graduation Status and Date Update school year attendance records for transcripts Reports - Schools to run STU204 Student Transcripts State Reporting (All due on or before June 27, 2023 at 4:00 pm) Annual Cumulative ADM: ADM CheckList Freshman on Track: Notify Carla Parker when all grades are entered CTE Course and CTE Student: All data entered Discipline: All data verified Scheduling Elementary sections were copied to NEXT SCHOOL YEAR, so schools only need to create sections if additional classes are added, or for staff changes. Please refer to the Creating, Linking and Changing Elementary Sections from the Synergy eBinder Secondary schools should complete their master schedules NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, JULY 18TH, and notify district office when complete so that district office can push final schedule into production Enrollments/Withdrawals Confirm non-grads and enroll returning Super Seniors into next year Enter Year-End Status Code for student not returning to your school (Secondary only) Other District Responsibilities End date necessary Program Assignments Mass assign 9th grade entry year Change default focus year to next year (mid-July) Disable gradebook and schedules in PVue/SVue (mid-July) Staff school assignment changes (after July 1st) New staff Synergy set-up (August)
Attaching a Document to a Student Record
How to attach a document to a student's record so teachers can access this information electronically. Typical documents include: 504 Documents, Health Management Plans, and TAG Documents. For users with the proper access, this article describes how to attach a document to a student record. Attached documents will show on the SIS side as well as in TeacherVUE. The following document types are the most frequently attached to a student record: 504 Document Health Management Plan Tag Document For the instructions below, we use a 504 document as our example. Document Format Documents should be in PDF format. To save a document (Word, Pages etc) as a PDF, go to the "file" menu and select "print." Mac - Use the PDF pulldown menu in the lower left corner to save the document as a PDF PC - Select the "CutePDF Writer" printer from the printer menu to save the document as a PDF. If you don't see CutePDF Writer, submit a tech request. Please use the following naming conventions for your PDF files. 504 Documents - Student initials, hyphen, 504. example DE-504.pdf Health Management Plan - Student initials, hyphen, HMP example DE-HMP.pdf TAG Document - Student initials, hyphen, TAGschoolyear example DE-TAG17-18.pdf Attaching the Document 1. On the student screen, click on the "Documents" tab. 2. On the documents tab, click the "Add" button. 3. A new window will open prompting you to locate the file for upload. Verify you have named the file using the conventions listed above and correct if necessary before uploading. example HP-504 (pictured below) 4. You will get a confirmation that the upload was successful. Almost done! The Doc Category is highlighted in green, indicating that it needs to be set. 5. Set the appropriate Doc Category (504, Health Plan, or TAG) using the pulldown menu. Please do not skip this step! Click Save. What Teachers Will See On their seating chart, teachers will see icons for the different notification types. Key to icons. Clicking on the icon will bring up a message showing them how to access the document. Teachers will click on the student picture and select "Student" to open the student screen. They will then select the documents tab. Clicking on the document icon will open the document.
Memo Field Templates: Synergy's Best Hidden Feature!
What's a Memo Field? Memo fields show up in most areas on the SIS side of Synergy. They are the larger boxes where you can type in several lines of information. An example is the "Comment" field on the Student screen, Student Contact Log tab. What's a Memo Field Template? Clickbait article title aside, memo field templates are an amazing time saving feature! They let you quickly fill in commonly repeated information with just a couple clicks. They can even populate the current student's name and add date/time stamps. Some use cases: Nurses logging health room visits School counselors/psychologists completing a 504 process document in Synergy SE Completing a Student Contact Log entry on the Student screen Setting Up a Template 1. Navigate to the memo field you want to set up a template for. Example below is from a contact log memo. Fill it out as usual. 2. Click the small page icon above the text entry area and select "create template." A new window will open. If you had already created templates for this memo field they would be displayed. 3. Delete the information you want to have dynamically filled in (in this case the student's first name) and then click the icon to select the item you want swapped in. 4. It will look similar to the screenshot below. Give your template a name and save your changes. 5. That's it! The next time you click on the icon you will see the template you made.