TTSD Help Desk


Recommendations for Family Partnership Days (formerly Conferences)

Modified on: Tue, May 28 2024 12:48 PM

Recommendations for setting up Calendar time slots and leveraging Synergy for Family Partnership Days

Table of contents

  • Calendar Setup
  • School Setup
  • Missing Assignments
  • Elementary Teachers
  • Secondary Teachers

Calendar Setup

  • Please follow this link to see how to set up Google Calendar events with appointment slots

School Setup

Conferences are a perfect time to remind parents about using ParentVUE as a resource and to iron out any access issues they may may have. We recommend having a station where staff can print activation letters for new ParentVUE accounts or troubleshoot access issues on existing accounts.

Missing Assignments

Useful for both elementary & secondary teachers, the Student Missing Assignments Report will print a list of assignments in your grade book that have been flagged as missing with the "mi" comment.

1. From the main grade book screen, click on the "Reports" button.

grade book reports button

2. In the window that opens, select the "Detailed Progress Report" option from the pulldown menu.

reports window with the "student missing assignments report" menu item selected

3. Click the "Run Report" button in the lower right corner. Report will load as a PDF. 

Sample output from the student missing assignments report
Click image to enlarge. Note: the "Subject" column will only display at the elementary level.

Elementary Teachers - Progress Report by Report Card Area

Elementary teachers can generate a progress report like the one pictured below. Both the marks and the student name in this example are made up. The article below will open in a new window/tab and walk you through the process.

Grade Book: Printing an Elementary Progress Report by Report Card Area

Sample elementary progress report

Sample elementary progress report for a fictitious student. Click image to view full size in a new window.

Secondary Teachers - Grade Book Progress Reports

1. From the main grade book screen, click on the "Reports" button.

2. In the window that opens, select the "Detailed Progress Report" option from the pulldown menu.

grade book reports screen

3. Click the "Run Report" button in the lower right corner. Report will load as a PDF. 

secondary progress report.


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