TTSD Help Desk


Canvas Release Notes

Modified on: Fri, Aug 19 2022 11:36 AM

This article will highlight noteworthy improvements to the Canvas platform, with most recent changes shown at the top. Updates usually occur around the 15th of each month.

Features Coming Soon*

  • TBD (none announced as of 1-13-2022)

*These features are currently being tested and will roll out soon if testing goes well.

January 2022


Missing Status Removal - When a grade is entered manually for a missing submission, the missing status is removed. This change removes the Missing label for submissions that have not been submitted online but that have received a manually entered grade. This behavior also applies in SpeedGrader.

Additional Details

Once a manual grade has been entered, the Missing label is removed. Removing the entered grade does not replace the Missing label. Labels that need to be reapplied must be done manually.

The Missing label is also removed if the assignment is part of an assignment with a Late Policy, and a manual grade is entered for the assignment submission.

SpeedGrader - Teachers will now be notified if they have created, but not posted a comment. Selecting the Proceed button indicates the comment should be saved as a draft for the submission being viewed. The option to not show the warning applies on a per-assignment basis.

dialog window notifying user that they have an unposted comment. checkbox option to not show warning again, two buttons "cancel" and "proceed"

New Quizzes

Matching Question Partial Credit - When a Matching Question is created, the Matching Questions question type includes the Grading section, which allows the question to require exact matches to receive full points or allow for partial credit. Newly created matching questions default to the partial credit option.

December 2021

Minor changes only (layout, wording)

November 2021


Assignment Text Entry Word Count - The word count for assignment text submissions is displayed in SpeedGrader. This change allows you to view the word count for a text submission assignment while grading in SpeedGrader.

October 2021 

Grade Book

Assignment Search - This works like the existing "Student" search tool and lets you filter the assignment columns to the one you are looking for. (demo video)

SpeedGrader Flags - You can now set "Late, Missing, and Excused" flags right from SpeedGrader! You can also clear existing flags here. (demo video)
Note: if you allow multiple submissions, you can only set flags for the most recent submission.

Course Navigation

"Sticky" Course Navigation - The course navigation elements ("People, Grades, Settings" etc) on the left used to scroll out of view on longer screens. Now these navigation elements will stay on the screen as you scroll down. (demo video)

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