TTSD Help Desk


Grade Passback - Deleting an Unwanted Canvas Assignment From Synergy

Modified on: Fri, Jan 31 2025 11:12 AM

This article will show you how to delete Canvas synced assignments from the Synergy grade book. There are a couple of reasons why you might want to do this:

  • There was an issue with the sync process and one or more duplicate assignments were created.
  • You deleted the original assignment in Canvas and don't want the corresponding assignment in Synergy any more.

Deleting An Assignment

1. In Synergy, click the 3 dots next to the assignment name and select "Edit Assignment" from the menu that appears.

2. Next to the green save button you'll notice a "Third-party Readonly" toggle. Toggle this off.

3. Hit the "Save Assignment" button. This will return you to the main grade book screen.

  • To delete the assignment
    1. Click the three dots again and select the "Delete Assignment" menu item.
    2. Confirm your choice.
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