Grade Book
Supporting Students Past Term End Dates in Canvas
In order for students to access a canvas course past the end of term, teachers will need to manually create a section in their course with extended dates. Follow the instructions in the three sections below: Creating an Extended Section for an Ended Course Card Identify students who need to be included in this "extended" section. (i.e. those who received an "I" on their report card) Click to open your ended course card (Courses → All Courses in the left navigation area) Click Settings Click Sections tab To create a new "extended" section, enter " - Extended " for new section name. Click "+ Section" Click on the link for your new section Click "Edit Section" Change the "Ends:" date to the last day for incomplete assignments. (Leave "Starts:" date empty.) Check the "Students can only participate in the course between these dates" box. Click "Update Section" Add Students to Extended Section 1. Click People from side menu of the Canvas course. 2. Locate student/s who will be enrolled in this Extended Quarter 1 section. 3. Click the at the far right in the student's row and select "Edit Sections" 4. Browse for your new section (Step #5, above) 5. Select new section and click "Update" 6. Repeat steps above for each student needing to be added to the extended section. Remove "Available Until" Dates Note: If you don't use available until dates, you can skip this section. 1. Open the "Assignments" screen from course navigation. 2. Click the three vertical dots and select "edit assignment dates" to view dates for all assignments. 3. Remove any dates in the "Available Until" column and save your changes. Note: since no students can access this course except those in the extended section, it is safe to remove these dates after the term has ended. Update Grades in Synergy 1. SYNC TO SIS from the Gradebook Sync menu to update Synergy 2. Provide overall final score to data coordinator when student(s) complete the course.
Canvas: Export Grades
How to export grades from the Canvas gradebook. 1. Log into Canvas ( 2. Navigate to course → Grades 3. Click Export → Export Entire Gradebook. 4. On the file download prompt, name your CSV file with your class name and save it to your Documents folder. 5. Open the downloaded file: OPTION 1: Locate the file in Documents and double-click to open. OPTION 2: Open Google Drive, click New → File Upload. Locate your grades export .csv file.
Canvas Grade Book: Excusing Assignments for New Students
For new students, how to excuse assignments that were due before they joined your course. When a new student is added to your course mid-year, the Canvas grade book will mark past assignments as missing, even though the student was not in the course at the time. We have verified with Canvas support that this is expected behavior. To remove the "missing" status for those assignments, you need to excuse them for the student. Read the step-by-step instructions below or jump to the one-minute video below. Use "ex" to Save Time Entering "ex" (without the quotes) in a grade book cell is a quick way to mark an assignment as excused. 1. Sort your grade book by the due date, oldest to newest. 2. Click in the grading cell for your oldest assignment. 3. Copy "ex" to your clipboard, use the arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate cells and then paste "ex" in each cell using the command-v keyboard shortcut. See the video below. Video Instructions
Canvas: Viewing Dropped Students in Your Grade Book
How to view students that have been dropped from your Canvas course so you can view their grades. This setting is similar to the "show dropped student" setting in the Synergy grade book and will let you view grades for students who are no longer in your Canvas course. "Before" View Note: Dropped students Chase and Kenley are not listed. Viewing "Concluded Enrollments" Click the three vertical dots at the top of the Student column and select "Concluded enrollments." This must be done for each course and is an "on/off" setting. "After" View Note: Dropped students Chase and Kenley are listed.
Synergy Grade Book → Canvas Grade Book Cross Reference
A reference of Synergy grade book features and where to find them in Canvas. Includes links to Canvas help articles when available. New Names for Familiar Things Synergy GB Feature Canvas Equivalent Canvas Help Article New Assignment Modules → Module Name → + Assignment How do I add course content as module items? Note: The process is the same regardless of the content (assignment, quiz, discussion, etc) you are adding to the module. Grade Book Score Type Grading Scheme How do I add a grading scheme to an assignment? Missing Assignments Missing submissions Using the Canvas Missing Submission Policy Report Card Score Type (aka "custom grade scale") Grading Scheme How do I add a grading scheme in a course? Note: Grading schemes can also be added to assignments as noted above. Final Grade Config (custom grade scales for individual students) N/A Assigning a Canvas grading scheme to an individual student is not an option. Assignment Type Weighting Weighting by "assignment groups" How do I weight the final course grade based on assignment groups? Scoring Rubrics Rubrics → + Add Rubric How do I add a rubric to an assignment? Grade Book → Assignments screen For changing assignment dates in bulk Assignments → → "Edit Assignment Dates" How do I bulk update due dates and availability dates as an instructor? Exclude an assignment "Excuse" an assignment. Type "ex" (no quotes) in the grade cell for the student/assignment. How do I change the status of a submission in the Gradebook? New Assignment Screens Side-By-Side Comparison Default Canvas Assignment Setup Assignment points - 0 Assignment Group (assignment type) - Assignments Display as - Points Submission Type - Online Submission Attempts - Unlimited' Assign to - Everyone Due Date - Blank (you must/should set a due date) Available from and Until - Blank Default Canvas Gradebook Setup Ungraded assignment = "exempt" Missing assignment (after due date) = "exempt" Assignment group weighting Standards Canvas courses have no assignment group weighting. Overall class grade: Secondary is posted by default. Elementary is hidden by default.
Canvas: Gradebook Overview (Video)
Video covering how to use the Gradebook in Canvas. Timestamps for Topics 0:15 Accessing the grade book 1:00 Grade book policy settings 2:22 Student display options 3:32 Assignment view and filter options 5:24 Assignment options (sort, message students who ____, set default grade etc) 6:31 Icons & fill colors explained 7:39 Individual student view 8:24 Viewing grading history <span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span>
How do I hide the "Total" grades from students?
How to hide the "Total" grades from students in Canvas courses. Students & families should access this information from StudentVUE & ParentVUE (Synergy) 1. Go to course site / Settings. 2. Make sure you are in the Course Details tab. 3. At the very bottom of the Course Details page, click "more options" 4. Checkmark "Hide totals in student grades summary" 5. Click Update Course Details button.
Setting up Grade Passback to Sync Canvas Assignments to Synergy
Note: This grade passback article is for middle and high school teachers only... Video based instructions at the bottom of this page. NEW for the 2024-25 School Year: Running the "remaster grade passback" process in Canvas (Grade Sync → Utilities tab) will now clear out assignment scores in Synergy that you have deleted in Canvas! Important Notes Add? YES! Update? YES! Delete? See Below! The regular sync process can only add and update assignments and assignment scores in Synergy. It cannot delete assignments or scores. However..... NEW for the 2024-25 school year: Running the "remaster grade passback" process in Canvas (Grade Sync → Utilities tab) will now clear out assignment scores in Synergy that you have deleted in Canvas! The grade passback process is one direction, Canvas → Synergy, so all assignment creation and scoring should take place in Canvas. The regular grade passback sync can only add & update assignments & scores in Synergy, it cannot delete them. See right sidebar for details.... After Canvas assignments sync to Synergy, the Synergy grade book will calculate students' overall class grades. Students/Parents can see assignment scores in both Canvas and Student/ParentVUE Students' overall class grades should only be available to students/parents in Student/ParentVUE. Getting Set Up for Grade Passback Align Canvas & Synergy - Make sure your Canvas "Assignment Group" names match the Synergy "Assignment Type" names exactly. Review Synergy assignment type names in Grade book → Grade Book Setup. Note the exact names for the assignment types you will be using. On the Canvas "Assignments" screen edit existing assignment group names to match the Synergy assignment type name by clicking the three vertical dots to the right of the name. On the Canvas "Assignments" screen, use the + Group button add any needed assignment groups to match assignment types you will be using in Synergy. again, make sure the name matches the Synergy assignment type name exactly. Note: If you import assignments in Canvas, it will put them in an "Imported Assignments" assignment group. You will need to move them out of this group and into the correct one. The overall class grade will be calculated in Synergy, so set up your Synergy grade book to calculate student grades according to your practice. Although it's outside the scope of this article, the Synergy Grade Book area of this knowedgebase covers topics like: setting up custom grade scales, applying a modified scale to individual students, proficiency grading and so on. Synergy Grade Book Setup Screen Canvas Assignments Screen Important Notes The Synergy assignment types underlined in red match the assignment groups in Canvas. Also note that the weighting setup (Summative = 100% of class grade) also matches. Creating a New "Sync Ready" Assignment in Canvas Create your assignment in canvas just like you always do, but paying additional attention to a few important areas. Assignment Setup "Need to Knows" Assignment Points Any other number other than 0 is fine and will fill in the corresponding "Points" and "Max Score" values for the Synergy assignment. Zero point assignments will not sync. Note: Synergy will accept assignment scores up to double the points possible. For a 5 point assignment in Canvas, you can enter a score up to 10. A score of 11 will not sync to Synergy. Even though the assignment has to be worth more than 0 points, you can still enter a score of 0 for a student in your Canvas grade book and have that sync to Synergy. Assignment Group Select one of the groups you set up above in this article. Grade passback will only sync the assignment if the Canvas assignment group matches a Synergy assignment type. Display Grade As Select what you want. Assignment scores will transfer with the corresponding numeric value (additional info) Pro-Tip - In your Canvas grade book, click the three dots for an assignment, select "Enter Grades as," and then "Points" to view the score that will transfer to the Synergy grade book. Do not count this assignment towards the final grade You will see "Not For Grading" above the assignment name in the Synergy grade book. Sync to SIS This checkbox is where the magic happens! Check the box to make it eligible for syncing (more on syncing soon) or uncheck to keep it exclusively in Canvas. Assign To Leave this on "Everyone" or choose one or more Sections. If it is assigned to specific students (manually or via the "Mastery Paths" feature) or a section that doesn't exist in Synergy it will not sync. Due Date The assignment has to have a due date. This will tell Synergy which grading period to put it in. Make sure the due date falls within a grading period and not in between grading periods. Pro-Tip If you have several existing assignments that you want to make eligible for syncing to Synergy ("Sync to SIS" above) go to the "Assignments" screen and look for the new sync column to the left of the publish/unpublish checkboxes. The sync icons work the same was as the publish/unpublish icons. Click to toggle on/off. = won't sync to Synergy = will sync to Synergy Syncing Automatic Nightly Sync With Nightly Sync enabled, Canvas assignments & scores will sync each night around 10:00PM. Starting with the 2023-24 school year, Nightly Sync is enabled be default. You can verify it is enabled following the steps below. You always have the option to manually sync as described in the next section. 1. Click "Grade Sync" in your course navigation. (if you don't see it, unhide it from Settings → Navigation) 2. Click the utilities tab and verify that nightly sync is enabled. 3. Note: Think of "remaster grade passback" as a "super sync" of sorts. It's a good process to run if you find that some assignment scores didn't sync properly for some reason. It will take longer than a normal sync as it sends all assignments/scores to Synergy so give it extra time. Manual Sync 1. In Canvas, open your grade book ("Grades") and choose "Sync to SIS (Synergy)" from the Sync menu. 2. From the new "Sync Grades" window that opens, make sure the checkbox is checked for the assignments you want to sync, then click the "Post Grades" button. 3. You will see a "Scheduled" message. Use the "Click to see progress" link to check the sync status. 4. Give it time! In our testing, the assignment seems to show up quickly in Synergy, but the assignment scores can take longer to appear. 5. On the Grade Sync screen that opens, use the Refresh button to get updated information. 6. Open your Synergy grade book to view your synced assignments & scores. Sync "Need to Knows" Canvas Can't Delete Anything From Synergy Canvas Assignment Status The regular Canvas → Synergy sync can only add and update assignments and assignment scores in the Synergy grade book. It cannot delete assignments. If you delete an assignment in Canvas, you will need to manually delete the corresponding assignment in Synergy. The advanced features article covers how to do this. If you delete an assignment score in Canvas you should run the "remaster grade passback" process in Canvas (Grade Sync → Utilities tab) to clear the score in Synergy. Most assignment statuses in Canvas will sync to Synergy. Be sure to show comment codes in the Synergy grade book (under "filters & Options") Assignments flagged as "late" in Canvas will get the "La" comment in Synergy. Assignment flagged as "excused" in Canvas will have the "excluded" (e) flag set in Synergy. Note: you may see a zero for these assignments, but can ignore this. Assignments flagged as "missing" in Canvas will apply the missing comment ("Mi") in Synergy (additional setup may be required) This covers the basic setup, but the article below covers important information that you should review as well. Canvas Grade Passback - Advanced Features Video Based Instructions
Canvas Grade Passback - Advanced Features & "Need to Knows"
Breaking the Sync (on purpose!) Canvas "owns" the assignments it creates in Synergy as part of the sync process. The means that you can only edit some elements of the assignment in Synergy and can't edit others without breaking the sync first. Can Always Edit Without Breaking the Sync Assignment Category (Normal, Extra Credit, Not for Grading) Show only when scored Show in Portal Date Deleting An Assignment 1. In Synergy, click the 3 dots next to the assignment name and select "Edit Assignment" from the menu that appears. 2. Next to the green save button you'll notice a "Third-party Readonly" toggle. Toggle this off. 3. Hit the "Save Assignment" button. This will return you to the main grade book screen. To delete the assignment Click the three dots again and select the "Delete Assignment" menu item. Confirm your choice. Keep an Eye on the Assignments Screen The Assignments screen in Canvas displays a lot of information useful for troubleshooting: your assignments, which assignment groups they are in, and whether sync to Synergy is enabled () or disabled (). If you find assignments that are in an assignment groups that doesn't have a corresponding Synergy "Assignment Type" you can move them or create a matching assignment type in Synergy. Likewise, if you find assignments that don't have sync enabled, you can click the icon to enable. "Super Sync" (aka Remaster Grade Passback) NEW for the 2024-25 school year: Running "remaster grade passback" will now clear out assignment scores in Synergy that you have deleted in Canvas! Hidden in Grade Sync → Utilities is a "Remaster Grade Passback" button. Normal syncs will only look for new or changed data to sync. The remaster grade passback button tells Canvas to sync all assignments & scores to Synergy. This can help correct sync issues. Note: Since it is sending all assignment date to Synergy, the remaster grade passback process will take much longer than a regular sync. If you don't see the "Grade Sync" link in your course navigation, you will need to make it visible (Settings → Navigation Tab). Students will not be able to see it, just you.
Canvas Grade Passback Nightly Sync
How to enable a nightly sync from Canvas to Synergy so you don't have to manually sync. Enabling a Nightly Grade Passback Sync to Synergy Note: Starting in the 2023-24 school year, nightly sync should be enabled by default. You can verify it is on following the steps below. 1. In each Canvas course, go to "Grade Sync" and select the "Settings" tab 2. Toggle the "Nightly Sync" toggle to the on position. 3. Repeat for each Canvas course. Help, I Don't See "Grade Sync!" This means you have hidden it in the navigation menu. 1. In your course, click "Settings" and select the "Navigation" tab. 2. Locate Grade Sync, click the three dots, and select "Enable." Students will not see it. 3. Save