TTSD Help Desk


Getting Started with G-W Health for Middle School and High School

Modified on: Wed, Sep 20 2023 11:48 AM

Middle school and high school health teachers will find their digital curriculum, Comprehensive Health Skills, in Canvas. Your Canvas course will be automatically created before the start of the school year. This article will cover three important steps:

  • Adding the health curriculum to your Canvas course

  • Activating your teacher subscription

  • Students also need to activate their own subscription

Adding Curriculum to your Canvas Course.

  1. Open Your Canvas account and click on Commons from the left-hand menu. This will load any resource that has been shared to Canvas.

  2. Find and click on the Comprehensive Health Skills curriculum for your level.

  1.  Click Import/Download from the right side of the screen.

  1. Select which course you would like to import the curriculum into.

  2. Click Import into Course.

  1. You’ll see a banner that says the import has started. Note: This takes several minutes to completely import!

Activating Teacher and Student Subscriptions

  • Open the Canvas course you loaded the health curriculum into and click on modules.

  • One of the first Modules will be called Resources. This is where you will find the subscription activation links.

  1. Click on INSTRUCTOR - Activate Your Subscription and follow the prompts. Do not publish this link to your students

  2. Check that the Resources module and Activate Your Subscription are published with a green check mark.

  3. Students will log into your Canvas course on their devices and click the Activate Your Subscription link. They will now have access to the health curriculum

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