TTSD Help Desk


Top 7 Knowledge Base Articles for New Hire

Modified on: Thu, Jul 18 2024 8:28 AM

Here are the top 7 Knowledge Base Articles to keep in your back pocket when you are first starting at TTSD:

Employee Access

Employee Access is a secure, self-service online resource designed for TTSD staff to view and access personal information on file with the district. This includes your pay records, address on file, W-2. W-4 and more. 

Password Change

Please read through the whole article before changing password.

Admin by Request

Users will need to request admin permission through the AdminByRequest application that you will find on the Dock (Mac) or the toolbar (PC).  Requesting the admin permission will elevate your account to a temporary member of the local administrator's group for a limited period of time under full audit. 

This is needed if you want to download something to your Macbook or delete a program to your Macbook (this includes adding printers).

New iPad Set up

Adding Printer to Macbook

Two Factor Google Authentication

It's now required to two factor authenticate every morning for your TTSD Google account. 

PaperCut Troubleshooting

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