Getting Started
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Accessing Think Central
Students in Grades K-5 at TTSD have access to "Think Central" app for both reading and math curriculum. See below for details on how to access this resource. 1. Log into Clever 2. Select "Log in with Google" 3. Click on Think Central icon. 4. Click on My Library 5. Select from the options that appear. Note, Math and Reading can be selected from the menu on the left >> This is the MATH "My Library" 6. Many items are listed twice. You will find that one is an English version of the resource and one is in Spanish. See example: Math Activity Center, G2 Student: Overview of Different Math My Library Resources: Parents Place = helpful tips for parents: eGlossary Unit Overview Multilingual Family Letters Homework and Remembering: Unit Homework pages Student Activity Book: "Math Expressions" grade level Student workbook/curriculum Math Activity Center: Lesson Practice Lesson Challenge Lesson Checks Math Readers Games Fluency Practice Overview of Different Reading My Library Resources: Journeys: Family Connection Student Resources Journeys Write-In Reader Journeys Close Readers Journeys GrammarSnap Videos Leveled Readers
Requesting a Resource for Student/Staff Use
How to view currently available resources (web-based, iOS Apps, or Google Extensions & Add-Ons) and request new ones. Note: We require a signed data privacy agreement (DPA) for ANY resource that: Offers individual student login (including Google sign-in) even if the resource can be used without signing in. Needs access to student data. This applies to many browser extensions and Google Suite add-ons as well as requests for data loads. Examples: Grammarly or Naviance. Current Resources TTSD offers a robust selection of vetted resources to support student learning and school business. Resources include iOS apps, Websites, and Browser extensions & add-ons. These resources have been vetted for educational value and privacy considerations. To comply with FERPA law, many resources will require a data privacy agreement (DPA) before students can use them. See sidebar to the right. You can view a list of resources and their status using the link below. TTSD Digital Resource Menu To Request a New Resource 1. Check to see if the resource is listed as approved using the link above. If not, continue to step 2. 2. Consider the following. Is there already an adopted resource to meet this need? Is a data privacy agreement (DPA) required? (see sidebar) We cannot approve iPad apps that display ads to students as we have no control over ad content. 3. Fill out a Digital Resource Request service request. Accessing Resources Chromebooks or Chrome Web Browser TTSD Google domains are managed for both staff and students. For TTSD staff using their TTSD account: Chrome Webstore - all apps and extensions are available to install and try. GSuite Marketplace - apps must be approved to gain access. For TTSD students using their TTSD account: Chrome Webstore - apps must be approved to gain access. See "To Request a New Resource" above. GSuite Marketplace - apps must be approved to gain access. See "To Request a New Resource" above iPad Apps TTSD Teachers can download apps through the App Store app on their teacher's iPad. (how to create an account without a credit card) TTSD Students Approved apps are made available through the SelfService app on students' iPads. If an approved app is not available in SelfService, please fill out a tech request. Otherwise, see "To Request a New Resource" above.
McGraw Hill History Curriculum
In 2018, TTSD adopted McGraw Hill for middle school and US History curriculum. Along with this adoption, came an online tool for students and teachers: ConnectEd Logging in to ConnectED requires that you log in through TTSD Clever (see details here). Once logged in, there is a menu of choices for teachers and students to choose from: To get started, please look at the online Help video tutorials and guides, by clicking on the Help link in the upper right corner. Below are some direct links to these resources. Many more can be found in the Help menu. Modify an Existing Test Teacher Centered Dashboard Lesson Plans Assignment Tracker Additionally, students can access their text book offline at home on an iPad, as well as other resources in the LearnSmart feature. In order for students to use LearnSmart, they must first download SmartBook from Self Service.
PocketLab One
An introduction to the PocketLab One, the science lab that fits in the palm of your hand. Includes videos and downloadable resources. What is PocketLab? PocketLab is a science lab that fits in the palm of your hand. PocketLab connects with a single button to a smart phone, tablet, Chromebook, or computer and instantly streams data that you can see and record. PocketLab measures motion, acceleration, angular velocity, magnetic field, pressure, altitude, and temperature. Using the PocketLab app, you can easily analyze your data, create graphs, and integrate your data with other software. PocketLab has the same features as lab equipment that costs thousands of dollars but is low cost and intuitive to use. What can I do with PocketLab One? PocketLab turns anybody into a scientist that can explore the world around them through real scientific investigations. Here are just few examples of the hundreds of science activities you can do with PocketLab: Measure the position, velocity, and acceleration of a rubber band racer cart. Discover Newton's Laws of Motion by launching a rocket with a PocketLab payload. Learn about weather patterns by investigating changes in air pressure. Monitor your change in altitude during a hike. Measure the magnetic field generated by an electric current." (from Pocketlab website -!/PocketLab/p/49569985/category=0) Additional Resources: Pocket Lab Website: Lesson Directory Pocket Lab Website: Chromebook Support (helpful video guides)
Setting Up a School Twitter Account
How to set up a generic Twitter account for your school. Account Setup 1. If your school doesn't already have an email address for setting up social media accounts, fill out a tech request to get one for your school. You will be sent the user name and password to access the email account. You will use this email address to set up Twitter and any other social media accounts for your school: FaceBook, Instagram etc. 2. After receiving your new email account information, go to the Twitter sign up page. Enter your school name in the "Full Name" field and your new social media email address in the email field. 3. Enter a password and then click the blue "Sign up" button. 4. Click "Skip" on the "Enter your phone" screen. 5. Enter a username that is 15 characters or less. You will be alerted if the name you entered is already in use. Click "Next." 6. You will be guided through the last few steps to set up your account, including selecting subjects you are interested in. This step can be skipped. 7. You will also see a list of users that Twitter recommends following. Again, this step can be skipped as you will manually add users later. 8. Load a picture of your school or school logo. 9. Skip the step of "finding people you know." You will be manually adding twitter accounts later. 10. You will be sent a confirmation link to your school's social media email address. Click the link in this email to verify your account. Your account is now set up! Now What? Following Users Now that your school account is set up, you may want to follow some other Twitter users. Ask your staff to send you their twitter account names. Search for these accounts and follow them. Remember, the accounts you follow should be work related as your "follow" selections reflect on your school and the district. Below are a few suggestions for accounts to follow or look at for inspiration. TTSD Twitter Accounts TTSD School Twitter Accounts @TTSDLearn (pictured below) @TTSD_Tech @TigardTualSD Your staff, other TTSD school accounts, EdTech leaders etc etc. Elementary Bridgeport Byrom CFT Durham Metzger Templeton Tualatin Middle Hazelbrook High Tigard HS Tualatin HS Compose a Tweet Download the Twitter app on your smartphone. Tweet about current or upcoming school events while on the go. Adding pictures is great, just be sure to respect parents' "Exclude from Photo Release" choices. Your office staff can help with this. Retweet All of the accounts you follow will show up on your twitter feed. If you see a great tweet about something that is happening at your school, use the "retweet" button to post the tweet for your followers to see, adding a comment if desired. Embed Your Twitter Feed Embedding your Twitter feed on your school website is a great way to give your families a window into the great things happening at your school. Since the feed is embedded, your families can access your tweets without having to set up their own Twitter accounts. Below is an example from Tualatin Elementary's website. Learn More Check out Twitter's Getting Started page which has several super short videos that will have you tweeting like a pro in no time!
Teacher/Student Virtual Reality Safety Checklist
Precautions for using the Oculus Go with your students. Due to the unpredictable nature of the human response to virtual reality (dizziness, nausea, seizures, fear of heights, bumping into objects, etc.), teachers who are planning to use virtual reality in their classroom must ensure the following is in place prior to use. Please review the Health and Safety Warnings issued by the VR manufacturer prior to using the Oculus Go with your students. Additionally, please take the following precautions when using VR in your classroom: The classroom activity must be voluntarily The students must be seated while wearing the VR headsets Time of continuous use is limited to 20 min. Before taking a 10 min break Students wearing the headsets must be paired with another student who is not - buddy system All students must watch Safety Video prior to use Oculus Go, does NOT recommend that children under the age of 13 use the VR headsets Parents must sign the Parent Virtual Reality Permission Form in order for the student to participate.
A 2-minute video demonstrating the basics of creating a Screencastify recording & getting started documentation. 2-Minute Video Intro to Screencastify Getting Started with Screencastify Initial Setup Creating your first video Screencastify Help & Learning Center See Attached Tip Sheet for embedding your Screencastify videos in Canvas
Logging Into Twig Science
How to log in to Twig Science. For both students and staff. Teachers 1. Go to Clever and log-in 2. Click on TWIG 3. Find assignment or resource link 4. Copy link to TWIG resource and paste into Canvas Assignment 2. Assign and publish activity Students Log-In: ONE TIME 1. Click on CLEVER 2. Log in with school email and password (if first time and/or not saved) 3. Click on TWIG - it will open the program in Safari Bilingual Video for Students After Log-in 1. Go to Canvas assignment 2. Click on link in Canvas assignment 3. Complete assignment in TWIG
How to submit a ticket with TTSD "Fresh Service" new ticketing system
Go to Click Submit a Ticket Please enter your full email address and password if asked Fill in the Subject, Description, and Category for your ticket Associate your ticket with your tech equipment by clicking on the + Associate Assets Click Search Other Items and enter in your asset tag Select the entry and click Associate
Document Searching - Tyler Content Manager
How to search for and view documents in Tyler Content Manager (TCM). Accessing TCM and the Document Search Menu 1. Launch the TCM app ( and log in. Please fill out a tech request if you need to have the TCM app installed. 2. Select "Documents" in the lower left corner. 3. Select "Document Search." A new document search tab will open. 4. On the right side of your screen, select "Filter" Helpful Search Tips Dates t = Today's date som = Start of Month (will enter 1st day of current month) eom = End of Current Month (will enter last day of current month) soy = Start of Year (will enter Jan. 1st of current year) eoy = End of Year (will enter Dec. 31st of current year) Date Modifiers y = Years m = Months d = Days Examples: eom-1y = one year ago from the end of this month. t-6m = six months ago from today. If you prefer, you can use the calendar icons to enter dates. [TCM calendar icon] Wild Cards Entering a * will match one or more of any character. This is handy if you don't know exactly what you are searching for. Doing a text search for eng* will match English, Engstrom, engage, engine etc. within the contents of documents. Wildcards can be used at the beginning or end of a word (*bank OR bank* or *bank*). They can also be used in a word (ba*k); this input would return bark, bank, back, etc. Exact Searches To search for an exact name (i.e. not having TCM search for the name you entered and other names similar to it), you may search with " " bracketing the name. This tells TCM to display results that match your input exactly. " " bracketing may be used on one name ("Sarah"), or a full name ("Sarah Jones"). If you are using this search functionality and do not find the documents you anticipated, ensure that you search for both full name combinations ("last name, first name" AND "first name last name"). Searching the Content of Documents To search the contents of documents, use the "Text Search" field. Obviously, this is a much more broad search and will typically yield more results. This search function may also take much longer to run. General Document Searching 1. In the "Document Filters" window that opens select the document type you are looking for. Your search options will change based on the document type you select. You won't, for example, see a "Student ID" search field when filtered to the TTSD_VENDORS document type. 2. Fill in your search term(s) and hit the "search" button. Note: "Filtering On" displays the filter you selected in the "Document Filters" pop up menu. Sharp eyed readers may have noticed the "t-2y" in the date field above. This is shorthand for 2 years ago from today's date. 3. The fields shown in the example above (Vendor name, Notes etc) are looking at the record data and not the contents of the documents attached to that record, although overlap between the two is likely. Student Document Searching 1. In the "Document Filters" window that opens select the following filter criteria as indicated below. Click ok. 2. Fill in your search term(s) in the field below and hit the "search" button. Common fields to search on might be Student Full Name, Student ID, Student Date of Birth, and School. Note: "Filtering On" in the top left corner should display as follows: Sorting Results To sort your results by the criteria of your choosing, click on the AZ sort button. Then you may select the criteria for sorting your results. "Advanced" allows the user to sort based on multiple criteria, the order of the results being sorted (A to Z, Z to A), etc. For example, to sort your results by Document Type and then by the student's full name, you would enter the sorting criteria as follows: Viewing Search Results 1. Your search results will appear in a new tab in the lower half of your screen. In the example below we found a software adoption form and a data confidentiality agreement. To open a single document, simply double click on it. 2. To open multiple documents, hold shift while clicking to select a group or hold the command key (Mac) or ctrl key (PC) to select non-contiguous results. Then click the blue arrow to open the document explorer to view the documents. 3. Use the blue left/right arrows to navigate through your documents or use the list on the left to jump to a particular document. Navigate to previous/next document Jump to a particular document 4. Use the control panel across the top of the document viewer to perform common actions (export out of TCM, print, email, etc.)