TTSD Help Desk


SecureDocs - How to Send a Secure Email Using SecureDocs

Modified on: Tue, Mar 11 2025 10:17 AM

To Send an Email Using SecureDocs 

1. Go to and sign in using your district email and password. You will get taken to a webpage that will have a welcome message pop-up.  Click "got it" and it will close.

2. From there you will be in the email creation tab where you fill out your email like you would normally by putting whoever you want to receive the email in the to line, filling out the subject of the email in the subject line and writing a message in the message body.

3. Click on "Add Files" or drag & drop the file that you want to securely send in the "Drop Files Here" section.

4. Then set access restrictions and message expiration.

5. If you use the default settings the message will expire in 1 month and can be downloaded infinite times by the person it is sent to during that month.  The person who receives the email will see this:

and will need to click Download Files to see the attached file.  When they do that they will be asked to type in their email again and will receive a token in their email that they will need to type in to access the message.

Once they do that they will be able to see the email message and download the file.

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