Using Markup built-in tool on iPad to annotate text on Canvas content
Rather than print out assignments from Canvas, users can use the Markup built-in tool on the iPad to annotate text to the assignment directly. An added benefit is the PDF gets saved to Google Drive rather than as a photo on the iPad. 1. With your Canvas content opens, scroll to the top and tap on the Sharrow tool (a square with the arrow points up). 2. Select "Markup." You may need to swipe up to see it. 3. Click the Pencil at the top right corner to enable edit mode. Also, check if you have the pencil icon at the bottom left corner. If so, click on it and select the pencil when the menu expands. 4. Annotate with text on the document. 5. Click "Done" and then "Save File To..." to save your new document. 6. We recommend that you save your document directly to the Google Drive by entering a name for your document and selecting a location to save the file to your Google Drive.
Content Sharing in Canvas
Canvas Sharing Options Canvas Help Article Share content directly with another TTSD teacher How do I share a course to Commons? Share a resource to Commons How do I share a resource to Commons? What is the difference between Canvas Commons and Blueprint Courses? What is the difference between Canvas Commons and Blueprint Courses? Manage content shared with me from other users How do I manage content shared to me from other users?
Canvas: Course and Section Name Changes
Requesting a Canvas Course Name Change Most Canvas courses are automatically generated from data in Synergy and follow a standard naming convention that includes the district course name, period, teacher name, and the term the course is associated with. Example: Ecology-P03-Engstrom-S1 For the first two weeks of each semester, you can edit the course name and code, to remove the period information after cross listing for example. After this two week period, if you would like a different course name, please submit a tech request. Copy and paste the three lines below into your request and replace the highlighted areas with your own information. Course name I would like: Biology in the Garden URL: (when you are in your course, the URL will display in the top area of your web browser) Changing Your Section Names Like courses, most sections within a course are automatically generated from data in Synergy and also follow a standard naming convention. Sections include the following: period, course name, and teacher name. Example: Per 2 - Ecology - Engstrom Teachers have the ability to change their own section names. If you would like your section names to match your renamed course, follow the steps below. Go to the "settings" screen and click on the "sections" tab. Click on the section you want to rename. Click the "edit section" button on the right. Change the course name portion of the section name to match your new course name. Please do not change the period number or teacher name information, just the section highlighted below: Old Section Name: Per 2 - Ecology - Engstrom New Section Name: Per 2 - Biology in the Garden - Engstrom
Canvas: Grading Schemes
How to apply a Canvas grading scheme to your course for either: 1. generating an overall class grade for students OR 2. as a grade book "score type" for scoring assignments. In Canvas, "Grading Schemes" can serve two purposes. Course Grade - To generate an overall course grade for students (90-100% = A or different values that you set) Assignment Scoring - As a grade book score type that you can use when scoring assignments. Selecting a Grading Scheme for Course Grades 1. Open Course Settings and check the "Enable course grading scheme" checkbox (1) in the lower half of the screen. This will expose a new area where you have the following options. To select a different existing grading scheme, select from the pulldown menu (2). To create a new grading scheme, click the "Manage All Grading Schemes" link (3). 2. Click "Manage All Grading Schemes" and in the window that opens click the "New Grading Scheme" button. 3. Give your grading scheme a name and then use the trash can icons on the right to delete the letter grades we don't use (A-, B+ etc). Don't delete "F" but change it to "NG" to match our current setup in Synergy. At this point, it should look similar to the image below. Don't worry about the gaps (88%-93% for example) between the letter grades. They will go away in the next step. 4. Enter the lowest % value a student can receive and still get an A. After you do this, you will notice that the high value for a B automatically adjusts. Continue, entering values for B, C, and D. There is no need to set the range for NG as it will be determined by the values for D above. 5. Save your changes and close the "Manage All Grading Schemes" window. Select your new grading scheme if this didn't happen automatically for you. 6. Don't forget to hit the "Update Course Details" button at the bottom of the page to apply your new grading scheme! Adding a Grading Scheme to an Assignment The Canvas knowledgebase article below will walk you through this process. How do I add a grading scheme to an assignment?
Canvas: Viewing Courses as a Student
How teachers can view their course content as a student. Covers both the web interface and the iPad app. As a teacher in Canvas, you can view your courses from a student perspective so you can get an idea of how it presents to students. Some options, like linking to Google drive, will not work when emulating a student in Canvas. Using the student view will create a generic test student in your course. More detailed information about the test student account is available in the Canvas support site. On an iPad Scroll down for browser instructions 1. Be sure you are using the teacher Canvas app and not the student Canvas app. Canvas teacher app 2. Open your course and in the left side navigation area swipe up. Tap "Student View" 3. You will be taken into Canvas as a generic student. Not the different color scheme. Select your course. Note: if you are prompted to sign in again, be sure to sign in as a teacher and not a student. 4. From here, you can navigate your course from the student perspective. When done, tap the "TS" circle in the lower right corner and confirm that you want to exit student view. Canvas on an iPad from the student perspective. No idea what "TS" is supposed to stand for. "Teacher Side" maybe...? Confirm by clicking "OK" In a Web Browser 1. Open Canvas in your web browser and select a course. 2. On the right hand side select "Student View" 3. You will be taken into Canvas as a generic student. A bright pink border and bar at the bottom indicates you are in student view mode. Note: this was a course I used to test various Canvas features so the content is not very representative... 4. "Leave student view" is self explanatory. 5. Reset Student - You can reset Test Student data (like quiz attempts & results) at any time; however, Test Student activity that involves interactions with other students cannot be removed, such as discussion replies. Test Student data that involves interactions with other students are retained even if the test student is removed from section enrollments.
Canvas: Adding a Teacher (or Student) to Your Course
How to add another teacher or student to your manually created Canvas course. An example of a manually created Canvas might be an affinity group, caseload for EL or SPED, etc. NOTE: Synergy classes are rostered to Canvas automatically. You should NOT use the instructions below for Synergy created Canvas courses. 1. Log in to your Canvas course. 2. Select "People" from the navigation area. 3. On the People screen click the "+ People" button. 4. ADD TEACHERS: Enter the full TTSD email address of the staff you want to add, select the "teacher" role, and then click "Next." (- OR - ADD STUDENTS. Enter the full TTSD Student email address (NO non-TTSD emails are allowed) of the student you want to add, select the "Student" role, and then click "Next.") 5. Canvas will locate the user. Click "AddUsers." If Canvas doesn't locate the user, please submit a tech request after checking for typos. 6. You will be returned to the "people" screen and will see the teacher listed in a pending state. The teacher will receive an invite to the course.
Copy a Canvas Course From a Previous Year
How to import course content from a Canvas course in a previous Year. Important! If you are migrating content that used the 'Google Drive Cloud Assignment' external tool submission type, you will need to edit these assignments and select the 'Google Assignments (LTI 1.3)' external tool submission type. (instructions) 'Google Assignments (LTI 1.3)' now supports SpeedGrader! Canvas course content that you created last year can be easily copied to this year's courses. For Edpuzzle Users: According to EdPuzzle support. "Edpuzzle doesn't consistently recognize copies within an LMS, which is why we say in our videos and articles that assignments should never be copied or reused." NEW (2-27-2025) Video based instructions now available at the bottom of this article. Before starting, locate last year's course you want to copy (Courses → All Courses), mouse over the course you want to copy and jot down the course number at the end of the URL (21303 in the picture below). You will use this number later. Open Settings in This Year's Course In Course Navigation, click the Settings link. Import Content into Course Click the Import Course Content link. Select Content Type In the Content Type drop-down menu, select the Copy a Canvas Course option. Search for a Course Enter the course number for last year's course that you are copying in the Course Name field. Click the name of the course when it appears. Select Migration Content To import all content from the course, select the All Content radio button [1]. If you want to select specific content, click the Select specific content radio button [2]. Note: If you select the specific content option, you are required to select the content you want to import after you review the remaining page options. After you start importing the content, the import selection cannot be canceled. IMPORTANT: Adjust Events and Due Dates Click the "Adjust events and due dates" checkbox and then select "Remove Dates." Do not skip this step! If you skip this step: Grade passback to Synergy will fail. If you have a late policy that automatically enters a score, students receive that score as soon as the import is complete. Manually clearing that score after the fact exempts that student from the late policy even when it should be applied. In other words, a mess! Import Course Click the Import button. View Current Jobs The Current Jobs section displays the status of your import. Running reports display a progress bar indicating the time remaining to complete the import. If you chose to select specific content in your course, the current job will show as Waiting for Select [2], which means you must select the content you want to import. The import may also display other status indicators as part of the import process. Learn more about course import statuses. DO NOT run the import process more than once or you will end up with duplicates. If you run into issues, please submit a tech request. After Importing Publish/Unpublish your imported course content as desired. On the "Pages" screen, set your home page. (Pages → View All Pages → → Use as Front Page) On the "Assignments" screen Make sure your imported assignments are in the correct assignment groups. Click the three dots pictured below and then "Edit Assignment Dates" to enter your due dates and (optionally) availability dates, saving your changes when done. Video Based Instructions
Removing the Period From Your Canvas Course Name (AFTER cross-listing)
After cross-listing your Canvas course cards, secondary teachers will have a single course card for each subject they teach. That "primary" course card will still list a period in the name which may cause confusion. Example: LANGUAGE ARTS 7-P01-Stock-S1 (note the period 1 "P01" in the name) For the first two weeks of each semester, teachers will have the ability to rename the course name and course code information. After this two week period you will need to submit a tech request to have this done, providing the required information. This article will walk you through removing the period info from the name so you end up with something like LANGUAGE ARTS 7-Stock-S1. Please follow these directions exactly and only remove the period info. 1. Go into the course you want to change 2. Go to "Settings" in the left navigation area. 3. In the "Course Name" and Course Code" fields, remove the period portion of the name. Make no other changes! Before Period info to be remove is highlighted After Course name format is Course Name-Teacher Name-Term (note the - between each)
Canvas & Synergy Start of Year Setup - Secondary
For secondary teachers, a checklist of Canvas & Synergy settings that should be set or verified at the start of the school year. All links will open in a new tab. Canvas Cross List Course Cards - If you teach 3 sections of the same course you will start the year with 3 course cards. Cross listing will combine them into one course with 3 sections. Rename your Courses - For the first two weeks of each semester, you can edit the course name & code. Do this after cross listing. Import Course Content from Last Year - You can locate last year's course that you want to copy in Courses → All Courses. Course Settings→ More options - Check the "Hide totals in student grades summary" box to turn off the overall % and letter grade display in Canvas. Students & parents will use StudentVUE & ParentVUE respectively to view the overall class grade. Set up Grade Passback - to send assignments & assignment scores to the Synergy grade book. If the automatic nightly sync is not enabled, be sure to turn it on. (instructions in article) Do NOT hide the "Grade Sync" menu item. Students will not see it and it is a valuable tool for both you and IT staff supporting you. Synergy The Synergy grade book will have carried over the majority of your settings from last year, but you should run through the checklist below to make sure your grade book is good to go for the new year. All of the menu items listed below can be accessed from the Grade Book menu in TeacherVUE. Grade Book Setup Screen Set the way your grade book works and how the overall class grades are calculated. Note: By default, the settings only apply to the section that you are currently focused to. There are checkboxes at the bottom of the screen to apply them to your other sections as well. Set assignment weighting, if using (Example: weighting formative assignment types at 0% and summative ones totaling up to 100%). Click the green "Update" button when done. Custom grade scales (report card score types) carried over but need to be applied to your sections for the new year. See "Final Grade Config" section below. Final Grade Config Where you change the default grade scale (90%=A, 80%=B etc) to a custom grade scale you have previously set up. If you don't use a custom grade scale you can skip this screen. If using a custom grade scale, apply it to your classes. Be sure to apply that grade scale to all students and set it as the default so new students added to the class will automatically have this scale applied.
Canvas Release Notes
This article will highlight noteworthy improvements to the Canvas platform, with most recent changes shown at the top. Updates usually occur around the 15th of each month. Features Coming Soon* TBD (none announced as of 1-13-2022) *These features are currently being tested and will roll out soon if testing goes well. January 2022 Gradebook Missing Status Removal - When a grade is entered manually for a missing submission, the missing status is removed. This change removes the Missing label for submissions that have not been submitted online but that have received a manually entered grade. This behavior also applies in SpeedGrader. Additional Details Once a manual grade has been entered, the Missing label is removed. Removing the entered grade does not replace the Missing label. Labels that need to be reapplied must be done manually. The Missing label is also removed if the assignment is part of an assignment with a Late Policy, and a manual grade is entered for the assignment submission. SpeedGrader - Teachers will now be notified if they have created, but not posted a comment. Selecting the Proceed button indicates the comment should be saved as a draft for the submission being viewed. The option to not show the warning applies on a per-assignment basis. New Quizzes Matching Question Partial Credit - When a Matching Question is created, the Matching Questions question type includes the Grading section, which allows the question to require exact matches to receive full points or allow for partial credit. Newly created matching questions default to the partial credit option. December 2021 Minor changes only (layout, wording) November 2021 SpeedGrader Assignment Text Entry Word Count - The word count for assignment text submissions is displayed in SpeedGrader. This change allows you to view the word count for a text submission assignment while grading in SpeedGrader. October 2021 Grade Book Assignment Search - This works like the existing "Student" search tool and lets you filter the assignment columns to the one you are looking for. (demo video) SpeedGrader Flags - You can now set "Late, Missing, and Excused" flags right from SpeedGrader! You can also clear existing flags here. (demo video) Note: if you allow multiple submissions, you can only set flags for the most recent submission. Course Navigation "Sticky" Course Navigation - The course navigation elements ("People, Grades, Settings" etc) on the left used to scroll out of view on longer screens. Now these navigation elements will stay on the screen as you scroll down. (demo video)