Canvas: How to add the Oregon Student Survey Page to your Course
Video of how to add the Oregon Student Survey page to your Canvas Course. This video will show you how to install the Oregon Student Survey page into one of your canvas courses.
Canvas: Transition to a New Semester
Instructions for middle and high school teachers on how to set up their semester 2 courses in Canvas. For the very few quarter long courses, these instructions will also apply to the transitions to a new quarter. Elementary courses are year long so this article does not apply. Introduction Middle and high school teachers will receive new course cards/sections at the change from Semester 1 to Semester 2. Students are automatically rostered. Teachers will see new course cards 7 days before Semester 2 begins. Teachers will still be able to view their past course content (all courses → Past Enrollments) Students will not see the new course cards until the calendar day before Semester 2 begins. Students will have access through midnight the Sunday after the semester ends. Students will see their previous term courses in Courses → All Courses → Past Enrollments. Once you have your new Semester 2 course cards, you will need to adjust their settings and, if appropriate, bring over whatever content you want from your Semester 1 courses. Course/Section Names Canvas course cards & sections will include the course name, teacher name, and term. Example Math 7-P03-Engstrom-S2 For the first two weeks of each semester, you will be able to edit your course name to remove the period information (instructions) Migrating Content Important: If you are migrating content that used the 'Google Drive Cloud Assignment' external tool submission type, you will need to edit these assignments and select the 'Google Assignments (LTI 1.3)' external tool submission type. (instructions) 'Google Assignments (LTI 1.3)' now supports SpeedGrader! For Edpuzzle Users: According to EdPuzzle support. "Edpuzzle doesn't consistently recognize copies within an LMS, which is why we say in our videos and articles that assignments should never be copied or reused." If you teach more than one section of the S2 course, cross-list those sections into your primary course (instructions) before proceeding. From your NEW course home screen, click the "Import Existing Content" button on the right. In the "Content Type" pulldown menu, select "Copy a Canvas Course" In the "Search for a course" field, search for and select the previous course. You Can do this by name (Example: Math 7 -Engstrom-S1) or course ID number Example: 36829) Click the "Select specific content" radio button so you can choose the content you want to bring over. Important: Be sure to remove or shift the assignment dates. If you don't you will run into grade passback sync issues and any late policies you have in place will be applied as soon as you import. Click "Import" In the "Current Jobs" area, click "Select Content" and then choose the content you want to bring over from the previous course: Settings, modules, pages, rubrics, etc. Click the → to select individual items in that area. Be sure to select "Pages" to get your course home page. Checking these boxes will bring in ALL content in that area. Modules area expanded so individual modules can be selected. Important Notes: Be sure to select "Content Settings" to save some setup time. You don't need to select the individual assignments, quizzes, files associated with a module. Selecting a module will also import any associated resources it needs. When done, click "Select Content." You will see a progress bar. If you don't see your content right away don't panic, and don't repeat the import process again. You will likely create duplicates. After import is complete, go to your course and do the following: Assignments → Set up assignment groups if you use them and adjust/disable assignment groups weighting. Publish/unpublish assignments as desired. Note: assignments you brought over from the previous term will be in the "Imported Assignments" group which, if you are doing assignment groups weighting may impact the students' grades. You can drag them to a different group if necessary. Settings → Course Details: Choose your course image. Click "Update Course Details" at the bottom of the page. Settings → Navigation: adjust as desired, but make sure that "Grade Sync" is visible. On the "Pages" screen, set your home page. (Pages → View All Pages → → Use as Front Page) When you are done, return to the course home screen and publish your course. Note: Doing this will replace the district start date with the current date =time and give students access, so be sure to do the last step below. Important: Settings → Course Details → Participation: Set the pulldown menu to "Term." Click "Update Course Details" at the bottom of the page. Now students will not be able to see the course until the calendar day before the new term starts.
Allow Cross-Website Tracking (Canvas Student App)
Disponible en español Are the images not displaying correctly in Canvas Student on your iPad? Use the steps below to fix this issue. 1. Go to Settings. 2. Find the "Student" Canvas App/ Busque la aplicación "Student" 3. Turn the setting to green for "Allow Cross-Website Tracking"
Canvas: Redirect App
The Redirect App allows teachers to add customized menu items to their Canvas course navigation. There are a variety of resources available through Clever (students use their Google Login): Adelante, ConnectEd by McGraw Hill, En Español eLearning (Vista Higher Learning), Carnegie Learning Passport, EntreCulturas (Wayside), Galeria, I-Ready, i-Station, Naviance, Quaver’s Music, RazKids, TWIG Science. 1. Open your Canvas Course Card and click Settings. 2. Click the "Apps" tab (along the top) 3. Search for "Redirect" app. 4. Click "Add App" 5. Enter the Resource Name (As Listed HERE) 6. Paste the LONG URL from the "Integration Link from Canvas" column in THIS A-Z Digital Resource Menu 7. Click "Add App"
Monthly "maintenance days" COORDINATED with Monthly Principal Canvas Announcements
Monthly communication to STUDENTS from our principals from within Canvas UPDATE: As much as we tried to NOT impact our students this past weekend with our monthly IT maintenance days, with devices home 24/7 and so many of our systems intertwined, I have come to realize I must include our students and families in these monthly communications. This is on me and I will make sure the emails that are sent out are parent/staff/"Grandma Betty" friendly. REQUEST: As a result of this monthly communication about tech stuff to our families, I was thinking it would be really helpful to have a monthly communication to STUDENTS from our principals from within Canvas. The timing of the Monday or Wednesday after our 1st Sunday of the month "downday" is the time frame I'm thinking of. Canvas announcements are an easy way to push something to all students when they log in. You can set the duration of time it displays (1 day, 2 days, etc.). You can embed pictures and video as well. To get started, I'm requesting that you send one to practice. I'm happy to help. Here are the steps and the content I'm suggesting: POSTING A SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENT IN CANVAS: (remember you can also schedule this in advance) Log into or 1. Click Admin → your school 2. Click Settings → Announcements tab 3. Click "New Announcement". Title it, enter your content (see below for an example). This month should be about updating your student device. First example is K-8, iPad, 4. Second is 9-12 Chromebook) 5. Select "Students" (may want to also select Teachers and Observers) 6. Set the date you want it to publish and the last date you want it to show. 7. Click the box that says "Send notification directly to users..." 8. Click Save Changes.
Canvas Notifications for Teachers
Teachers, use the following setup to receive a copy of your Canvas InBox messages (sent and received) to your Google InBox There are a variety of notification options per account in Canvas. For teacher who would like to have a copy of their Canvas Communications automatically copied to their Google/TTSD Email Inbox, please make the following Notification changes on. your account. Directions on how to get to Canvas Notification Setup is also below. Settings to Receive a Copy of your Canvas Communications in your TTSD Email: Canvas Notification Setup:
Forwarding Canvas Observer Notifications
If you have a need to forward Canvas communications from parents to another adult caring for your child during the day, please use the following steps to identify the correct email and forward it based on your home email provider/application settings Forwarding Canvas Emails Identify the Sender = TTSD Canvas Use your home email settings to forward anything from this email address to the alternate adult caring for your child during the day.
Integrating EdPuzzle with Canvas
"Take advantage of Edpuzzle’s seamless integration with Canvas to keep all of your video lessons and grades in the same place!" ( Using Edpuzzle With Canvas "Make any video your lesson Easily create beautiful interactive video lessons with Edpuzzle and get data on who watched the video, how many questions they answered correctly and more! Upload your own video or find one on our amazing channels like Khan Academy, YouTube, TEDEd, National Geographic or Crash Course. Then embed your own questions and comments, or add audio notes or voiceover to personalize it for your students. You’ll get student progress reports in real time, making your teaching life so much easier. Start flipping your classroom today with Edpuzzle!" Full article... Video Based Instructions
Importing Content from Canvas Commons into your Course
Steps for teachers to follow on how to import shared content from Canvas Commons into your existing Canvas Course. To Import content into your existing Canvas Course: Open the Canvas in which you'd like to import additional content In Global Navigation, click the Commons link. The page that loads has all the resources that have been shared with TTSD staff. Find the resource you want. You can use the search tool or browse through the list. Click on the resource title to view its details To import or download the resource, click the Import/Download button. Import the Resource Search for the course(s) into which you would like to import the resource, or Select the course(s) from the list. Then, click the Import into Course button To download the file to your computer, click the Download button. The new content will appear at the BOTTOM of your Modules. (You can use the three dots to “move” the content where you’d like — or just click and drag)
Canvas Notifications
Overview of notification settings for students and observers in Canvas. Canvas Notification Settings: Directions for using the Web Browser for students or parents are below. Similar settings are available in the mobile version (under account) Begin with MINIMAL notification settings to avoid "notification fatigue" EMAIL: Recommendations Include: Immediate: Announcement Invitation Submission Comment Added to Conversation (InBox notification) Conversation message (InBox notification) Global Announcements Daily: Due Date Grading Weekly: NONE All others = Set to "Do Not end me anything" PUSH notifications: On: Due date Announcement Grading Invitation Submission Comment Discussion Membership update Global Announcements Setup: