Adware Removal Instructions for Mac
Steps to take if your Mac has become infected with adware. Adware Removal Instructions MalwareBytes is run automatically on TTSD staff computers. You may need to change search engines and home pages in all browsers if you had an adware infection. Firefox Click on Firefox Preferences General Set hompage to Click on Search Choose Google for search engine and delete the malware site Safari Click on Safari Preferences General Set homepage to Choose Google for search engine and delete the malware site Google Chrome Click on Google Chrome Preferences Settings On Startup/ Open a specific set of pages click on the blue set pages Delete the malware site and replace with to Appearance Show home button box click on the blue change Delete the malware site and replace with Search Manage Search Engines Delete the malware site and replace with Google
How to type Spanish accents on a Mac keyboard
On a Mac Accented Letters To get accented letters on a Mac, simply press and hold on the letter you want an accented version of. You will get a popup menu showing all the options. Select the number for the one you want. To write the sentence,"I'm going to IKEA this weekend to pick up a Jättesta end table for my living room," you would hold the letter "a" down and select 4 from the menu pictured below, or simply type 4 when the menu appears.. ¿What About Punctuation? To type ¡, press the Option/Alt and the ! key. To type ¿, press the Option/Alt key, SHIFT, and the ? key
Install Cisco AnyConnect VPN for Mac Devices
This article contains information for Mac device users who need access to the VPN. Information includes how to obtain VPN access, installation instructions, and how to connect to the VPN. What is VPN used for? VPN, or virtual private network, is used to extend an encrypted connection over the internet from a device to a network. It provides a secure link for staff to access resources that are on the TTSD network from a remote location. The encrypted connection helps ensure the safe transmission of sensitive data. TTSD uses Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client to connect to our network through VPN to access available resources and applications. To obtain VPN access, staff must complete the following tasks: I. Obtain written pre-approval from their supervisor. II. Submit a tech request. III. Complete the online request form. IV. Return here to complete the instructions listed below. How do I setup Cisco AnyConnect VPN on my device? Obtain the appropriate software, download the software onto your device, and adjust setting preferences to complete installation. Please follow the outlined steps below to complete the setup. If you have trouble, submit a comment on your tech request for assistance. 1. Open the TTSD Self Service App located on your device. 2. Search for the Cisco AnyConnect VPN and install the app. 3. Click on the Finder icon located on your device. Select Applications. From the list, locate the Cisco folder. Open ↘ Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client to complete the installation. 4. The AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client window will open. Click on the Gear icon. 5. Adjust VPN Preferences as seen below. Then close the window. 6. In the blank dropdown field type and click "Connect". 7. When this security warning message, click "Connect Anyway". 8. Select VPN_Users as the Group. Enter your TTSD UN/PW and click "OK". 9. When you see the "TTSD Staff Use Only" message, Click "Accept". Disconnect when not in use. To log back in, click on the Cisco icon. The AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client window opens. Repeat steps 06-09. Troubleshooting Tips If you experience issues obtaining the software, confirm IT has granted you access. If you experience issues connecting to the VPN, verify the following: You're connecting to Your device is connected to the internet Settings under Gear icon > Preference are not blocking the connection attempt Note: The VPN relies on an active internet connection. When your computer goes to sleep, it may automatically disconnect the VPN. Adjust your sleep settings if this becomes an issue for you.
SiriNCService error
The user receives an error mentioning the SiriNCService service is running and OSAS secure browser cannot launch. This KB article will help fix the issue. If you receive this error, the easiest fix is to enable and disable Siri in the System Preferences → Siri (even if Siri is NOT enabled) Go to System Preferences → Siri Check and uncheck "Enable Ask Siri" if Siri is NOT enabled. If Siri is Enabled, uncheck the Enable Ask Siri to disable it. Restart and launch the OSAS secure browser
Save a Fillable PDF as a Standard PDF (Mac)
Mac Instructions 1. Open and fill out the fillable PDF in Apple's "Preview" application. Save your changes. 2. From the "file" menu, select "print." 3. In the lower left corner of the print dialog, click the PDF pulldown menu and select "Save as PDF..." 4. Enter the file name and save location. For 504 and Health Plan documents, be sure to name your file correctly! See below... For 504 documents, the file name should be the student's initials a hyphen and 504 example DE-504 (pictured below) For health management plans, the file name should be the student's initials a hyphen and HMP example DE-HMP 5. Click the "Save" button. The file you just saved is no longer fillable. 6. Be sure that you attach this non-fillable PDF to the student's record in Synergy. PC Instructions 1. Open and fill out the fillable PDF in Adobe Reader. Save your changes. 2. From the "file" menu, select "print" 3. In the "printers" pulldown menu, select "CutePDF Writer." If you don't see CutePDF Writer, please fill out a tech request. 4. Click the "print" button. 5. Enter the file name and save location. For 504 and Health Plan documents, be sure to name your file correctly! See below... For 504 documents, the file name should be the student's initials a hyphen and 504 example DE-504 (pictured below) For health management plans, the file name should be the student's initials a hyphen and HMP example DE-HMP 6. Click the "Save" button. The file you just saved is no longer fillable. 7. Be sure that you attach this non-fillable PDF to the student's record in Synergy.
2nd monitor with Apple M1 Macbook Air (model A2337)
Apple M1 Macbook Air does NOT officially support dual monitors set up. However, we can run the 2nd monitor using the setup below. Need: StarTech DisplayLink HDMI adapter USB to USB-C adapter DisplayLink Manager Graphics Connectivity v1.8.1 Install this software AND restart Allow Display Manager under Security & Privacy > Privacy > Screen Recording Launch Display Link Manager (click on the magnifying glass on the top corner of your display) Config your displays arrangement in System Preferences > Display
Remove LightSpeed from a Mac computer (temporary solution)
After coordinating with TTSD IT Department, please take the following steps to remove LightSpeed from your Mac Laptop: (NOTE: you will have to reinstall the "LightSpeed Relay MacOS Agent" next time you return to the TTSD/school wifi network) Open Applications Open Self-Service Log in (lower left corner) with your TTSD account & password [Example: jwheeler2 and not Find "Remove LightSpeed Relay Smart Agent" Restart.
Update macOS computer
Follow the steps below to update to the most recent operating system, including security patches. NOTE: Your updates may be different than the screenshots below. macOS upgrades/updates can take more than 60 minutes to complete. Make sure to plug your computer in. 1. Launch System Preferences by clicking the Apple icon at the top left of your screen and selecting System Preferences 2. Select Software Update or General then Software Update . 3. Click "Upgrade Now" (for major updates) or "Update Now" (for minor ones) If you are prompted for an Administrator's Name and Password, please open Admin by Request app on your dock to elevate your TTSD password to an Admin password.
How to Sync Your Password on a Mac computer
After you change the password following this instruction, please complete these steps below to sync your Mac computer password to the new password. 1. Restart your computer. 2. Log in to your computer with your OLD password. 3. This window will open automatically for you to type in your username and your NEW password. Otherwise, click on the key icon on the top right corner near the Wifi and Date & Time icons and then click Reconnect
Solution to M1 dual monitor issues.
When you have dual monitors and have a dongle, you cannot run your power cord through the dongle as it forces the dual monitor to turn off. By plugging the power cord into the M1 itself alleviate these issues. It is not a broken dongle but a power issue