TTSD Library Services: Epic! Onboarding
Cengage - MyNGConnect (ELD curriculum)
Cengage is available through Clever for both staff and students. For Teachers to set up access to Cengage, please following the instructions in this video: SETUP INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO
Using Kami
The district has a full subscription for every student and teacher. It can be used on iPads or Chrome browsers. There isn't a Kami app on the iPad. Instead, you go to a website shown in the video. Using your district Google credentials, you can load PDFs from your Google Drive. The site is: Kami Basics-How to open a PDF, use Read Aloud and Markup Tools If you're using the chrome browser or Chromebook, you can download the Kami extension from the chrome web store. I believe it's already been pushed to students' chrome books. Kami Chrome Extension: The interface is identical whether you're on a computer, Chromebook, or iPad. If students learn to use it on one device, they won't have to learn a new set of skills. Kami is a great option for all students compared to some students being asked to use the Snap-type pro making this a interface choice in UDL teaching. Since all students have access to it, it means any student in the classroom can use Kami. Plus, the interface is much simpler. Keep in mind: Having a student with a disability, use Snap Type Pro, take a picture of a page and then go through the conversion process is unfair to them. We have a legal obligation to provide accessible educational materials to the student who needs them at the same time that other students get their materials. Students shouldn't have to do additional work for it. The other benefit is that there may be other students in the classroom who would prefer to use a keyboard instead of handwriting or would benefit from listening to the worksheet being read aloud. Kami Video Help
e-hallpass FAQ
Q: What is the URL to access e-hallpass? A : Please go to and use your district Google account to log in: Q: Where is my code for creating create hall passes using the kiosk computers? A : Go to on your teacher laptop and you will see the code for your active kiosk: Q: I'm a new employee and need access to e-hallpass. A: At Tigard High School please contact Jason Ashley, at Tualatin High School please reach out to Brooke Mayo and they will create your user account. Q: AutoPass. What are the benefits, how to set it up and what does it look like when students use it? A: Please click this video which will explain it in details. Q: Can I use e-hallpass on iOS devices? A: Yes. There is an app available for that:
Using the TCP TimeClock, WebClock & MobileClock
The following article goes over the directions for the 3 ways to clock in/out: Use one of the physical TimeClock units Use WebClock on your computer Use TCP MobileClock on TTSD iPad (optionally on your personal cell phone) TCP Frequently Asked Questions FAQ. TCP Employee FAQ Using the Physical Time Clock Unit There are physical TimeClock units located at each school: There are two ways to sign in on these physical TimeClocks: Scan your badge on the card reader and you will automatically be logged in. Touch the screen and enter your 6-digit employee ID number Use the Clock In or Clock Out buttons as needed. Use these same buttons for clocking into and out of your lunch break. The Change Job button is for anyone with more than one position and must switch between them. This is optional right now since we are piloting the program. Click the Self-Service button to see a list of your hours for the week. Using the WebClock on your Computer (Full Users Guide) Open your web browser (Chrome or Safari) and navigate to Pro tip: You can bookmark this page for quick access. Select Company: Tigard-Tualatin School District 1 will automatically be entered for you. Enter your 6-digit employee ID number You can ignore the Bypass LDAP Authentication button, you do not need to do anything with it. Once you enter your ID number, click the green Clock In button at the beginning of your day. At the end of your shift, enter your ID number again and click the blue Clock Out button. For lunch, enter your ID number and use the Leave For Lunch / Return From Lunch buttons Optional: TimeClock Plus logs all your hours for the week. You can use the Log On To Dashboard button to view your hours. Enter your Id number and click Log On To Dashboard and you’ll see a new screen with a blue menu bar on the left side. Click on View. Click on Hours. A list of the hours you have worked will be displayed on the page. There will be one entry for each clock-in and out pair. Using the MobileClock app on TTSD iPad (Full Users Guide - see pages 9-15) If you have a TTSD iPad you can download the TCP Mobile Clock app from Self Service. (There is also an optional method to clock in and out if you choose to use your personal cell phone) NOTE: This app requires you to be on TTSD property to use. You will need to enable location services on your phone for this TCP Mobile Clock app. The app will check to see if you are located on district property. After downloading this app, you must go to your settings on your iPad/iPhone/phone and enable location services. This app requires location service to be enabled and will NOT work unless you turn location services on. Open Self Service & search for TCP MobileClock (pictured above) Install TCP MobileClock When you first open the app it will ask for the TTSD Customer ID. Enter 328327. Push the Next button. (You will only have to enter this once) Enter your 6-digit employee ID number and push the Next button. (you will only have to enter this once) Once you are logged in, you will see your name at the top of the screen. Use the Clock In or Clock Out buttons as needed. Use the dashboard buttons at the bottom of the screen to check your hours, last punch, and messages. Settings > Privacy & Security > Location Services toggled Allowing the App to Use Your Location: Before you can clock in or out for the first time you will need to allow the app to use your location. You will need to have Precise On as well (see screenshot). If you select Allow Once you will need to allow the use of your location every single time you clock in or clock out. If you select Allow While Using App, your phone will allow TCP app to use your location ONLY when you open the TCP app. If you select Don't Allow you will not be able to use the TCP app to clock in or out.
TimeClock Dashboard and Approving Your Hours
You can access all of your time information by logging into the TimeClock Dashboard. Navigate to Enter your employee ID number Click on Log On To Dashboard Your Dashboard will load and show a few information widgets. My Hours You’ll see a list of the days and hours you have worked. You can approve your hours by clicking on the square button next to the day’s entry (more details on hour approval below) This is the quickest way to approve your hours. You should be doing this on a daily or weekly basis Contact your supervisor if there are errors that need to be corrected Clock Operations You can clock in or out from the dashboard My Comp Time You’ll see any accumulated hours of comp time for this pay period. View Click here for a detailed view of your hours Approving Hours Click on View Hours to access the detailed view of your hours for this pay period. Select the pay period you want to view. The current pay period will always load first. This area will display your total hours for the week and any comp time earned for this pay period. The bottom of the screen will show a detailed view of the days/hours you have worked. We’ll focus on the last entry that has the most information. Notice that the day is split into 2 lines. The first line shows hours worked before your lunch break and the second line shows hours worked after your lunch break. The two lines are connected by the 🔗 column. If you don’t clock in/out for a lunch break, the whole day will display on one line. The 🔔 highlights anything that needs your attention, such as approving hours. Approve your hours If everything looks good with your hours, click the box to approve your hours If there is an error, don’t check the box and contact your supervisor and they can correct it for you Notes You can add a note to any entry. Notes can be viewed by you and your supervisor 🔗 (Day Link) The blue brackets show which lines connect to make a complete day If you didn’t clock in/out for lunch on a given day, Break Length Shows how long your break was that day. The break is always attached to the first part of the day If you don’t clock in/out for a lunch break, this column will be blank and the whole day will display on one line Time In Lists the date and time that you clocked in Time Out Lists the date and time that you clocked out Hours Lists the total hours worked for that part of your shift Shift Total Lists the total hours worked for that Shift. If a shift is split into two lines, the shift total will appear on the second line. Day Total Shows the total number of hours worked that day Week Total Shows the total number of hours worked that week This will show up on the last day of your workweek Position Shows the position you were clocked into for that shift
TimeClock Plus (TCP) Training & Presentation
The TCP time clock system was implemented in Fall 2023 to make our payroll processes more efficient, while helping assure our employees are compensated for their time worked on a timely basis. Training slides and video presentation can be found below: <span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span><span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span> View Full Presentation HERE Please also see... TCP Employee FAQ
Using AirPlay for SWANK Video Streaming on Apple TV
Supported Browser: Safari How to Stream Swank to your Apple TV Video: (link) For Safari [Overview: In Safari, use the in-video Airplay menu. Also works on iPads!] Step 1: Review the SWANK instructions for educators Step 2: Select your movie and click “Watch” Step 3: Click the “AirPlay” icon in the embedded video. Step 3: Choose the desired Apple TV by clicking the checkbox next to the Apple TV’s name. Step 4: Click on the video and click the play button to start the movie!
Setting Overtime or Comp Time Segments in TCP
If an employee has gotten pre-approval for overtime, that time needs to be manually adjusted in TCP and marked as overtime. In this example, an employee worked for 9 hours and needs 1 hour marked for overtime. The day pictured below has two segments, morning and afternoon with a lunch break in the middle. We need to update the day to 3 segments - the regular work day and a separate overtime segment. There are two steps to doing this: Split the time segment into two parts - regular hours and overtime hours. Mark the new segment as overtime. Comp time is automatically calculated when an employee works over 8 hours in a day or over 40 hours in a week. Sometimes an employee that works under 8 hours will need to have a segment marked for comp time. To do this please follow the Splitting a Segment direction below, then go to section 3: Mark a Segment as Comp Time Splitting a Segment Notice in our example that the employee has 8 Regular hours and 1 comp-time hour (CompOT1). Our goal is to move that 1 hour of Comp to OT1. Right-click (two-finger click on a MacBook) on the segment that includes the overtime. It will usually be the segment that includes the end of the day. Select Split segment by length from the action menu and the Split Segment window will open. Click the Split icon to split the segment into two pieces. The first segment will be for the regular hours with the normal clock out time. The second segment will be the overtime segment. Adjust the first segment’s Out time to the correct clock out time. In this example I chose 4:00 pm. The second segment will automatically adjust and the Length box should match the total overtime time. I don’t need to manually adjust anything in that second segment. Click Save. The day is now split into three segments, morning (5:30 hours), afternoon (2:30 hours) and overtime (1 hour). Now, I need to change the last segment to overtime. Marking a Segment as Overtime Right-click on the overtime segment and select edit. When the Edit Segment window opens, select Extra. In the Overtime sections, select Force overtime 1. In the Comp Time section, select Disable comp time on qualifying segments. Click save. Unfortunately, there isn’t an easy way to see if a segment has been marked for overtime. But you should see the time more from CompOT1 to OT1 as shown below. Mark a Segment as Comp Time This should be done only for employees who are contracted to work less than 8 hours in a day. 8 hour employees have comp time calculated automatically by TCP. Please follow the Splitting a Segment steps above. Right-click on the extra segment that needs to be marked as comp time and select edit. When the Edit Segment window opens, select Extra. In the Overtime sections, Do not force overtime should already be marked. In the Comp Time section, select Force comp time on segment. Click save. That’s it! Mission complete.
Add AESOP Leave to TCP
TimeClock Plus (TCP) brings in AESOP leave data on Mondays at 5:00 am for the previous week. If leave needs to be added retroactively, it will need to be added in AESOP and TCP. Navigate to the employee’s Individual Hours and click the green Add button In the Add window, click on Time sheet entry. Adjust the date and start time to match the leave. Enter the amount hours the leave is for. Click on the position pull-down and you will see all the AESOP leave codes. select the leave code that was entered in AESOP. You can leave Rate at 0.00, we don’t use this box. Add a note to keep track of the changes you made. Click Save!