Default solution folder, feel free to edit or delete it.
How Do I Post School Announcements Using a Chromebox and Digital Display?
Many schools are mounting TV's to display school announcements for parents and visitors. This KB article is our recommended best practices for setting this up. Identify where you would like the TV mounted & place an Operations request to have the TV mounted and any electrical work necessary to power the TV (two power outlets are necessary: 1) for the TV 2) for the Chromebox). Purchase a Chromebox through the iVisions Warehouse (your school bookkeeper should be able to help with this purchase) Purchase an HDMI cable to connect the Chromebox to the TV. Connect the Chromebox to power, TV (Using HDMI), and wifi. Using a TTSD Google Apps account (from principal, secretary, etc. whomever will be responsible for updating the slideshow), create a Google Slides (presentation) with the content you want to display. Share the Slides presentation with others who will need to update it. From Google Slides, go to the File menu and select "Publish to Web.." Select your transition time, Click the checkbox: "Start slideshow as soon as the player loads" Click the checkbox: "Restart the slideshow after the last slide" Click "Publish" button Copy the ENTIRE Link in the box that starts "http://docs.google.com/presentation/....." Submit the link listed above "Publish to Web" in a tech request to be added to the kiosk mode for the chromebox attached to the TV (please include the Chromebox TTSD tag number so we can identifying it correctly) To Update Your Presentation: Ask teachers or parents to upload pictures to a Shared Google folder or email them to you. Edit your Google Presentation slide show using your computer (you must have edit access to the Google SlideShow created in step 4, above) Your presentation will automatically update every 15min
Generating QR Codes
How to generate a QR code using a web based tool or browser extension. This article will show you how to make a QR code pointing to a web page. This is especially helpful when trying to load pages with long URLs where the likelihood of making a typo is high. Students can scan and open QR codes using the camera app on their iPad. Possible Uses For QR Codes Point students to a web based resource for doing research. Have them take collaborative notes via a shared Google Doc. Make a code for a creative commons image search so students can get images for a published work without violating copyright. Make a resource wall with codes that link to Kahn Academy or other educational video resources. On your classroom map, put a QR code on different regions pointing to more information about that area. For Art Literacy - QR code on the bottom of a painting or drawing that links to a student created video or voice recording telling about the artist they studied or, if it's their own piece, talking about their work. QR code example Web Based QR Generator 1. Copy a URL that you want to generate a QR code for and go to the qrstuff.com website. 2. Select "Website URL" (but note the other options) and paste the web address you want to generate the QR code for. Hit the "Next" button. 3. Use the download or print option on the right to access your QR code.
TTSD YouTube Channel
The Official Tigard-Tualatin School District YouTube Channel You may subscribe to the YouTube Channel, for notification of updates from the District by clicking on the button, located within YouTube on the linked page above.
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Adobe Acrobat Reader tips that will simplify your life. Adobe Basics PDF stands for Portable Document Format. Every PDF started out as a different kind of file. Any file that’s printable can be saved as a PDF. PDF’s are a file type that displays documents exactly as they’re meant to be seen. A converted file to a PDF means that any person can view this file, regardless if they have the same software or device as you. Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is a free and reliable software for many devices. Depending on the version you have, Adobe Acrobat lets you read, print, sign, comment, and share documents. Use the annotation and drawing markup tools to add comments to PDFs. You can also add comments to PDF files by highlighting, adding sticky notes, using a freehand drawing tool, and mark-up tools. Functions Available By Selection: Text - Highlight, Underline, Strikethrough Text, Copy Text, & Edit Text & Images. Image - When you select an image, perform actions like Add Sticky Note, Highlight Text/Image, Edit Text & Images, and Copy Image. Highlight - When you select an existing highlight comment in a PDF you see quick actions to Add Note, Change Color, or Delete the comment. If you want to edit a PDF, convert a document to a PDF, or perform any other more complex tasks, consider purchasing Adobe Document Cloud PDF services or Acrobat Pro DC. Add Digital Comments Digital comments are handy when printing is not an option, you need to add a comment to a document that needs to be scanned. To display all the comment tools, go to View > Tools > Comment User Favorite Comment Tools Sticky Note Text Box Stamp Leave a Sticky Note on a document. All comments on a document will be listed to the right of the screen. Edit comments entries there. Hover the cursor over the icon to display the entire dialog box on the page. Change the Sticky Note icon appearance and color. Leave a Text Box as a comment. The Text Box displays the entire dialog box on the document. Stamps Use a pre-defined Stamp. Or use a custom-created stamp. To use your custom stamp, simply create a stamped image in another application. Print the file as a PDF. Then, go to Custom Stamps > Create and upload the file. Adjust the file as needed to match the default size you want. Stamp sizes can be adjusted to fit any place you need it. For more info, click here: https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/commenting-pdfs.html Switch between the Hand and Select Tool. With your mouse cursor, move the mouse towards the bottom of the page, and this screen will appear. Or right-click with the mouse to display a menu. Edit Text & Images Modify text or image content on a PDF document > Add Text - Add text to a PDF content Text Recognition Recognizes text on a PDF. Allows users to replace text as if they were the original owner of the file. Print as a PDF To print as a PDF, go to File + Print like you normally would. Instead of printing on the default printer, click on the dropdown. Select PDF option. Create PDFs To create a PDF, go to file > save as adobe pdf Acrobat Reader Mobile App Adobe is making it easier than ever to work across computers and mobile devices with Adobe Document Cloud and Acrobat Reader mobile app. The mobile app features a complete set of commenting tools, allowing you to annotate, fill, sign, and share PDFs. It also allows users to use their mobile camera to scan a document, whiteboard, or receipt and save it as a PDF. The app is new, free, and available for Android or iOS devices. Learn more about using the Acrobat Reader mobile app here… https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/mobile-app-faq.html To download the latest version, visit the Google Play Store or the iTunes App Store.
Webstore Login Failure Fix
How to fix a student account when they cannot sign into the TTSD Online Store. If a parent or a student is saying that they cannot sign into to the TTSD online store using the information on the front page it is very likely that they have changed the password on their account. The failure screen will look like this: To resolve this problem login in to https://webstore.ttsd.k12.or.us/manage/ using your manager password. You'll get to a welcome page: From there click on Customer Accounts and you'll see the customer page: At that point type in the last name or student id of the student you are looking for, make sure to change the drop down if you are using student ID. You'll get a list of students that match the criteria you've provided. Double click on the one you want to change and you'll get an Account Detail Page: At this point click on the blue reset button and type in the password you want the student to use to get to their data: Done! At this point you should attempt signing in as the student at https://webstore.ttsd.k12.or.us to make sure that the change worked. Once you've done that successfully you should be able to help the student do it successfully as well.
Sending Fine/Overdue Notices in Destiny
*Note- your individual patron records may have different data fields than in our examples. Send a ticket to destinysupport@cascadetech.org if you require additional assistance. All notices will start in the same place: Reports – Patron Reports - Current Checkouts/Fines Student Notices – All Checked Out includes library/textbook/resource items and fines due Format Limit Update My Patrons to include only students patron types. Select Active and Restricted Status Include Resources Check the box next to The materials my patrons have and/or the fines they owe that belong to other sites in the district. Details Select & Sort by… The default selects by Patron Name which will include all patrons types selected in 2. Limit. Other recommended choices are Grade Level or Homeroom Choose Distributed Internally for notices that are printed and given to the students Page Layout 1 or 2 per page; 4 is VERY small. Two per page will need to be cut (saves paper but not time) Customize the second Message field as desired. Choose Mailed for printed notices to send via snail mail. Student addresses will be on them Customize the second Message field as desired. Choose Via email to send email notices to students and parents Put in your Name, Email, and choose Email 1 & Email 2, or just Email 1 or Email 2; most schools have Email 1 for the student and Email 2 for the parent Customize the second Message field as desired. Include the Price of checked out/overdue materials so that the cost of lost items is communicated In the Also Display section, take the checkmark out of Patron Info Barcode For Printed Notices: In Save As (name your notice) All Checked Out & Fines Student Notices Do not Schedule Save Set Up For Emailed Notices: In Save As (name your notice) All Checked Out & Fines Student Email Notices Email notices can be scheduled or run manually REMEMBER to check the Job Manager in the Back Office for Skipped notices (no email addresses) Here is a scheduled example: Running Notices Go to Reports – Patron Reports - Current Checkouts/Fines – Look for the report to run from the list of Saved Report/Notices templates and click on Run: Run and distribute the student notices a few times a week at the end of school for greater success in collecting unreturned items. GOOD LUCK!
How to Change Your Password & TTSD Password Change Policy for Staff
In order to improve the security of various systems, we have implemented a password change policy that will require you to change your password every 180 days. We will send email reminders 30, 15, and 7 days before your password expires, so you can change your password before then. It cannot be a password you have used in the past 5 password changes, Best Practices for Creating & Managing Secure Passwords: Use a minimum of 12-16 characters. Longer passwords are generally more secure. Use Pass Phrases: Create a passphrase using a series of random words or a sentence that is easy to remember but hard to guess (e.g., "HorseBatteryStaple$56!") Password Managers:Use a reputable password manager to store and manage your passwords securely. Password managers can generate complex passwords and remember them for you. Ensure the master password for your password manager is extremely strong and unique. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Enable two-factor authentication on all accounts that support it. This adds an additional layer of security by requiring a second form of verification. PLEASE READ THROUGH ALL THE STEPS BEFORE CHANGING YOUR PASSWORD! The process has changed and you must do all the steps in order to complete the password change process. Please be on site to change your password (not at home)! Do you know your current password? ALL STAFF on ANY DEVICE: STEP 1: Click here to change your password. STEP 2: Restart your device. *** Note: if you use a district assigned Mac computer, continue with the steps below: STEP 3: After restarting your Mac, log in to your computer with your OLD password. STEP 4: This window(see below) will open automatically. Enter your username and your NEW password. Click Sign In. (No Window? Click on the key icon on the top right corner near the Wifi and Date & Time icons and then click Reconnect) STEP 5: Enter your NEW password in the top box/line. Enter your OLD password in the bottom box/line (see screenshot below) Click "Sync Password" Click OK on the "passwords in sync" pop-up window. Do you not know your password or has your password has already expired? Call x4051. The fix will require that you meet with a technician at one of our schools. For technicians, please follow this article to reset the staff login.
Print Shop: Order History
Previous Print Shop System To view orders placed in the old system, you can log in here. This system is for viewing only, not placing new orders. You will also need to dismiss any warning messages you see about the connection not being secure. How to view Print Shop order history in the "Service Request" system launched May 2022. Note: this will not show orders placed in the old system. (see sidebar) 1. Log in to the TTSD help desk. 2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "View All." 3. Click the words "Open or Pending" and change to the status you want. To view fulfilled print shop orders and tech requests, select "Resolved or Closed."
01 Website Accessibility
What is and why do we need web accessibility? This is a multi-part article: Part 01 (this article) Part 02 Part 03 Introduction to Web Accessibility and W3C Standards The best explanation of web accessibility is in the video Introduction to Web Accessibility and W3C Standards. Please take the four minutes required to view the video. Notice all the options for accessing the content of that video in addition to watching it: captions, transcript, multiple languages, transcript with visuals. What is Web Accessibility? Web accessibility means that websites, tools, and technologies are designed and developed so that people with disabilities can use them. More specifically, people can: perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with the Web contribute to the Web W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Introduction to Web Accessibility The following is a paraphrased summary of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. Perceivable Provide text alternatives for non-text content. Provide captions and other alternatives for multimedia. Create content that can be presented in different ways, including by assistive technologies, without losing meaning. Make it easier for users to see and hear content. Operable Make all functionality available from a keyboard. Give users enough time to read and use content. Do not use content that causes seizures. Help users navigate and find content. Understandable Make text readable and understandable. Make content appear and operate in predictable ways. Help users avoid and correct mistakes. Robust Maximize compatibility with current and future user tools. Poorly designed websites can create unnecessary barriers for people with disabilities, just as poorly designed buildings prevent some people with disabilities from entering. Access problems often occur because website designers mistakenly assume that everyone sees and accesses a webpage in the same way. ADA Best Practices Tool Kit for State and Local Governments
03 Digital Accessibility for Communication
What other steps can we take to ensure accessibility to digital content? This is a multi-part article: Part 01 Part 02 Part 03 (this article) Google Google's accessibility website has information and links to articles on accessibility for their products. Some examples include the following: Make your document or presentation accessible Add caption tracks to your video files Blackboard Blackboard has some great articles on digital accessibility. The following are particularly relevant to general communication: Format Accessible Documents using Microsoft Word Documents using PDF Documents Principles of PowerPoint Accessibility Create Accessible Messages Best practices for all communication Accessibility in Social Media