ParentVUE and StudentVUE is how parents & students access grade, attendance, and other information in Synergy.
Activating Your ParentVUE Account
This article shows the steps for activating your ParentVUE account. If you experience difficulties with your account, please contact the front office at your oldest child's school. If You Received An Activation Email 1. Click the link in your email to access the ParentVUE setup webpage. Do not share this link as it is unique to you and will grant access to your account. 2. View & accept the privacy statement. 3. Choose a username and password. Passwords must be at least 6 characters long and can use letters and numbers. 4. Enter your email address. This will be used for district communication and for ParentVUE password recovery. 5. Click the Complete Account Activation button. If You Received A Printed Activation Letter 1. Your "Parent ActivationKey" letter has all the information you will need to access your account. The letter will include the following five pieces of information: Activation first name Activation last name Activation key (a combination of seven numbers and letters) The web address for activating (and thereafter logging in to) your PVUE account. The expiration date for the activation key. Note: If your activation key has expired, your child's school can generate a new one for you. 2. Go to the web page on your activation letter and select "I am a Parent." 3. This will take you to the ParentVUE login page. Since you need to activate your account, click "Activate Account/Forgot Password" and then the "Activate Account" icon. 4. Enter the first and last name from your letter exactly as they appear in your activation letter. Enter your activation key. 3. You will then be prompted to choose a user name and password as well as enter your primary e-mail address. The e-mail address will be used for automated password recovery. 4. Click the Complete Account Activation button.
ParentVUE: Helping Parents with Account Issues
Instructions for the ParentVUE point person at each school on how to help parents with common access issues. This article is for school staff who are assigned to help parents with ParentVUE account issues. The following topics/situations will be covered: Overview of the Initial Parent Sign in Process Password recovery Helping a parent who forgot their user name Helping a parent who has been deactivated Creating a new activation key & letter Helping a parent who doesn't see all of their children Overview of the Initial Parent Sign in Process Note: Detailed instructions & screenshots from the parent perspective can be found here. Parents That Received a Printed Activation Letter Important Notes: The activation key/letter is only used to initially set up a parent's ParentVUE account. After the account is set up (if you see the "User ID" field filled in, it has been) there is no need for an activation key and you can not generate a new one. 1. Parent receives a "Parent ActivationKey" letter with the information they will need to access their account. The letter will include the following five pieces of information: a. Parent first name b. Parent last name c. Activation key (a combination of seven numbers and letters) d. The web address for activating (and thereafter logging in to) their account. e. The expiration date for the activation key 2. Parents will go to the web page on their activation letter and activate their account entering the the first and last name from their letter exactly as it appears, as well as their activation key. 3. The parent will then be prompted to choose a user name and password as well as enter their primary e-mail address. The e-mail address will be used for automated password recovery. Parents That Received an Activation Email (Subject = "TTSD ParentVUE Activation") Parents receive the instructions below in their activation email. The words "Click here" in step one contain a special link that eliminates the need to fill in the name and activation key information found in the printed letter. For this reason, parents should not share/forward this email. From the activation email: Please take a moment to complete the steps below to create your TTSD ParentVUE account. Click here to activate your TTSD ParentVUE account. View & accept the privacy statement. Choose a username and password. Enter your email address. This will be used for district communication and for ParentVUE password recovery. Click the Complete Account Activation button. Automated Password Recovery (preferred) Password recovery is completely automated. The ParentVUE login screen has a "Forgot your password? Click here" link that will prompt the parent to enter the e-mail address associated with their account. The system will e-mail a password reset link to the parent. Note: If the parent gets an "unable to send email" message," the most likely cause is another ParentVUE account that is using the same email address. Changing one of the email addresses will resolve the issue. Manual Password Entry (if steps above don't work) If a parent doesn't have an email in the system, please add one if at all possible. If they don't have an email address OR the automated process above isn't working for them, go to the ParentVUE tab on the parent screen and (after verifying the parent's identity) fill in the "password" and "confirm password" fields. Save your changes. Do not check either of the boxes below. Parents can change their passwords through ParentVUE once they are logged in. Helping a Parent who Forgot their User Name Below are the steps to help a parent who remembers their password, but doesn't remember their user name. 1. Log in to Synergy and load the "Parent" screen. Path is Synergy SIS ---> Parent ---> Parent 2. Click on the magnifying glass icon to get into find mode. 3. Enter the parent's last and first name. Remember, you can use the asterisk character * as a wildcard if you are unsure of spelling. 4. Click on the "Children" tab to confirm that you are looking at the correct parent. 5. Click on the "ParentVUE" tab and look in the "ParentVUE ID" area for their user ID. Helping a Parent who has been Deactivated 1. Log in to Synergy and load the "Parent" screen. Path is Synergy SIS ---> Parent ---> Parent 2. Click on the magnifying glass icon to get into find mode. 3. Enter the parent's last and first name. Remember, you can use the asterisk character * as a wildcard if you are unsure of spelling. 4. Click on the "Children" tab to confirm that you are looking at the correct parent. 5. Click on the "ParentVUE" tab. 6. Look for the "Account Activation" area. 7. Uncheck the "ParentVUE Account Disabled" box 8. Click the "Save" button at the top of the screen. Create a New Activation Key & Print a New Activation Letter Note: The activation key is only used to set up a parent's ParentVUE account. After the account is set up (if you see the "User ID" field filled in, it has been) there is no need for an activation key and you can not generate a new one. 1. Log in to Synergy and load the "Parent" screen. Path is Synergy SIS ---> Parent ---> Parent 2. Click on the magnifying glass icon to get into find mode. 3. Enter the parent's last and first name. Remember, you can use the asterisk character * as a wildcard if you are unsure of spelling. 4. Click on the "Children" tab to confirm that you are looking at the correct parent. 5. Click on the "ParentVUE" tab. 6. If the activation key is still valid, click the "Print Activation Key" button. If the key has expired, click the "Create Activation Key" button. Creating a new activation key will disable all previous keys for that parent, including ones that had not expired yet. 7. Click the "Print Activation Key" button. This will open a PDF that you can print out for the parent. Parent Doesn't See All of Their Children Reason 1 If you have a parent that contacts you indicating they cannot see all their children, we likely have two parent accounts for this person. Data from the duplicate parent records will need to be merged into a single parent record with all children attached. Follow the steps below before submitting your tech request. Locate both parent records and note the "Adult ID" for each. Check the ParentVUE tab for a ParentVUE User ID. We will consider the parent account with a ParentVUE User ID to be the "active" account. If both (or neither) parent account has a ParentVUE User ID, choose one to be considered the "active" account. Verify all information is correct for the active parent: address, phone, language etc. Update as necessary. Submit a tech request to have us merge the records. Include both adult ID numbers and specify which is the active and which is the duplicate. "Please merge the following two parent accounts, 123456 (active & verified) and 654321 (duplicate)" or something similar. Reason 2 The other possible reason a parent may not see all of their children is that Synergy thinks they don't have "Educational Rights." The first step, of course, is to determine whether the parent actually does have educational rights. If they do have educational rights, go the the "Children" tab on the parent screen and make sure that the check box for "Ed. Rights" is checked. Save your change.
Log a Student in to StudentVUE
Instructions for logging into StudentVUE for Students 1. On your student's iPad, select the icon named StudentVUE. 2. Swipe the screen to the left like indicated on the message so you can enter the zip code for your school district. 3. Enter the zip code 97223 and then select Tigard Tualatin School District, then select Yes 4. On the following screen proceed to enter your student's username (not the full email address) and password, make sure to select the circle in the end of the line so the username is saved for next time that he or she connects. 5. Student is logged in.
Downloading and logging into the mobile app
How to download the mobile app, log in, and assist parents with obtaining their login and password if needed. Download the new app in 3 easy steps: 1. For Android devices go to the Google Play store. For Apple devices go to the Apple Store 2. Search for “Tigard-Tualatin SD” 3. Then select the “Tigard-Tualatin School District” app for free download How should parents log in to the TTSD Mobile App? 1. The first and easiest choice is to use Google or Facebook for iPhones and only Facebook for Androids at this time. The email they provided to the school must match one of those accounts. 2. If Google or Facebook is not an option, parents should contact the school office to obtain their parent login and password. 3. Staff with access to the Mass Communications System can get the parent login and set a password in the following steps: Log in to and select the Accounts tab Select: "parent" as Role, your School, enter the last name of the parent and click List Accounts A list will be generated, click on the name of the parent to open the account The Parent ID is the login you will give to the parent and then click Edit login/password to generate and email a password. The parent email must be the email we have in Synergy. Do one of the following to: Click here to generate and email a new random password Or enter a simple password such as their last name and a number and tell them to change it after they have logged in. And Save
Generating ParentVUE Activation Letters
How to print ParentVUE activation letters for individual parents, for a grade level, or for your whole school. Important Reminders ParentVUE can only be accessed by parents/guardians that have "ed rights" for the student. You can check this on the Parent screen → Children tab. Activation Keys Activation keys are good for 150 days after they are generated. Activation letters should only be printed for parents that have a current and unused activation key. You can generate keys from this screen. To help parents with access issues after they have activated their account, please refer to this article. If you would like to use the email option, please do a tech request so we can help you with that process. Generating Activation Letters Individually or in Bulk 1. Open the PVU202 - Parent Activation Key Letter screen. Path Parent → Reports → Individual → PVU202 - Parent Activation Key Letter 2. You have several options in the Student Info area. Fill in a student ID to print letters for just that student's parents/guardians Select a grade level to print letters for the parents/guardians for all students in that grade Leave all Student Info fields blank to print letters for your whole school 3. In the Report Options area, check the Show Student Name, Exclude Activated Parents, and Group Students By Parent boxes. Checking the Show Student ID box may help you keep your letters organized. Check the "Create Parent Activation Keys" box to create/update keys for parents that need them. 4. By default, the activation letters will be sorted by parent last name. You may want to go to the "Sort/Output" tab and change this to "Responsible Student" to sort by student last name instead. 5. At Elementary, you may want to distribute these during conferences. In the "Distribution Options" area, select the "Teacher, Student" radio button enter the date and select period 1 for homeroom. 6. Print Generating Student Household Labels for Mailing Activation Letters 1. Open the STU803 - Student Household Labels screen. Path Student --> Reports --> Labels --> STU803 - Student Household Labels 2. Select the following options on the parameter screen: Household Type - Ignore Uncheck the following boxes Show Student Name Show "RE" Before Student Name "To the Parent/Guardian of:" Override Parent Relations - Educational Rights 3. Print 4. Labels will be printed with parent name(s) and address: One parent = 1 label Two parents in same household with same last name = 1 label with first name separated by (/) John/Sally Smith Two parents in same household with different last name = 1 label with names separated by (and) John Jones and Sally Smith You'll want to set these labels aside and find the letters sorted by last name
ParentVUE: Password Recovery
Password Recovery Password recovery is completely automated. Visit the TTSD ParentVue website: Click "I am a parent" The ParentVUE login screen has a "Forgot password" link that will prompt the parent to enter the e-mail address associated with their account. The system will e-mail a password reset link to the parent. Note: If the you receive an "unable to send email" message," the most likely cause is another ParentVUE account that is using the same email address. Please contact your school to update your parent email address in the TTSD student information system (Synergy).
Students Where No Parent/Guardian has a PVUE Account
Instructions for office staff that have access to edit/update ParentVUE information in Synergy. How to use spreadsheet data provided by IT to update parent records so all students have at least one parent/guardian with ParentVUE access. Why No ParentVUE Account? There are two main reasons why a parent might not have a PVUE account. There is no email address for the parent. The same email address is used for two different parent records. How to Resolve - No Email 1. Reach out to the parent/guardian to get their email address. 2. Before updating Synergy, verify that this email isn't already in use by a different parent. 3. If the email is not already in use, add it to the email field AND as their ParentVUE username. Leave the password fields blank. Save your changes. 4. Let the parent know their user name is their email address. The parent can use the "forgot password" link on the ParentVUE login screen to set up a password. How to Resolve - Same Email on More Than One Parent Record. 1. Search for the email address. 2. If you get two results that are the same parent, we (IT) will need to merge the duplicate accounts. Follow the "Parent Doesn't See All of Their Children" (reason 1) instructions at the bottom of this article so we can merge the records. 3. If you get two results that are different parents, one of the email addresses will need to be updated so it is unique. You can then add the email address to the email field AND as their ParentVUE username as pictured above. 4. Let the parent know their user name is their email address. The parent can use the "forgot password" link on the ParentVUE login screen to set up a password.