TTSD Help Desk


Posting Marks Overview - Homeroom

Modified on: Thu, Feb 17 2022 8:49 AM

Posting grades to the elementary report card. An overview for homeroom teachers.

Elementary Report Card Articles


  • Homeroom teachers: Can only transfer or edit report card rows they are responsible for. 

The graphic below show an overview of the process for posting grades for both homeroom teachers. Detailed instructions with links to the relevant knowledgebase articles follow below.


 Workflow diagram that reads: 1. Complete grade book assignment/standards scoring. 2. Report Card Preview - Standards screen: “Transfer All Student Marks” button to transfer ALL calculated marks from the grade book. 3. Enter student scores for non-calculated marks. Override any calculated marks as desired. Finally, two options below: By Student (Report Card → Students)(classic entry mode)OR By Class (Report Card → Report Card Matrix)


If you don't use the Synergy Grade Book, you can skip the "Plan" and "Post" instructions and go directly to "Complete." If you do use the Synergy grade book, complete grade book score entry. 


After assignment scores have been completed, transfer all calculated student marks from the grade book to the report card using the "Report Card Preview - Standards" screen. You will be able to manually adjust transferred report card marks later if needed, following the instructions in the "Complete" section below.


To complete areas of the report card that don't have calculated marks from grade book assignments, or to manually adjust transferred scores, use the Report Card → Students or Report Card → Matrix screens. The knowledgebase articles below explain each of these options: RECOMMENDATION: Use Report Cart "Matrix" article to enter/adjust marks for Math, Reading, Music and PE classes.

After all marks* are entered, the homeroom teacher will mark the report card complete for their class. Instructions are included in the Grades By Student article.

*Music, ELL and PE will report to the front office separately when they have completed mark entry.

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