Seating charts, running reports, communicating with students & families, etc.
Working with Seating Charts
REMEMBER! The seating chart icons reveal confidential student information (SpED, 504 plan, gender identity, health info etc) that should not be seen by other students. Please do NOT project your seating chart, put up on a TV, or display to others in any way. Working With Seating Charts Synergy offers several nice features when working with seating charts: the option to always keep your chart alpha sorted, the ability to randomly shuffle students' seat assignments and the option to view students' current class grades on your seating chart. Contents Creating or copying a seating chart Adding new students to a chart Changing chart display preferences Deleting a seating chart Interface Overview Charts button lets you quickly switch between your different seating charts or create a new one. Attendance button for taking attendance by list or by grid. The button is currently highlighted in yellow, indicating that attendance has not been taken yet. Reports button for generating reports like class lists, student/parent directories, class health conditions etc. Overall class grade: Display secondary students' overall class grades. Zoom slider for changing chart magnification level (not dimensions). Create a New Seating Chart 1. For basic charts, click the "Charts" button and select either "Add Grid" or "Add Freeform." A new chart will be created and you will be put into edit mode. You can also create a new chart from a copy of an existing chart. Note: While you are in edit mode, the "Home," "Grade Book" and "Report Card" menus will be inaccessible until you save or cancel your changes. Clicking "Templates" will let you create a chart template (with furniture, teacher desk, student seats etc) that you can use when creating freeform charts. Clicking "Split By Section" applies only to teachers with multiple sections during the same period. This option will split students into separate charts based on the section they are in. 2. Give your chart a descriptive name. It is best to avoid special characters (& * etc) in the name as they may cause issues. 3. Add students to your seating chart and edit your chart configuration as described below. 4. Click the green "Save" button. Copying an Existing Seating Chart 1. Use the "Charts" button to select the seating chart you want to copy. 2. Click the "Edit" button. 3. Click the "Copy" button. 4. Give the chart a new name and edit your chart configuration as desired. Avoid special characters (& * etc) in the name as they may cause issues. 5. Click the green "Save" button to save your changes. Adding and Rearranging Students If you have students in your class that do not appear on your seating chart, you will most likely see a notification like the one below. 1. If you are not in edit mode, select the chart you want to edit from the "Charts" menu and then click the "Edit" button. Note: While you are in edit mode, the "Home," "Grade Book" and "Report Card" menus will be inaccessible until you save or cancel your changes. You will see your sections for the currently selected period listed in the top right corner. If you teach more than one section in the same period, make sure the checkbox in front of each one is checked. The "Academic Tutor" box needs to be checked in order to add that student to the chart. The "Unassigned Students area lists student who are in your class, but not on your seating chart. It also provides provides options for rearranging students that are already on your seating chart. Important: set your chart dimensions large enough to accommodate all students in your class. A chart that is 6x5 will not have enough seats for a class of 31+ students Unassigned students show on the right side of the screen for grid charts. Unassigned students appear in a "Students" menu at the top of the screen for freeform charts. Rearranging Students Sort Button will arrange students already on the chart into alphabetical order. Important: clicking "sort" on a freeform chart will move students into a grid formation! Both the student and the seat position will change. Randomize Button will shuffle students already on the chartrandomly into new positions. Students move, seat positions do not. Click and drag students to an empty seat (grey rectangle) on a grid chart or empty space on a freeform chart. Adding Students When adding students to a chart, make sure you have empty seats to accommodate them. See "Changing Chart Display Settings" below. Fill Alpha will add unassigned students to the chart and arrange all students in alpha order. The system will automatically expand grid chart dimensions if needed. Fill Random will add unassigned students to the chart and arrange all students in random order. The system will automatically expand grid chart dimensions if needed. Click and drag students from the "Unassigned Students" area to any empty grid chart seat (grey rectangle) or open space on a freeform chart. If your grid doesn't have any empty seats, you will have to adjust your chart dimensions as described below. Changing Chart Display Settings 1. From the "Charts" menu, select the chart you want to work with. Click on the "Edit" button. Note: While you are in edit mode, the "Home," "Grade Book" and "Report Card" menus will be inaccessible until you save or cancel your changes. 2. At the top of the screen, you can change the name of the chart, save any changes, copy the current chart to a new chart or cancel without saving changes. Avoid special characters (& * etc) in the name as they may cause issues. 3. On the right side of the screen, you will see a "Seating Chart Configuration" area for setting chart dimensions and display preferences. You will also see an "Unassigned Students" area listing students in your class that are currently not in your seating chart. 4. Make your desired seating chart configuration changes. 5. Optionally, add or rearrange students. 6. Click the green "Save" button to save your changes. Recommended Settings Student Name Format Pulldown Menu Important: Set the student name format to Last, First Name Goes By so you will see students' preferred names. Checkboxes Show Student Photos (default) Show Pronouns (default) Note: This option was added late in the 2022-23 school year so there will be no information to display early on. Show Notifications Displays alert icons: family alert, health alert, SpEd, TAG, ELL, etc Show Birthdays displays a cake icon for students with upcoming birthdays. The "Front Of Classroom pulldown menu will simply add a "Front" label in the area you specify. Seating Chart Dimensions Available for grid type charts only. Set how many rows and columns you want. Important:set your chart dimensions large enough to accommodate all students in your class. A chart that is 6x5 will not have enough seats for a class of 31 students Deleting an Existing Seating Chart 1. Use the "Charts" button to select the seating chart you want to delete. 2. Click the "Edit" button. 3. Click the "Delete" button. 4. Click "Yes" on the confirmation window that appears.
Looking at Attendance Information
There are several different ways of pulling up student attendance data in TeacherVUE, either for individual students or for your whole class. Viewing Attendance Data for Your Whole Class 1. Sign in to your class in TeacherVUE. 2. Move your mouse over the "Reports" button. A menu of available reports will appear. Elementary attendance reports will start with "ATD" and secondary attendance reports will start with "ATP." 3. Once you click on the report name it will run the report in a new window and eventually give you a PDF of the report. If you get a "No Data Found" message, this indicates that no absences/tardies had been recorded for students in your current section. Viewing Attendance Data for an Individual Student Method One 1. In your seating chart, click in the middle of a student picture. 2. In the menu that appears, select "StudentVUE" to open StudentVUE as that student. 3. On the left side of the page, click "Attendance" to view a summary of their attendance. 4. The period attendance information pictured below will only display for Middle and High School students. By default, the attendance screen will show the full year. Click the date range (highlighted below) to select the grading period you want to view. Click the course name to view a daily breakdown for that course. 5. Toggling "Detail" on for Days of Attendance will display a daily breakdown for elementary and secondary students, the latter showing details by period. Method Two 1. In your seating chart, click in the middle of a student picture. In the menu that appears, select "Period Attendance" (secondary teachers) or "Daily Attendance" (elementary teachers) 2. On the screen that opens, you can view days with attendance activity or totals by clicking on the respective tabs. Period & Daily Attendance screens shown below.
Using Synergy Mail in TeacherVUE
Overview Update: 9-27-2024 - The option to automatically translate outgoing Synergy Mail messages has been disabled due to cost overruns. We'll update this KB article if it becomes enabled again. If you need translation, we recommend using ParentSquare. The "Synergy Mail" tool in TeacherVUE is New for the 2024-25 school year and replaces the old "Communication" tool. Like the old Communication tool, Synergy Mail is for initiating communication with students and parents/guardians, either individually or on a class-wide basis. It is not for viewing incoming emails/replies from students/parents. Emails sent using Synergy Mail will go directly to the recipient's email inbox and will also appear in ParentVUE & StudentVUE. Responses from parents & students will come directly to your TTSD email inbox. Emails sent using Synergy Mail will be automatically be translated into the language set for the student/parent in Synergy. This can be disabled when sending a message if desired. Email replies from students/parents sent in a different language will not be automatically translated to English in your TTSD in-box, but there are instructions at the bottom of this article on how to do this using the Chrome and Firefox web browsers. Communicating With Individual Students 1. On your seating chart, click the student's picture and select "Compose Email" from the menu that appears. 2. A new message window will open with the student pre-selected. Note: auto-translate has been disabled (9-27-2024) 3. Click the pencil icon to the right to add recipients. Each recipient will only see their name, not the names of other recipients. To locate the parents for a given student, click the Parents button and type the student's name in the "description" search field. Click to select. 4. Compose your email as usual. You can format the body of the message using the rich content editor. 5. You can attach files simply by dragging them onto the message window from your computer or by clicking the blue "Add Attachment" button, but there are two important things to note. Per TTSD policy, we do not send any confidential student information via email. Historically attachments with oddball characters in the filename can cause errors. The / and : characters have been problematic in the past and are best avoided. 6. At the top of the screen you can click the green "Send" button to sent right away, or the small down arrow to schedule the email for later delivery. 7. You can view your sent messages in the Sent folder along with a count of read/unread status for each sent message. Communicating on a Class-wide Basis 1. From the Home menu, select "Synergy Mail" and click the green Compose button. 2. Click anywhere in the "To" area (or click the icon) to select recipients. Then click the "Classes" button. You will see all of your courses for the year, but you can filter by term as pictured above. Check the boxes to determine whether the email is going to parents, students, or both and then click the class(es) you want included. Pro-Tip: You can actually change the audience after selecting classes by clicking the small down arrow pictured below 3. Compose your email as usual. You can format the body of the message using the rich content editor. 4. You can attach files simply by dragging them onto the message window from your computer or by clicking the blue "Add Attachment" button, but there are two important things to note. Per TTSD policy, we do not send any confidential student information via email. Historically attachments with oddball characters in the filename can cause errors. The / and : characters have been problematic in the past and are best avoided. 5. At the top of the screen you can click the green "Send" button to sent right away, or the small down arrow to schedule the email for later delivery. 7. You can view your sent messages in the Sent folder along with a count of read/unread status for each sent message. Translating an Email You Received in a Different Language Chrome/Brave/Firefox Web Browsers 1. Open the email, click the three vertical dots and select "Translate" from the menu that appears. 2. The translated text will be displayed. The original language should be auto-detected, but you can always manually select it if necessary.
How can Teachers Look at StudentVUE?
Teachers accessing StudentVUE interface through their TeacherVUE accounts. Teachers can view exactly what parents and students in their classes can see using TeacherVUE. To do this: 1. Log into TeacherVUE 2. Select a class 3. Click on the center of a student's picture from the seating chart 4. Select StudentVUE 5. Click "Grade Book" from the menu on the left.
21st Century Skills Survey
How to access TTSD 21st Century Skills Student Survey results through TeacherVUE. The TTSD 21st Century Skills Survey is given to students at the beginning of the school year and again in the spring. These technology skills surveys are developed in grade bands PK-2, grades 3-5, grades 6-8, and grades 9-12. The survey has several self-assessment questions under each of the five categories below. This article will show you how to access your students' survey results through TeacherVUE. Survey Categories Explanation Device Troubleshooting Troubleshoot device independently, including internet connectivity. Classroom Workflow Communication with the teacher, appropriate use in the classroom environment, self-restraint. Digital Citizen Digital identity/footprint, online content validity, cyberbullying/school rules as it applies to a digital device. Empowered Learner Use device to organize assignments/work receives timely feedback to check for understanding, ask questions and find answers. Computational Thinker Knowledgeable about data collection, analysis, and interpretation; right digital tool/app for a given project. Survey Structure Within each category, students were asked to respond an "I can..." statement using a 1-4 scale: I do not agree I agree somewhat I generally agree I strongly agree Sample question in the "Device Troubleshooting category, "I can solve problems with my iPad when it is not working properly." Student responses within each category were averaged and rounded to the nearest whole number prior to import into Synergy. Accessing Results 1. In TeacherVUE, select "Test Group Analysis" under the Home menu. 2. In the "Test Preferences" area, use the Test Group pulldown menu to select the 21st Century Skills test group. Check the "Ignore Blank Entries" box to hide students that didn't take the survey. 3. To highlight students with lower performance levels, check the Level 1 and Level 2 boxes. 4. In the screenshot below, you can see that the first student may struggle when it come to troubleshooting their device. The second student appears to be confident in this area so it may be good to pair these two students up. Note: you may or may not see the raw score column, but the numbers will be the same.
TeacherVUE Training Video
An introduction to the areas of TeacherVUE that are used on a frequent or daily basis. The video below provides an introduction to the most commonly included areas of TeacherVUE including the following topics: Browser compatibility and logging in (01:02) <-- Time marks in parenthesis. Changing classes (02:48) Taking Attendance (3:17) Working with seating charts (5:48) Running reports for your class (09:20) Running reports and looking at data for individual students (13:42) Opening the student Health and Demographics screens. (14:17) Opening StudentVUE as a Student (15:20) Communicating with students and parents (16:02)
Taking Attendance
A short "cheat sheet" on how to take attendance by seating chart or list view. To take attendance, sign into TeacherVUE and select your class. In the picture below, the "Attendance" button is highlighted in yellow indicating that attendance has not been taken for this class yet. Secondary teachers can take attendance by seating chart or by list. Elementary teachers need to note both AM and PM attendance in the morning and should use the “attendance by list” option as it is quicker to take attendance this way. If you take attendance by chart you will need to submit AM and PM attendance separately. Note: While taking attendance, the "Home," "Grade Book" and "Report Card" menus will be disabled until you save your attendance or cancel. Attendance by Seating Chart 1. Mouse over the "Attendance" button and select "Chart." The system will remember this choice, so the next time you take attendance you can simply click the "Attendance" button. 2. Click once on a student picture to mark that student absent. Click a second time to mark them tardy. A third click will clear your marks. As you mark attendance, student names will appear on the right side of your screen in the "Reason Types" area. After submitting attendance this will change to a summary While taking attendance.... After saving attendance... 3. Click the green "Save" button when done. Attendance by List 1. Mouse over the "Attendance" button and select "List." The system will remember this choice, so the next time you take attendance you can simply click the "Attendance" button. Cells filled with N/A indicate a non-attendance day. This could be a holiday or a reflection of an A/B schedule at the secondary level. Elementary Teachers: click the "Both" radio button so you can take both AM & PM attendance at the same time. Tip: Mark PM attendance first so the green down arrow doesn't get in the way. 2. In the "Attendance List Configuration" area, change the "Calendar Display Order" from descending to ascending if desired. This will place the current date right next to the student name as pictured above. 3. Click inside the cell to mark attendance. Click once in the cell to mark that student absent. Click a second time to mark them tardy. A third click will clear your marks. As you mark attendance, student names will appear on the right side of your screen in the "Reason Types" area. After submitting attendance this will change to a summary. Elementary teachers, remember to mark both AM and PM attendance information. While taking attendance.... After saving attendance... 4. Clicking the green "Save" button will save your attendance and keep you on the attendance screen. Clicking the green "Save & Return" button will save your attendance and return you to your seating chart.
Running Reports
How to run reports in TeacherVUE for your class. Includes information on changing report parameters prior to execution. Contents Printing reports for your whole class Changing report settings Printing reports for an individual student Printing Reports for your Whole Class 1. Sign in to your class in TeacherVUE. 2. Move your mouse over the "Reports" button. A menu of available reports will appear. Elementary and secondary teachers will have different report options. 3. Most teachers should leave the “output type” selection on “PDF.” If you want to import the report data into a spreadsheet, select “TXT.” 4. Click on the name of the report you want. PDF reports will open either in a new browser window or in your computer's PDF reader. 5. If you selected “TXT” for your output type, you may be prompted to save the file or it may display on the screen. Downloaded files will go to your web browser’s default download location on your computer. Import this file into your favorite spreadsheet or database program. If the report displays on your web browser screen, you can copy & paste the contents into your preferred text editor. Changing Report Settings Synergy now offers the ability to modify report parameters before running the report. This section will show you the basics of setting report parameters before printing the report. We will use the "STU802 - Student Mailing Labels" report as an example. 1. In the "Reports" menu, you will now notice a small pencil icon when you mouse over each report. Clicking on the report name will run the report as normal with the default settings. Clicking on the pencil icon will open the report interface for making changes. 2. After clicking the pencil icon, you will see the report interface. On the main tab, you can change your report parameters.* For example, you could change the "Student Name Format" pulldown to "First MI. Last" to display in natural order or only check the "Show Parent Name" box so the student name is not included on the printout. The available options will change from report to report. An attendance report would have a field for selecting dates, but would not include label formatting options for example. Your best bet is to try the different options for each report to learn what they do. Note: since these reports are also accessed by secretarial and administrative staff that have access to the entire school, you will see options that are not relevant to you as a classroom teacher. Selecting options that you don't have access to (a different grade or teacher for example) will likely cause the report to fail with a "no data found" message. The report may run successfully, but revert to showing you information for your current class instead of reflecting your erroneous selections. 3. Click on the "Print" button to run your report. If you would like your selections to be the default for the report, click the "Save Default" button. Please do not use the "Email Me" button as we do not transmit student data via email. 4. Close the report interface window when done. Printing Reports for an Individual Student 1. On your seating chart, click on the picture of the student you want a report for. A menu for accessing student information, including reports, will appear. 2. Click on the report you want. Note: Elementary and secondary teachers will have different report options. 3. You can change report settings (as described above) by clicking on the pencil icon after the report name.
TeacherVUE App: Entering the District URL
How to set the URL in the TeacherVUE iOS app. Enter the URL below. Make sure you use https:// and NOT plain http:// https://sis-tigardtualatin.cascadetech.org/tigardtualatin Click the "Test" button. If the test is successful, click the "X" to save your changes. You should now be able to log in. You will need to force quit the app for the Google Log-In to appear.
TeacherVUE: Looking up Student Health Information
How to look up health information for students in your class. Covers looking up individual student and running whole class reports. Contents Individual student overview Viewing health management plans Running whole class health conditions reports Individual Student Overview 1. From your seating chart, click on the picture for the student you want health information on and select “Health” from the drop-down menu that appears. 2. In the new window that opens, click on the “Conditions” tab to view student health conditions. Viewing Health Management Plans 1. To view a student's health management plan document, click on the student picture again and this time select "student." 2. In the window that opens, select the "documents" tab and then the icon for the health management plan PDF. Running A Health Conditions Report For Your Whole Class 1. Open the "Reports" menu. 2. Select the "HLT404 - Class Health Conditions List" report. The report will open as a PDF similar to the one pictured below. Remember to keep this information confidential if you print it out.