Elementary Report Cards
Entering Grades By Student
Step by step instructions for entering grades into the elementary report card by individual student. Elementary Report Card Articles Overview - Homeroom & Math Overview - Music, PE, ELL and Reading Transferring Grade Book Marks to the Elementary Report Card Entering Grades by Class Entering Grades by Student (you are here) Using the Comment Bank Grading by Individual Student - "Classic" Mode When grading in classic mode, you will see all report card areas for a student on one screen and select grades using pulldown menus. 1. In TeacherVUE, go to the Report Card → Students menu. 2. Near the top of the page that opens click the "Options" button. Set the "Report Card Entry Mode" pulldown menu to "Classic" before proceeding. SHOW INACTIVE STUDENTS You can also check the "Show Inactive Students" box to view students no longer in your class. On the page you will also see a list of your students and the status of their report card. Select a student by clicking on their name. Their report card entry screen will open. 3. Use the pulldown menus to select grades for the student. When available, clicking the down arrow will copy the selected grade to all other report card items in that area. Note: If you are using the Synergy grade book, you may see numbers in the "Score" column. These are the marks that have been calculated based on grade book assignment scores. If your student sees a different teacher for reading, writing or math, you may see calculated marks from those teachers' grade books. 4. At the bottom of the page you will see comments for past and current terms. Before entering comments, you will need to save the marks you have entered. Click the green "Save/Continue" button at the top of the screen and then click on the pencil icon in the current term to add or modify comments. 5. On the comment screen screen you can enter comments by hand in the top pane or select from the bank of comments below by clicking on the blue plus sign. You can pull up your different lists of comments by language and subject area from the "Comment Bank" button. If you used the <> placeholder in some of your comments, the "Swap Type" pulldown menu lets you toggle between the student's first name (Asher in the picture) or pronoun (He). This lets you string together several comments and still have them read naturally. Important: All comments need to be in one paragraph. Please do not add new lines/paragraphs to your comments as this may cause the report card to exceed the page boundry. Important Note About Language: If you have students who will receive their report card in Spanish, select "Spanish" from the "Language" pulldown menu. Synergy will not translate English language comments into Spanish automatically. For district provided comments, when you select Spanish, you will see the comment in English followed by the Spanish translation. After inserting the comment, you will be able to manually delete the English portion of the comment. To identify students who receive the report card in Spanish, please refer to this short article. 6. Click the "Save Comments" button when done and then go to the Report Card ---> Students screen to select another student. Important Note:The step below covering marking grades complete is only for homeroom teachers. If you are not grading your homeroom class, you are now done entering grades. This step is not necessary to actually print report cards, but is recommended to help you and your front office track progress. 7. Homeroom Teachers: When the report card has been completed, it is time to mark the report card as complete. Go to the Report card → Students menu. Use the right facing arrows to mark individual students as complete or use the "Mark all complete" button to mark all students as complete. In the "Report Cards Complete" area you can use the left facing arrows or the "Mark all not complete" button to mark students as not complete. Music, PE, and ELL teachers will report directly to the front office when their marks are complete, so you do not need to wait for them. 8. OPTIONAL: On the Report Card → Students screen, click on the "View Report Cards" button on the right side of the page. On the new page that opens you will be able to generate a PDF of the report cards for your entire class using the "Generate Class Report Cards" button. You can review this PDF to make sure there are no missing grades. If you find students who are missing grades, you can mark them as not complete as described in step 6. 9. Congratulations, you are done entering grades for your students! Switching Classes For homeroom teachers who also have a reading or math class assigned, or for music & PE specialists who have multiple classes assigned, you will need to switch classes to enter grades for those students. You can switch classes from the class switcher, pictured below.
Elementary - Entering Grades By Class
Step by step instructions for entering grades into the elementary report card by class. Elementary Report Card Articles Overview - Homeroom Overview - Music, PE, and ELL Transferring Grade Book Marks to the Elementary Report Card Entering Grades by Class (you are here) Entering Grades by Student Using the Comment Bank Posting Grades by Class - Report Card Matrix 1. To enter the Matrix, log in to TeacherVUE and go to the Report Card → Report Card Matrix menu. 2. On the next screen, your current class and grading period should be selected for you, but you will need to select the "Template" for your report card. For most teachers, there should be only one choice, TTSDxx (yy-yy), where xx is your grade level and yy is the school year. For teachers with homerooms that cover more than one grade level, each grade level will be represented in the pulldown menu. Selecting a grade level template will load students from that grade below. After selecting your template, use the "Report Card Rows" pulldown menu to select the report card areas you want to score. 3. In the example above, I selected the "Writing" area which made the 11 columns for that area of the report card appear. If the area you are grading has too many columns to display on the screen, use the scroll tool to scroll through them. 4. Use the pulldown menus to assign marks to your student. When available, the green down arrow will copy a mark to all students below that don't already have a score. If you click the green arrow a second time it will copy that mark to all students below, overwriting any existing marks. As soon as you enter a mark, you will notice the "Report Card Rows" pulldown menu cannot be accessed. This indicates you have unsaved changes. You will need to click the "Save Scores" or the "Undo" button to make your next menu selection. 5. The last area in the "report card rows" pulldown menu is for typing in custom comments. Important: All comments need to be in one paragraph. Please do not add new lines/paragraphs to your comments as this may cause the report card to exceed the page boundry. If you prefer to select pre-made comments from a comment bank you set up, refer to our Adding Comments knowledgebase article. Important Note:The step below covering marking grades complete is only for homeroom teachers. If you are not grading your homeroom class, you are now done entering grades. 6. Homeroom Teachers: When the report card has been completed, it is time to mark the report card as complete and select the report card language for your students. Go to the Report card → Students menu. Use the right facing arrows to mark individual students as complete or use the "Mark all complete" button to mark all students as complete. In the "Report Cards Complete" area you can use the left facing arrows or the "Mark all not complete" button to mark students as not complete. Music, PE and ELL teachers will report directly to the front office when their marks are complete, so you do not need to wait for them. 7. OPTIONAL: On the Report Card → Students screen, click on the "View Report Cards" button on the right side of the page. On the new page that opens you will be able to generate a PDF of the report cards for your entire class using the "Generate Class Report Cards" button. You can review this PDF to make sure there are no missing grades. If you find students who are missing grades, you can mark them as not complete as described in step 6. 8. Congratulations, you are done entering grades for your students! Switching Classes For music & PE specialists who have multiple classes assigned, you will need to switch classes to enter grades for those students. You can switch classes Using the pulldown menu in the top left area of the screen.
Using The Elementary Report Card Comment Bank
How to set up and use your own "bank" of comments or access the district comment bank when entering grades into the report card. Elementary Report Card Articles Overview - Homeroom & Math Overview - Music, PE, ELL and Reading Transferring Grade Book Marks to the Elementary Report Card Entering Grades by Class Entering Grades by Student Using the Comment Bank (you are here) Overview Synergy lets you can create your own set of commonly used comments and quickly enter them when entering report card grades. You also have access to a set of district provided comments. Synergy's grade book offers some enhanced features that make comments read more naturally. Contents Creating Comment Bank Items Assigning comments to individual students Assigning comments by class Creating Comment Bank Items 1. From TeacherVUE, go to the Report Card ---> Students menu. 2. On the top right side of the screen, click on the "Edit Comment Bank" button. 3. In the window that opens you can view previously made comments filtered by subject and add new comments to your bank. Click on the "+ New" button. By default, new comments are generic and not associated with a particular content area. If desired, use the "Filter by Subject:" pulldown menu to associate your comment with a content area. In the example below, I have selected Math. 4. In the picture above you will also see that I have used some special placeholder codes that will be replaced when the comment is added to a student's report card. Non-binary Pronouns & Subject/Verb Agreement Be aware that swap tags only work for names and pronouns, and not the associated verb in the comment. For non-binary pronouns, this leads to a subject/verb agreement issue. Example: <> has excellent habits and attitude. He has excellent habits and attitude. She has excellent habits and attitude. They has excellent habits and attitude. Recommendation: Either use the "Name" swap tag or manually enter the comment so the subject & verb are in agreement. Don has excellent habits and attitude. They have excellent habits and attitude. <> will be replaced with the student's first name. <> lets you choose either the student's first name or the pronoun (he, she, or they for non-binary students) when adding comments. This can be handy when stringing together several comments so they read more naturally. <> or <> both will be replaced with He, She, or They. <> or <> both be replaced with him, her, or them. <> or <> both will be replaced with his, her, or their. In the example pictured above for a student named Lucia, the comment would read Lucia has made significant improvements in her understanding of basic math facts. If I had selected "pronoun" when adding the comment, it would read She has made significant improvements in her understanding of basic math facts. Instructions on toggling between first name and pronoun are in the "Using Comment Bank Items" section below. Note that the proper gender is still used even though the comment bank item used the <> placeholder. 5. Use the Spanish section to enter the comment in Spanish. Although Synergy provides a "Translate to Spanish" button, we recommend working with your ELL staff to create Spanish versions of your comments as they will be more accurate than the computer generated translation. When adding comments to the report card you will be able to toggle between your English and Spanish lists. Note: the pronoun placeholders described in step 4 do not translate to Spanish so the <> placeholder is the only one that is appropriate to use for comments in Spanish. 6. You can also opt to limit the availability of comments to a date range if desired. 7. Tip: Add a single space after the last period in each comment so you don't have to manually add spaces when combining multiple comments on the report card. 8. Click the "Save" button when done. Using Comment Bank Items - Individual Students 1. From TeacherVUE, go to the Report Card → Students menu. 2. Make sure that the "Report Card Entry Mode" pulldown menu on the left is set to "Classic" and not "Wizard" 3. Click on the name of a student to access their report card entry screen. Scroll to the bottom of the page. Here you will see previously entered comments for each term, if any exist, and an "Edit" pencil icon in each term box. Click the pencil icon for the current term. 4. At the bottom of the page you will see comments for past and current terms. Before entering comments, you should save any marks you have entered for the student. Click the green "Save/Continue" button at the top of the screen and then click on the pencil icon in the current term to add or modify comments. 5. In the comment screen area you can enter comments by hand in the top pane or select from the bank of comments below by clicking on the blue plus sign. You can pull up your different lists of comments by language and subject area from the "Comment Bank" button. If you used the <> placeholder in some of your comments, the "Comment Bank" pulldown menu lets you toggle between the student's first name (Asher in the picture) or pronoun (He). This lets you string together several comments and still have them read naturally. Important: All comments need to be in one paragraph. Please do not add new lines/paragraphs to your comments as this may cause the report card to exceed the page boundary. Important Note About Language: If you have students who will receive their report card in Spanish, select "Spanish" from the "Language" pulldown menu. Synergy will not translate English language comments into Spanish automatically. For district provided comments, when you select Spanish, you will see the comment in English followed by the Spanish translation. After inserting the comment, you will be able to manually delete the English portion of the comment. To identify students who receive the report card in Spanish, please refer to this short article. 6. When done entering comments, click the blue "Save Comments" button at the bottom of the screen and then the green "Save/Back to List" button. Do NOT click the green save button first or you will lose your comments! Using Comment Bank Items - Whole Class 1. Go to the Report Card Menu and select "Mass Assign Comments" 2. Filter your comment list by keyword, language etc and then drag the desired comment on top of a student's picture. Let go when the picture is highlighted. To add the same comment to all students, use the "select all" button and then drag the comment on top of one student's picture until it is highlighted. 3. Important: Since several teachers (homeroom, reading, ELL etc) may be entering comments for the same student, DO NOT use the "clear all comments" button. Use the "undo" button to back out of any mistakes you may make. 4. Save when done.
Posting Marks - Music, PE, and ELL
Describes the process for elementary school Music, PE, ELL and Reading teachers to enter grades into the elementary report card. Elementary Report Card Articles Overview - Homeroom Overview - Music, PE, and ELL (you are here) Transferring Grade Book Marks to the Elementary Report Card Entering Grades by Class Entering Grades by Student Using the Comment Bank Remember Music, PE & ELL teachers: Can only transfer or edit report card rows they are responsible for. The graphic below shows an overview of the process for posting grades for music, PE, ELD, and reading teachers. Detailed instructions with links to the relevant knowledgebase articles follow below. Using The Grade Book Sign in to your first class. Finish scoring any assignments as needed. Use the Report Card → Report Card Preview - Standards screen to transfer all calculated student marks to the report card. You will be able to manually adjust report card marks later if needed. Click the "Transfer All Student Marks" to post all marks for all students for this class. The knowledgebase article below explains the process: Transferring Grade Book Marks to the Elementary Report Card Change classes and repeat step 2 until done with all classes. Manually adjust/complete grades using the Report Card → Report Card Matrix Screen. The knowledgebase article below explains the process: Elementary Report Card: Entering Grades By Class When done with all classes, let the front office know. Do not mark grades complete as this will be done by the homeroom teacher. Not Using The Grade Book If you are not using the TeacherVUE grade book, you will need to manually score all students in your classes. Sign in to your first class. Use the Report Card → Report Card Matrix screen to score each student in the class manually. The knowledgebase article below explains the process: Elementary Report Card: Entering Grades By Class Change classes and repeat step 2 until done with all classes. When done with all classes, let the front office know. Do not mark grades complete as this will be done by the homeroom teacher.
Spanish Report Card
How to identify students who receive their report card in Spanish. Overview The grade book uses students' demographic data to determine whether they should receive their report card in English or in Spanish. This article shows you how to determine which students receive the report card in Spanish so you can switch to Spanish comments (district provided or your own) for those students. Instructions 1. Log in to TeacherVUE. 2. Go to the Report Card → Students menu. On the top right side of the page that opens, click on the "View Report Cards" button. 3. On the page that opens you will see a list of your students along with the report card language. You can print this page as a reference. Please do not change this setting. If it is not correct, let your front office know so they can update the student's demographic information. 4. Our comment bank article shows how to add Spanish language comments to the report card.
Printing Report Cards Without Grades
How to print blank report cards (with student data) to serve as a reference or for students who are withdrawn before the grading window opens. Sometimes is it handy to have a hard copy of the report card as a reference when entering grades. This article shows you how to print off blank report cards for your own use. Remember, the report cards that are sent home will be handled through your front office. Although these report cards don't have any grades, they will still be populated with student data: name, mailing address, student ID etc. 1. In TeacherVUE, go to the Report Card → Students menu. 2. If you want to include students no longer enrolled in the class, open Options and check the "Show Inactive Students" checkbox. 3. Near the top of the page that opens click on the "View Report Cards" button. 4. In the window that opens, click on the "Generate Blank Report Cards" button. This will create report cards for all of your students, but without grades. You can print one off as a reference.
Key to Elementary Report Card Marks
A key to the available elementary report card marks including ELD proficiency.
Transferring Grade Book Marks to the Elementary Report Card
How to transfer calculated marks from your grade book to the elementary report card. Instructions for Homeroom, Music, PE, and ELL Teachers. Elementary Report Card Articles Overview - Homeroom Overview - Music, PE, and ELL Transferring Grade Book Marks to the Elementary Report Card (you are here) Entering Grades by Class Entering Grades by Student Using the Comment Bank Getting Started Articles Standards Mode Setup Working With A Standards Based Grade Book This article will show you how to transfer marks calculated from grade book assignment scores to the report card. Only homeroom teachers and specialists (Music, PE, and ELL) will be able to use the Report Card Preview - Standards screen to transfer marks to the report card. Homeroom, Music, PE, and ELL Teachers After signing in to Synergy, homeroom, music, and PE teachers will be taken to their class or to the class selection screen in TeacherVUE. ELD teachers will need to get in to TeacherVUE by selecting the icon in the top left corner of the Synergy home page. To Transfer Marks 1. Open the Report Card Preview - Standards screen. 2. The Report Card Preview - Standards screen functions in the same way as the old Report Card Preview screen you may be familiar with, but the layout is simply a list of all report card standards without the content area headings. Just like the old Report Card Preview screen, transferring all student marks to the report card will overwrite any corresponding marks already on the report card. Transfer all student marks from this screen before making any manual adjustments to individual student marks. If you return to this screen after transferring marks, you will see those marks to the right of the pulldown menus. 3. Click the green "Transfer all student marks..." button at the top of the screen. You will see a warning message about overwriting existing marks. Since you haven't entered or adjusted any student marks yet, it is safe to continue. Rubric Key Mark Meaning 4 Exceeding Standard 3 Meeting Standard 2 Approaching Standard 2 Below Standard Successful Learner Key Mark Calculated Mark C Consistently O Often S Sometimes R Rarely 4. When you go to the Report Card → Students screen, you will see your transferred marks. 5. Clicking on the blue numbers will open a new window showing you the individual scores that contributed to the calculation. You can use the pulldown menus on the right to manually adjust student marks as usual. 6. Complete your report cards, using the Report Card Students screen of the Report Card Matrix screen.
Posting Marks Overview - Homeroom
Posting grades to the elementary report card. An overview for homeroom teachers. Elementary Report Card Articles Overview - Homeroom (you are here) Overview - Music, PE, and ELL Transferring Grade Book Marks to the Elementary Report Card Entering Grades by Class Entering Grades by Student Using the Comment Bank Remember Homeroom teachers: Can only transfer or edit report card rows they are responsible for. The graphic below show an overview of the process for posting grades for both homeroom teachers. Detailed instructions with links to the relevant knowledgebase articles follow below. Plan If you don't use the Synergy Grade Book, you can skip the "Plan" and "Post" instructions and go directly to "Complete." If you do use the Synergy grade book, complete grade book score entry. Post After assignment scores have been completed, transfer all calculated student marks from the grade book to the report card using the "Report Card Preview - Standards" screen. You will be able to manually adjust transferred report card marks later if needed, following the instructions in the "Complete" section below. Elementary Grade Book 101: Transferring Marks to the Elementary Report Card Complete To complete areas of the report card that don't have calculated marks from grade book assignments, or to manually adjust transferred scores, use the Report Card → Students or Report Card → Matrix screens. The knowledgebase articles below explain each of these options: RECOMMENDATION: Use Report Cart "Matrix" article to enter/adjust marks for Math, Reading, Music and PE classes. Elementary Report Card: Entering Grades By Class (Report Card "Matrix") Elementary Report Card: Entering Grades By Student (Report Card "Students") After all marks* are entered, the homeroom teacher will mark the report card complete for their class. Instructions are included in the Grades By Student article. *Music, ELL and PE will report to the front office separately when they have completed mark entry.