Konica Copier Setup Instructions
A print driver for the Konica Photocopier needs to be installed to your computer before you can print directly to the copier. Macintosh Instructions: Install the Konica Print Driver: Determine the Konica copier model you want to print to. (See TTSD Konica Copier List) Download the print driver for your Mac OS. You will need to know the Copier model (see step 1) and the Mac OS version (Apple >> About This Mac). The installation file will down-load to your Desktop or your Downloads folder as a zip file . Double click to open. It will expand into another folder which contains the print driver installer. Double click on the installer for your OS to install Follow all prompts to complete the install. You won’t see anything after the installation is complete. Setup the Konica Printer on your Mac (after installing the driver, above): Open a Word Document and choose File and then Print. On the Print window click the Printer drop-down menu. Select the Add Printer... near the bottom of the list. Click on IP icon at the top of the Add Printer window. Fill in the window with the following options: * Protocol: Line Printer Daemon - LPD * Address: See IP Addresses for your building * Queue: Print * Name: Konica B/W * Location: Where Copier is Located (Workroom) * Use: Choose "Select Software..." Search for "Konica" Select your copier version Click the Add button. The Installable Options window will open; select the following options: Click the Continue button; this will you to the Print window. * Paper Source Unit: None * Finisher: (FS-526 for Bizhub 552) * Punch Unit: (ZU-606 2/3 Hole for Bizhub 552) * Hard Disk: Checked * Secure Print Only: Unchecked From Print window, select Konica B/W from the Printer drop-down menu. Click Copies and Pages Choose Output Method Check the Account Track checkbox: * Department Name: LEAVE THIS BLANK * Password: enter your 4-digit department code * Save Settings: Checked * Do not show this window when setting: Unchecked Click OK In the Presets down-down menu at the top of the window and select Save Current Settings As Preset... Preset Name: Konica Preset Available For: Only this printer Click OK On the Print window, click the Print button to test your printer. When using any other application (Chrome, Firefox, etc), you'll have to select the Copier from the Printer list, and select the Konica Preset. (otherwise you'll need to select the output method from the "Layout" drop down menu. Window User Setup * Add the new printer: * For Windows XP machines (rectangular start button), go to the start menu and select “run”. In the run “open:” dialogue that pops up type: \\hood and hit enter. * For Windows 7 machines (round start button) in the “Search programs and files” area right above the start button type:\\hood and hit enter. * Browse all the hood shares until you find the printer called “bizhub751”. Double click on this printer. * Add your account code to the new printer’s settings: * From the open printer window that comes up after the drivers are installed, go to “printer” dropdown. * Select “printing preferences”. * Under the “basic” tab, locate the button for “Authentication/Account Track” and select it. * Leave the “Department Name” blank, and type your four (4) digit copy code into the field called “Password”. * Click “ok”, and then “ok” on the preferences screen. You now should be able to select the bizhub 751 printer and print successfully to it! If you are an Infinite Visions User an additional step needs to be taken! * Infinite Visions will require an additional step * From Visions go to file, print setup. * Select the Konica Minolta 751. * Click on Properties * Under the "Basic" tab, locate and press "Authentication/Account Track". * Enter your 4 digit copy code into the "Password" field. * Press "ok" three times. * You now should be set to print from Visions as well! List of Konica Copiers (you'll need to know your copier code) Konica Drivers: * Konica Website for Downloading Drivers If you have trouble with this process please put in a tech request.
Scanning to Email from Kyocera copiers
Kyocera copiers are set to scan to email. Click Image for Printable instructions:
Papercut Sign In
Papercut has been enabled for staff to use their Employee ID Number or Badge to log in. You must sign in to print, copy, and access the device features. If you Do Not know your Employee ID number, contact HR. LOGIN WITH BADGE CARD 1. Simply swipe your Badge Card across the card reader. (If this is your first time using the badge reader click here) 2. The Copier will log you in automatically LOGIN WITH EMPLOYEE ID NUMBER 1. Press the ID Number button 2. Enter your Employee ID 3. Press OK 4. Press Log In
Print to PaperCut Copiers
As of 12/26/2023 SecureCopier has been changed to SecurePrint. Print to Papercut Select “SecurePrint PaperCut” in the printer list on your device. (Click on See More if it is not automatically populated) 2. Print the document 3. At the Copier - Login with your Employee ID or swipe your badge. (If this is your first time using the badge reader click here) 4. Select "Print Release" to release the jobs from your queue
PaperCut: Authenticating Badge and Swipe Setup
Authenticating and Using Your Badge to Login 1. At the copier, scan your badge on the external card reader (Labeled with a Scan icon) 2. Enter your District Username and Password in the fields and click "Log In" 3. Scan your badge again to confirm your account has successfully linked to your card reader Once these steps are completed, you only need your badge to log into any PaperCut enabled device
Adding PaperCut to TTSD Managed Windows Devices
As of 12/26/2023 SecureCopier has been changed to SecurePrint. Adding SecurePrint printer on Windows 1. Click on the File Explorer icon. 2. In the address bar type in "\\ttsd-papercut" and hit Enter. 3. Double Click on SecurePrint-PaperCut to begin the installation process. Once it is done, the window will close and a new window will appear. At this point your printer will be ready to start printing.
Adding PaperCut to Chromebooks
Chromebooks use a universal Chrome Extension called Print Mobility. This allows for printing to any PaperCut printer/copier and is automatically installed. You will see the the names listed as TTSD-SecurePrint-PaperCut in your printer list. If you do not see the printer listed. Check Here or Contact IT Support.
How to Staple or 3 Hole Punch Print Jobs
1. Select Print from the File menu in Google Chrome. Click the dropdown on "More Settings". Select "Print using system dialogue" 2. Select "Printer Features" under the "Printer Options" dropdown. 3. Change "Feature Sets" to "Output. and select the desired staple and punch settings. 4. You can save these settings by selecting "Presets" and choosing "Save Current Settings as Preset"
Kyocera-SecureCopier Printer Features - Mac
Step by step guide on how to enable printer features such as stapling and 3 hole punch on Macbooks for Kyocera. Only works on Chrome 1. On Chrome, print the document as you normally would and select More Settings. Scroll down to Print Using System Dialogue 2. Click the i on Print Panel. Then click Settings. (It may take a few seconds to open up, so be patient) 3. Checkmark the boxes you want enabled and make adjustments as necessary for the print layout. 4. Select OK and Save the setting as a new Preset
PaperCut Troubleshooting and FAQ
PaperCut is a streamlined application that provides user control of when their jobs are released and authentication for more secure printing. As with every new technology, there may be some issues you encounter and this FAQ is here to help. Web Print URL -- http://ttsd-papercut:9191/user If you do not have PaperCut installed on your device, you can access the web print interface to upload documents for releasing. I do not have a Badge or Employee ID. How do I release my print job? If you do not have a way of releasing your print job, contact I.T. to grant you a badge number to associate with your account. This number will stay with you and will not change. PaperCut Client (Mac) 5/15/24 Update - A new window will now be displayed when you log into your Macbook to show your connection to PaperCut. This fixes the issue of jobs being sent to the copier but not showing up for release. Here is what the window looks like and the links. I get this message when I log into my Macbook This message indicates that your Macbook was not connected to the TTSD network when it tried to establish a connection to PaperCut. This usually happens when staff take their device home or if they were on TTSD-Guest or other WiFi networks. If you are on the TTSD network, select "OK" and PaperCut will reestablish the connection. No further action needed. My print job is missing and is not in my Print Release queue. Where did it go? When you send a print job through SecurePrint. It authenticates your username to the server and holds it in the queue. If your job is not showing for release, it can mean a couple things. 1) Your username on your device does not match the username of your TTSD credentials Fix - Log in and upload your document through Web Print Here to release it at the copier. Contact IT Support and we can either change your username on your device or add your device username as an alias to PaperCut at a later time. 2). Your driver is not updated, which causes the connection from your device to PaperCut to be broken. Fix - For Macbooks - Make sure the PaperCut Application is running, it will appear as at the top of your screen. If it is not there, go to Finder > Applications > PCClient For Windows, Chromebooks, iPads - A restart of the device will fix the issue. 3. Alternatively, you can open Self Service and run There are so many options, SecurePrint, SecureCopier, Kyocera-SecurePrint, TTSD. Which one do I need? Good question! As we evolved PaperCut since its deployment, we had to make changes that required changing the name as well. In short all you need is SecurePrint for most jobs and Kyocera-SecurePrint if you are printing to a Kyocera Copier. Here is the breakdown of what each queue does and it is normal if you have more than one installed. SecureCopier/Kyocera-SecureCopier - Basic printing in black/white. Does Not allow for color, 3 hole punch, or stapling. Removed on 5/15/24 SecurePrint - The Primary version. Allows for printing in color to applicable printers, 3 hole punching, and stapling. Kyocera-SecurePrint - The Primary version for Kyocera copiers. Allows 3 hole punching and stapling. Removed on 9/24/24 TTSD - You should not see this queue unless you are printing from a mobile or shared device. Such as iPads, Chromebooks, NWRESD Laptops, and Kitchen POS computers. This is just basic printing in black/white. Is there a way I can see what jobs I have sent and are actively waiting without walking over to the copier? Yes! You can view your summary report by logging in Here The message at the copier says "Unable to communicate with PaperCut/Application server" What does this mean? Copiers require a constant network connection to use PaperCut. In some cases the copier itself will need to be rebooted to re-establish a connection. If a reboot does not clear the message, contact IT Support. --Links to other setup guides--- Print to PaperCut Copiers PaperCut: Authenticating Badge and Swipe Setup PaperCut Sign In Print with 3 Hole Punch, Stapling, Color