Full Version of Infinite Visions (Core)
IVEE: Accessing local drives when logged into Infinite Visions (Mac)
Setting Up Local Drives: click "+" to add local folders (like Desktop, Documents) that you want to use when in IVEE. Accessing Files on Your Local Drives: Once in IV, to upload a file: Click icon / menu to upload file Select file: Navigate to Network > tsclient > your folders will appear (based on your selection in step #3 above)
IVEE: Accessing local drives when logged into Infinite Visions - Windows PC
1. Click on the Windows icon a. In the search bar, type, "Remote" b. Click to open the "Remote Desktop Connection" 2. The following window will appear. 3. If blank, enter the following for Computer: IV-APP-NEW.TTSD.TTSD.K12.OR.US 4. Next, Click on the down arrow to Show Options 5. Click on the Local Resources tab a. Click on the More button b. Select your C Drive C. On the General Tab, click Save a. b. c.
How to Install Infinite Visions on Mac Devices
The following instructions are for MAC device users. TTSD uses Remote Desktop Connection to access the Infinite Visions desktop version. If you do not wish to download anything onto your device, you can also use the iVisions Web Portal, however, not all features are available on the web portal version. Steps - At a Glance A. Install the Microsoft Remote Desktop app B. Install Infinite Visions into the Microsoft Remote Desktop app C. Edit Microsoft Remote Desktop/Infinite Visions Desktop Settings D. How to Open Infinite Visions in Microsoft Remote Desktop A. Install Microsoft Remote Desktop 1. From your device, open the TTSD Self-Service app. 2. Search for "Microsoft Remote Desktop". 3. Click on the "Microsoft Remote Desktop" icon to begin the installation. Once complete, click on the icon again to display the Microsoft Remote Desktop window, as seen below. Keep this window open. You will need it later on... B. Install Infinite Visions Accounting.rdp 1. Click on the Finder icon on your device. 2. From the menu bar up top, click on Go > Connect to Server. 3. A Connect to Server window will open. In the search field, type the following: smb://fs01 If that doesn't work, type smb://fs01.ttsd.k12.or.us 4. Click + to add the server connection as a favorite. 5. Click on Connect. 6. Click on, Connect As: "Registered User". 7. Use your TTSD credentials and Click on Connect. 8. From the list of volumes, click on Collaboration, then click OK. 9. From the Collaboration folders list, click on Installers for Staff, then Tyler_IV_Remote Desktop 10. From the content list, find SchoolERPPro-Accounting.rdp. 11. Drag and drop the app inside the Microsoft Remote Desktop window. The window appearance will change to this: C. Edit Desktop Settings for Infinite Visions Accounting.rdp 1. To edit desktop settings, click on the pencil. 2. Update user account info. 3. In the General Tab, select, Reconnect if the connection is dropped. 4. Select the Folders tab. 5. Add the folders you want to access while using Microsoft Remote Desktop. *** To attach documents saved onto your local device drive, you must first add the folder path here. *** 6. Save changes when done. D. How to Launch Infinite Visions Accounting.rdp 1. Double-click the Infinite Visions workstation icon in the Microsoft Remote Desktop window. 2. Sign in using TTSD credentials. (Username is not your full TTSD email address.) 3. When you see the next message window, click on Continue. Optional: Click on the button to show the certificate. Click on the box to always trust. To assign your default printer, follow these instructions. Selecting a Default Printer
How to Install Infinite Visions on PC Devices
The following instructions are for Windows PC device users. TTSD uses Remote Desktop Connection to access the desktop version of Infinite Visions. If you wish to not download anything onto your device, you can also use theiVisions Web Portal. Step 1 - Locate the Infinite Visions Software 1. Go to Collaboration (\\fs01) > Installers for Staff > Tyler_IV_Remote Desktop 2. In the Tyler_IV_Remote Desktop folder, select SchoolERPPro-Accounting.rdp file. Click, hold, drag, and drop the app onto your desktop. You can also copy the icon and paste it onto your desktop. 3. Double-click on the icon and enter your TTSD credentials. TIP: CHANGING DOMAIN TO TTSD IF NEEDED: Use \\TTSD\username on logon. Step 2 - Map Local Drives and Resources To access your files on your local drives (computer device) when logged into Infinite Visions, users must complete the following steps. These steps are necessary for uploading or attaching documents to Infinite Visions/TCM. 1. Click on the Windows button. Search your device for, "Remote Desktop Connection". This window will appear -> 2. In the Remote Desktop Connection window, type the following for Computer: IV-APP-2023.TTSD.TTSD.K12.OR.US 3. Click the down arrow to Show Options: 4. Click on the Local Resources tab. 5. Click on the More button. 6. Select your C: Drive(s) and any other drives you might need. 7. Click on the General tab again. 8. Click on Save. 9. Now minimize, and open your new Desktop SERPPro icon to logon. When you are logged in, then just close the screen below. To assign your default printer, follow these instructions. Selecting a Default Printer
How to Assign a Default Printer for Infinite Visions
How to Assign a Default Printer for Printing in iVisions or Infinite Visions Users will find that going to File > Print > Print Setup option from the main window in iVisions or Infinite Visions displays a dropdown list of printers available. However, users can’t assign a default printer from this window. Print Dialog - Wrong Print Window System Print Dialog - Correct Print Window Pro Tip: Use the Report Viewer window to assign a default printer. Instructions 1. Open the Report Viewer a. Go to Purchasing & Payables > Purchasing > Control Panel. b. Click Apply Selection to display records. From the grid, select any record. c. Go to Actions > Print Preview. A small window pops up, click OK. d. From the Report Viewer window, go to the Export tab and click on Print. The correct Print Window displays. 2. Select a Default Printer a. Right-click on a printer. b. A blank dropdown menu will appear. c. Select the 2nd blank space on the menu. The blank dropdown menu is the Print Options menu without the wording. Here is a side-by-side that defines what each empty menu bar space is. d. From the menu bar, click on Printer. e. Click on Set As Default Printer. f. Click on X to close this window. Printer not listed? If you do not see the printer you want to use, the printer is not set up on the IV Server. Please leave a comment with the printer model and IP Address in your tech request. You will be notified when the printer has been added.
How To Reduce a PDF File Size
HTML/Web Based Ribbon Bar
An overview of the ribbon bar in the HTML version of Tyler Content Manager (TCM) Please note: these screenshots are taken from the "Tyler HTML Integrated Viewer - 2017.4" Guide retrieved on 3/5/18 Retrieving documents in web based Infinite Visions The ribbon bar appears once you have retrieved a document in Infinite Visions. To view/retrieve any attached documents in TCM, click on the paperclip icon in web based Infinite Visions. The location of the paperclip will vary based on what module you are working in in Infinite Visions. If no paperclip is present, there are no attached documents. Ribbon Bar The ribbon bar in HTML TCM is a set of buttons that allow you to perform various functions on documents in TCM Document Category Attachment Category Annotation Category Workflow Category Tools Category Image Panel
How to review attachments - Infinite Visions
With the move to Tyler Content Manager (TCM), the process to attach and review documents with requisitions is changing. Please review the steps below to help you through this transition.
How to Set Up a New Scanner on Your Device for School ERP Pro (formally Infinite Visions) Users
School ERP Pro Systems (formally Infinite Visions) users who create Purchase Requisitions in Purchasing & Payables module will be required to include supporting documentation with their requisitions using the Attach Documents feature. Users can either attach files from their device or scan directly into IV/TCM. This article is for SERP Pro (IV) users who have obtained new desktop scanners. To set up the scanner, users need to download and install the scanner’s driver first and then the software. To download and install the scanner’s driver and software on a TTSD device, you’ll need to run Administrator Access application. Please follow the instructions below to complete the necessary steps. Go to the desktop taskbar. Click on the search icon. Type, “Administrator”. The icon looks like this → From the results displayed, click on Administrator Access. If your email and phone number don't auto-fill, enter your information. Next, enter the reason why you’re requesting Administrator Access. Go to the manufacturer's website. Examples: EPSON WEBSITE CANON WEBSITE Choose your scanner model from the list or search by the product name. Navigate to the Downloads tab. From the dropdown list, select your Operating System. Note: Your operating system may not be auto-detected. It’s recommended manually select your OS in the Operating System drop-down menu below to ensure you're viewing only compatible files. Click on Download on the recommended package installer. Note, that not all installers come in combo packages. Confirm you've downloaded the driver first, and then the software utilities. Do NOT plug in your scanner yet until prompted! After the driver installation, it will prompt you to plug in the scanner. Power on the scanner and plug the USB into the computer. Note: It may present you with more software updates. Open the software application in your Applications folder to scan a document. Pro Tip: If you downloaded the driver and can't find the application on your device, you are missing the software. Refer to the manufacturer's website or user guides for setup instructions.
iVisions Login Instructions
The first time you log into iVisions, you will be required to authenticate your user ID typing the first two digits and last two digits of your SSN, and your date of birth in the required format (mm/dd/yyyy). You need to be connected to the network or logged into VPN to access this site. Login Instructions 1. Visit the TTSD Staff Portal and find Quick Links. Click on iVisions Login Window for iVisions Web Portal 2. Enter your TTSD Credentials for the User ID and Password for iVisions to validate the login. For User ID, do not include @ttsd.k12.or.us If the login is valid, the Connection Group Name dropdown activates and displays accessible connection groups. 3. If the correct Connection Group displays, click on Login open iVisions. If not, select the correct Connection Group from the Name dropdown. Then click Login. You can also access iVisions through Infinite Visions. 1. Go to the Edit Tab located on the main window menu. 2. Click on Log into iVisions Workflow as seen below. 3. Your user ID and password will auto-fill. Select the most current year from the Connection Group dropdown. If you have issues logging in, you may not have access to this system. If you find this to be an error, please take a screenshot of the error, create a tech request, and include the image with your tech request.